Newsweek Cover Story

GorillaHaven/Creative Commons Sadly, it’s not often that animal issues of any sort get front page coverage in a national news magazine. But, this week it happened. In case you haven’t seen it, I wanted to point out Newsweek’s superb coverage of the mass slaughter of gorillas in the Congo. For years, the largest threat to … Read more »

Second Life Slogan Contest Winners

A lot of people have been writing in to ask who won the Second Life anti-fur slogan contest I was talking up a few weeks ago. Well, the virtual ballots have been cast, and the winners have been announced. Here are the winning slogans, and the awesome Stella McCartney display stand that will memorialize their … Read more »

PETA Lighthouse?

Freshpage/Creative Commons There are a few old lighthouses on the East Coast being offered up free of charge to a nonprofit or other qualified entity under the Lighthouse Preservation Act of 2000. So—of course—we’re applying for them. What international animal protection organization doesn’t need a lighthouse or two, right? The first of the lighthouses we … Read more »

Paris and Britney Screw Up Again

Dailystab/Creative Commons Sometimes, there’s more going on in the gossip columns of People and other celebrity-focused magazines than you might think. Most recently, there’s been plenty of chatter about Britney Spears and Paris Hilton’s new puppies, which completely glosses over what, to me, is the main angle for the story: That by buying animals from … Read more »

Vick Codefendant Pleads Guilty …

… but first, here’s a comic from the wonderful Dan Piraro that I think just about sums it up: One of Michael Vick’s codefendants, Tony Taylor, changed his plea to guilty today. Taylor admitted to the court that he helped buy pit bulls and puppies and executed animals who didn’t do well in performance tests … Read more »

The Two Coreys

I know I just blogged about this on Friday, but I just couldn’t resist another entry . . . OK, so maybe it has a little something to do with the fact that I grew up with The Lost Boys and The Goonies, but I absolutely loved the premiere of the new A&E reality show … Read more »

Controversial Fish Billboard Rejected

I just got word from our media department that PETA’s latest billboard, which shows a patient in a Japanese hospital who suffered brain damage from mercury that was traced to contaminated fish, along with the tagline “Extreme Case of Mercury Poisoning: How Much Is in Your Fish?” was banned in Providence by all three of … Read more »

Bea Arthur Fights Foie Gras

I just love Bea Arthur. She has been speaking up for animals for years, most recently narrating this moving KFC video and helping with our Petsmart campaign. Now she is turning up the heat on Beverly Hills restaurant Matsuhisa—where she has been a loyal customer since it opened in 1987—for serving cruel foie gras. Check … Read more »

David Beckham on NPR

Larevistadelcorazon/Creative Commons My boss Tracy is a bit of an NPR junkie, and she heard a piece on there the other night about how new LA Galaxy star David Beckham wears only synthetic soccer cleats. He said it was because of his wife Victoria’s influence. OK, so it’s not the hugest news on the planet, … Read more »

Victory: Nike Suspends Vick Contract

Following PETA protests outside Niketown stores and countless calls and emails to the company asking that they cut ties with Michael Vick in light of horrific allegations of his involvement with dogfighting rings, Nike has released the following statement: “Nike has suspended Michael Vick’s contract without pay, and will not sell any more Michael Vick … Read more »

Watch “The Two Coreys” this Sunday

The new reality show, “The Two Coreys,” premieres this Sunday at 10pm EST on A&E, and PETA Campaigner Nicole Matthews is on the show. There’s been a lot of office chatter about it and it sounds like it’s going to be off the hook. In more good news, we’ve got a sneak peek for you … Read more »

PETA’s Prescription for Presidential Polyps

Aramnaharaim/Creative Commons With that subject line you may be expecting a punch line here, but I’m under strict orders to play this one straight. Apparently, the “First Colon” is not to be joked about . . . So, no snickering. Anyway, I’m sure you all heard that President Bush had five polyps removed from his … Read more »

PETA Calls on State to Investigate UConn Violations

Remember the University of Connecticut story from a couple of weeks ago? Long story short: the USDA fined the University of Connecticut Health Center (UCHC) for seven violations of the Animal Welfare Act, stemming from experiments in which a guy named David Waitzman bolted restraint devices to monkeys’ heads, drilled holes in their skulls, attached … Read more »

Vick Pleads Not Guilty

All day today, PETA protesters and hundreds of members of the public stood outside the U.S. District Court in Richmond, Virginia, to call for vigorous prosecution of Michael Vick and the three other men charged in this horrific dogfighting case. Although this story is the first glimpse for many people of exactly what dogfighting is … Read more »

Castrol Motor Oil Revises Ad

As regular readers of this blog will know, PETA President Ingrid Newkirk is a huge fan of Formula 1 racing. Which means that she is incredibly knowledgeable about things like who has the best pit crew or which motor oil is better. Well, with the nation focused on dogfighting right now following the Michael Vick … Read more »

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