Warning: Road Hazards You’d Never Even Dream Of!

As if we didn’t have enough to worry about during the holiday travel season, now there’s a new road hazard: deadly bacteria. And it comes to you courtesy of your pals in the chicken industry. In case you don’t happen to be a regular reader of the Journal of Infection and Public Health, a recent … Read more »

Breaking Open the Rotten Egg Industry

You know how we always say that chickens are the most abused animals on the planet? Well, watch this horrific video and you’ll see why. A new investigation by our friends at Mercy for Animals has once again exposed the cruelty behind the egg industry. Undercover footage taken at one of the largest egg farms … Read more »

Happy World Farm Animals Day!

As I’m sure you are already aware, today is World Farm Animals Day! It’s a good time for all of us to remember the pain that many farmed animals go through every day for human consumption, but it’s also a good time to remember the joy that animals bring to our lives. In light of … Read more »

Top Five Animal Athletes

Staying up ’til the wee hours of the morning to catch your fave Olympians go for the gold in Beijing? That’s cool. But what’s even cooler is the fact that the best athletes in the world can be found in the animal kingdom, not the Olympic Village. If the Summer Olympics were open to all … Read more »

Hard-Boiled Justice

You know what it’s like—you get started with something, thinking you’ll have just this one or do it just this once, and then you think, “One more wouldn’t hurt, right?” And before you know it, it’s all out of hand. Of course, when I do it, I end up eating half a package of Newman-Os, … Read more »

Tastes Like Chicken!

Quick—what reason do people usually give for continuing to eat meat even after you’ve told them about all the awesome health, environmental, and animal welfare benefits of going vegetarian? If you said taste (as in, people don’t want to give up meat because they like the taste), you win $1 million! Not really (sorry!), but … Read more »

Government Investigation Confirms Butterball Cruelty

The USDA just completed an investigation of a Butterball turkey slaughterhouse in Arkansas that confirmed PETA’s findings of intentional cruelty to animals, including punching, kicking, and tormenting turkeys destined for slaughter. So what happens next? Well, not much, as far as the law’s concerned: Because there simply aren’t any federal legal protections for chickens and … Read more »

Mr. Joy: Chick Magnet

It’s not too often that you hear about a chicken who is the center of attention rather than the center of a dinner plate. That’s why I was so psyched to run across this article about Mr. Joy. A therapy chicken who visits assisted-living centers around Charlotte, North Carolina, Mr. Joy totally digs it when … Read more »

Top 10 Father’s Day Ideas!

Father’s Day is this coming Sunday, and I am absolutely certain that most people reading this are still procrastinating about buying their gift or planning their day. The good people at PETA (read: I) put together this list of some of the best things to do with or for Dad this year, so you really … Read more »

Exotic Skin in Florida

I love this. There’s more info on the exotic skins industry here.

U.K. Study: 5,500 Chickens Tossed in the Trash Every Single Day

Remember when your mom would tell you that you should finish your food because there were kids in China who were going to bed hungry? Well, it turns out that moms in the U.K. never told their kids that—or the kids just plain didn’t listen. Earlier this month, the U.K.-based Waste & Resources Action Programme … Read more »

Historic Victory! PETA Wins KFC Campaign in Canada

If I were to list the most interesting experiences I’ve had in my 26 years of life, I’d say that eating a meal of vegan fried chicken with the president of the company that coordinates the purchasing of chickens for all Canadian KFCs at the PETA HQ—in the midst of our bitter five-year battle with … Read more »

Meanwhile, at the Egg Farm…

Horrible as it is to watch, this video should be mandatory viewing for anyone who still believes that the egg industry treats chickens humanely. The investigation, conducted by our friends at Mercy for Animals, shows workers at one of the largest egg companies in the U.S. mercilessly abusing chickens who spend their entire lives crammed … Read more »

Deflocked, by Jeff Corriveau

Deflocked, baby. Deflocked. Click for a larger version To check out the archives of past strips, click here.

Tyson Caught Again … and Again

In 2005, PETA released footage from an undercover investigation into a slaughterhouse run by KFC Supplier Tyson Foods, which showed live chickens’ heads being ripped off, among other acts of unbelievable cruelty. Two new PETA investigations of the company, which have just been released today, reveal that Tyson has done nothing to prevent the torture … Read more »

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