Animal Companions
Kitty Beef

We’ve been getting a lot of calls from people asking what we’re going to do about some new websites that are being passed around, called and, which are purporting to sell prime cuts from kittens and puppies at discount prices. Well, the simple answer is … we’re not really going to do all … Read more »

Animal Companions
Multiple Stab Wounds May Shorten Life Expectancy

PETA Files reader Dave Cortright passed this hilarious Onion video on to me and I just had to share. Study: Multiple Stab Wounds May Be Harmful To Monkeys The sad thing is that animal experiments just as absurd as this fictional one still take place. Take smoking/nicotine experiments, for example. We know that smoking is … Read more »

Animal Companions

I got a real kick out of this Bizarro comic someone scanned from their newspaper and sent in the other day, and the wonderful Dan Piraro, the longtime PETA supporter and animal rights advocate who writes the strip, was gracious enough to send me a high-quality version to put on the blog. Thanks, Dan!

Animal Companions
Me No Won’t B Burgers

Anyone familiar with lolcats? This is a take on the phenomenon that my friend Joel made with an image that’s been circulating everywhere on MySpace. Childish? Yes, a little. Joel’s particular brand of genius can manifest itself in odd ways sometimes—but the message is still sound, methinks.

Animal Companions
Human Battery Cage

Thanks to James over at The Daily Veg for sending in these pics. For more information about what hens have to go through so that people can have eggs for breakfast, click here.

Animal Companions
Another KFC Supplier of the Year Caught in the Act

You may remember that we kicked off our KFC Campaign a few years ago after an undercover investigator at a KFC Supplier of the Year in Moorefield, West Virginia, discovered workers throwing live birds against walls, kicking them like soccer balls, and spitting tobacco juice into their eyes. Well, one of our investigators just returned … Read more »

Animal Companions
Brief Message From a Chicken

A little while back, I wrote about the worldwide competition that the Young Guns ad agency held for people in the advertising industry to make a new PETA PSA. The official winner of that contest was “Your Parents Do It: Don’t Block It Out”, a brilliant idea put together by the BBDO Agency in Montréal. … Read more »

PETA India’s Egg Protest

Total winner, this one. With Easter coming up, a lot of people have eggs on the brain, especially in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, where, according to RXPG News, “Christians across the state consume eggs lavishly after the Sunday Easter mass.” Before I go on, I do want to take the opportunity to write that one more time, … Read more »

Animal Companions
Kansas State Bans Chicken Toss

Do you really need a letter from PETA and an official ban from your school administration to figure out what’s wrong with throwing live chickens onto a basketball court during a game? In the case of the moronic Kansas State fans who did exactly that during a game against rivals KU, the answer, of course, … Read more »

WTF, Monks?

The high school I went to was a small Catholic school in DC called St. Anselm’s Abbey School, which was run by Benedictine monks. Although it was pretty stressful academically—and kind of traumatizing that there were no girls there—the experience was one of the best of my life, in no small part because of the … Read more »

Animal Companions
CSI Investigates…Poultry Slaughter

If you caught the new episode of CSI on Thursday, you’ll know that the story involved a murder at a “poultry manufacturing plant.” Meaning, like, a murder of a human. But there was also plenty of footage used in the show from PETA undercover investigations of chicken slaughterhouses. We’re already big CSI fans because of … Read more »

Animal Companions
Kentucky Fried Colonel

In the course of negotiations with a company like KFC—which refuses to make even minimal improvements in the lives of the billions of chickens it uses for profit—there is a time for subtlety and there’s a time for burning their corporate logo in effigy. This past week turned out to be of the latter sort. … Read more »

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