Canada’s Food Guide Favors Plant-Based Protein Over Animal Flesh, Dairy

The meat and dairy industries understandably feared Canada’s new food guide: Dishonest claims that they’ve pushed for decades are crumbling.

PETA Exposes This Cage-Free ‘Chicken Disneyland’ as Hell for Hens

The only thing this egg farm has in common with Disneyland is the severe crowding. A PETA eyewitness video reveals that cage-free hens are still miserable.

Why Real Feminists Should Stop Eating Eggs

What does it mean when women pay for another female’s eggs even if she was imprisoned, controlled, and forced to produce them?

How a PETA Contest Persuaded This Whole Family to Eat a Vegan Holiday Meal

What happens when a vegan takes charge of the family holiday feast? Everyone enjoys delicious food without harming a hair on an animal’s head

Prop 12 Fails Hens, Misleads Kind Consumers—Don’t Be Duped

Prop 12 allows farmers to continue cramming sensitive, thinking birds into sheds by the thousands. Don’t let the labels fool you.

Is Eating Cheese Even Worse Than Eating Meat? A Consideration for Vegetarians

Animals used for meat are reared and then killed. Cows used for dairy “products,” however, are exploited and abused for years … and THEN killed. Is one worse?

13 Grim Photos Reveal the Tragedy of Animals Abandoned in Hurricane Florence

Countless animals were left to fend for themselves, or worse, trapped inside barns and sheds with no chance of escaping rising floodwaters.

Jo-Anne McArthur | We Animals
Meet Your ‘Happy’ Meat: 46 Cruelty Charges for Owner of ‘Happy’ Farm

Here is further proof that animals suffer on farms labeled “happy,” “family-owned,” “small,” and “free-range.”

Are Hens Still Suffering, Being Beaten, and Dying at Oklahoma Factory?

Cal-Maine Foods took over Mahard Egg Farm, where live hens were found amid rotting corpses in manure pits and filthy cages. Urge the company to end and prevent cruelty!

What do Jack Daniel’s, IBM, Gucci, and Forever 21 have in common? PETA’s top news for July

These victories—which our supporters made possible—were huge. Can you believe they’re just a taste of all that we accomplished in July?

PETA Seeks Life Insurance Policy on Man Who Eats a Strict ‘Carnivore Diet’

The “carnivore diet” means having no carbs or veggies as well as an accelerated path to an unhealthy, foreshortened life. Spada
Kat Graham Exposes Hens Buried and Trapped in Manure—Take Action Today!

The “Vampire Diaries” star reveals how eyewitnesses found hens buried in manure pits—and others in pain and crammed into cages alongside the dead.

Is Leonardo da Vinci the Forefather of the Animal Rights Movement?

Leonardo da Vinci was known just as much for his extraordinary artwork as for his scientific genius, but did you know he was also an animal rights pioneer?

A Vegan America Could Feed 350 Million More People, Study Reveals

Our food system is failing to end hunger here in the U.S., but a new study proposes we could feed 350 million more people by going vegan.

PETA’s February Was Proof That Love (for Animals) Is a Battlefield

Valentine’s Day wasn’t all hearts and smiles. PETA spiced things up with some “tough love” for animal abusers around the world in February.

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