Why It’s More Important Than Ever to Stop Eating Chickens

Think chicken slaughter can’t get any crueler? Think again.

© Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals
Chicken Gets Star Billing in Quirky Short Film

A plucky chicken tells of life on a factory farm. Will she get out alive?

Chicken Industry Faces Challenge From Beyond Meat

Beyond Meat CEO Ethan Brown is taking Big Ag to task, and he’s naming names.

Moms: Do Your Sons a Favor and Let Chickens Keep Their Wings

Findings published by the Study for Future Families showed a significant link between eating chicken during pregnancy and smaller penis size in male infants.

Woman Horrified to Find Chicken … in Her Chicken

An Arizona woman was so distraught after finding a chicken foot in a package of chicken breasts at Safeway that she contacted the media.

Hundreds Die in a Single Highway Accident—PETA Wants Them Remembered

When a driver overturns a truck hauling 5,400 chickens, PETA wants people not to brush off what happened to those individuals as if it were nothing more than widgets being spilled onto the road. That’s why PETA is asking for permission to place this memorial sculpture near the site in Salem, Oregon, where the chickens—who … Read more »

Larger Cages? We Don’t Want ANY Cages for Hens

The Egg Products Inspection Act Amendments of 2013, which Congress is currently considering, could keep hens used by the egg industry confined to cages forever. The legislation is spearheaded by the industry’s trade association, the United Egg Producers, and, if passed, may overturn existing bans on cages for hens and legitimize and engrain so-called “enriched” or … Read more »

Victory! Council Rejects Proposed Chicken Factory Farm

In a rousing victory for animals, a county planning commission in the U.K. has denied a notorious chicken factory farm a spot within its borders.  Harrison Farms had asked the Shropshire Council for permission to build an intensive factory farm in which 330,000 chickens at a time would be tightly crammed into dark sheds until … Read more »

Hens Say There’s No Such Thing as Humane Eggs!

Ever wonder what hens would say if they could describe their lives on egg factory farms? Wonder no more: “For as long as I can remember, I’ve been locked in this crowded, filthy cage,” says the “hen” in the video. “Day after day, month after month, this is my entire life.” Hens crammed into cages on … Read more »

‘Chickens’ Crash International Poultry Party

Every year, people who exploit chickens and reduce them to bits in a bucket gather at the International Poultry Expo to congratulate each other on making money at it. So this year, PETA sent a flock of “birds” to suggest that attendees give a cluck about chickens: Banging on pots and pans and shouting, “We are … Read more »

Buyer Beware: The Fraud and Fallacy of ‘Humane’ Eggs

Last week, PETA Germany released the findings of its undercover investigation of three “free-range” egg farms. What the group found was pretty much the same kind of horror story that we’ve had in the U.S. and the U.K.: Far from the idyllic barnyards that people might associate with “humanely raised” or “free-range” eggs, the investigators for … Read more »

PETA Gives Honey Boo Boo ‘Not a Nugget’ Power

Honey Boo Boo has found something else that makes her holla: her new companion chicken. Alana Thompson’s mother says that HBB and her BFF (best fowl friend) are practically inseparable. Why, then, would the pint-sized reality star name her chicken Nugget? PETA wrote to Honey Boo Boo asking her to change Nugget’s name to “Not a Nugget,” … Read more »

Transport: Torment in Motion

When a woman contacted PETA with information about trucks jammed full of birds routinely driving through her area, she added that two chickens had fallen off a truck that morning. She had taken them home with her, where she gave them food, water, and bedding.   One of the injured birds had died, and the … Read more »

AZ Abortion Debate Inspires PETA Ad

PETA wants to give parties on both sides of the debate over Arizona’s new law banning abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy some other food for thought as we get set to display a new billboard in the Phoenix area. We think that everyone should be able to agree about death on factory farms and … Read more »

Chickens Aren’t Gay at Chick-fil-A

Chick-fil-A, the house of the homophobic waffle fries, wants homosexual people just to accept not having equal rights and chickens just to accept having their throats slashed and being scalded to death.  But a flock of protesters crashed Chick-fil-A’s Appreciation Day to show that they don’t appreciate the fast-food chain’s efforts to keep people in … Read more »

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