Having Eggs? This Fleshy Object Will Make You Rethink Breakfast

Not a fan of eating embryos or body parts? Just another reason to go vegan.

Oscars Celebration Will Offer Delicious Vegan Menu

Nominated PETA friends Casey Affleck and Natalie Portman will dine on decadent gnocchetti in cashew cream, cupcakes, and more at Oscars Govenors Ball.

Ducklings Drowned in Scalding-Hot Water on Chinese Farm

This type of cruelty, although upsetting, is sadly very familiar. Often, eating one animal may involve the death of scores of others.

Chicks Crushed, Drowned, and Burned to Death for Eggs and Meat

Video obtained by PETA India from Anonymous for Animal Rights taken inside several of India’s hatcheries and farms reveals shocking similarities to U.S. abuses.

These Valentine’s Day Lovers Show That Compassion Can Up Your Bed Game

Get the word out: Vegans make better lovers.

Animal Rights Organization Urges People Not to Buy ‘Humane Eggs’

Costco customers should watch Direct Action Everywhere’s investigation of a “humane” egg farm.

The New York Times Shines a Spotlight on the Dark Secrets of ‘Humane Meat’

In a revealing article, The New York Times reports that animals on “humane” farms can still endure crowding, tail-docking, branding, beak slicing, and more.

© iStock.com/4FR
VIDEO: Ballet Dancer Sylvie Guillem Raises the ‘Barre’ for Animals

Iconic dancer Sylvie Guillem shows how anyone can jump-start the new year by switching to healthy and compassionate vegan meals.

Watch This Woman Rescue Chickens Moments Before Slaughter—and Try Not to Cry

In a short video titled “The Machine,” a Danish woman shines a light on the scope of suffering in the egg industry.

© iStock.com/Gravicapa
PETA Offers to Help White House Spring Into a New Tradition

We’re offering to provide plastic and ceramic eggs in place of the thousands of chicken eggs slated for use in the 2016 White House Easter Egg Roll.

Animal Advocates Target Whole Foods CEO for ‘Greenwashing’ During Debate

Animal advocates are not going to let the lie of “humane meat” … well, lie.

Video: Emma’s Story—a Revealing Look Inside a ‘Humane’ Egg Shed

California’s Proposition 2 was supposed to help hens, but a recent investigation shows that little has changed.

Photos: Rescued Chickens—Wings Intact—Were Guests of Honor at PETA Super Bowl Party

Rescued chickens in a miniature football stadium are all you need to see this Super Bowl week.

Video: Millions Meet PETA Online for #30DaysOfVegan

Eating vegan is healthy, satisfying, and fun, but how do you show people that? PETA found 30 ways in 30 days during World Vegan Month in November.

PETA’s 2015 Company of the Year Is All Heart

Who can we thank for the vegEMOJI app, Vegenaise, and the all-new VeganEgg? PETA’s 2015 Company of the Year.

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