PETA Germany’s Investigation Reveals Cruelty to Chickens

Last week, PETA Germany released an undercover investigation inside a farm owned by “cage-free” Wiesenhof. The company is a giant producer in the world’s chicken-meat industry, and it sells its chicken flesh worldwide, including right here in the U.S. Undercover footage taken at Wiesenhof’s hatching facilities shows untrained workers breaking chickens’ necks, failing to treat … Read more »

Feds Remind Personnel of 28-Hour Law to Spare Animals in Transport

cidlines / CC   Nothing ruins a road trip more than seeing an 18-wheeler driving down the highway crammed tight with animals destined for slaughter. From state to state, regardless of weather, animals are carted from factory farms and feedlots—where they suffer short, miserable lives—to slaughterhouses, where their throats are cut or they are scalded … Read more »

Chicken-Feces Sculpture of Colonel Sanders?

Let me count the ways … in which PETA’s proposed chicken-feces sculpture of Colonel Sanders would be a perfect centerpiece for downtown Corbin, Kentucky, where Sanders set up mass-murder shop in the 50s.   stevesayskanpai / CC   The city of Corbin has plans to erect a bronze statue of Colonel Sanders, but before the … Read more »

Chrissie Hynde’s McCruelty Billboard Rejected

When rock deity Chrissie Hynde says “I’ll Stand By You,” she really means it. When we told Hynde that we were resurrecting our McCruelty campaign, she pulled out all the stops, starting by unveiling her new “i’m hatin’ it” ad in Salt Lake City, where throngs of people were thrilled to see the powerful image. … Read more »

Ana Ortiz Says No More McCruelty

uglybettynews / CC   Ana Ortiz—the award-winning actor of Ugly Betty fame—is just as awesome in person as she is in character as Hilda Suarez. Case in point? She’s just written a letter to the National Council of La Raza (NCLR)—the largest national Latino civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States—urging the group … Read more »

Send In the (Killer) Clown

Last year’s McDonald’s Thanksgiving Parade in Chicago was chock-full of behemoth balloon characters and live entertainment (was that the cast of Jersey Boys I saw serenading their way down State Street?), but something was missing … Wait, I know! Where was the killer clown? Considering that McDonald’s refuses to adopt controlled-atmosphere killing (CAK)—the less cruel … Read more »

Bud Adams: Give McCruelty the Bird!

Last Sunday, Tennessee Titans owner Bud Adams ecstatically extended his middle fingers as he rejoiced in his team’s victory against the Buffalo Bills—and later paid a titanic fine of $250,000. Who knew that giving the bird could be so expensive?! Lucky for Adams, we’ve got a bird for him to give that costs nothing and … Read more »

Chicken ‘Bones’

It’s not like I don’t already watch Bones religiously, but I’m definitely tuning in for this week’s episode, in which our intrepid heroes, Brennan and Booth, try to get to the bottom of the murder of a chicken factory farmer. The main suspects are the farmer’s neighbors—who are no doubt not terribly keen about living … Read more »

South Park’s ‘Whale Wars’ Parody–‘Normal Like Us’

Oh, South Park. So irreverent, yet poignant! Consider last night’s Whale Wars parody, in which Stan takes Captain Paul Watson’s place in the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and steps up the conservationists’ campaign in a way only possible through cartoon violence. (Yes, there were explosions.) Amidst the world’s rightful outcry at the injustice of whaling, … Read more »

Michigan Bans Battery Cages and Crates

Yesterday was a momentous day for animals living on farms in Michigan, where Gov. Jennifer Granholm signed a bill into law that phases out veal crates, battery cages, and gestation crates on farms across the state!   greenbudget.wordpress / CC   Michigan farmers have been given three years to phase out veal crates and 10 … Read more »

The Puppy in the Recliner

For those of you who receive PETA’s quarterly magazine, Animal Times, you’re in for a treat (as always) when the latest issue hits mailboxes this month. If you haven’t gotten around to subscribing (it’s free with your PETA membership), here’s one of the many great articles you’d find—an exclusive sneak peek at PETA President Ingrid … Read more »

Chickens Launch Coup Outside ‘Jay Leno’

I thought that getting Tom Cruise to squirm uncomfortably during the premiere of The Jay Leno Show would be the program’s most misguided attempt at “fun.” Wrong. Apparently, Jay Leno’s stint as a teenage employee under the Golden Arches got execs at NBC and McDonald’s thinking that the talk show host should feature a month-long … Read more »

My Weekend Snuggling With Animals

Who needs a spa treatment when you can rejuvenate your soul by nuzzling 800-pound piggies at an animal sanctuary? Well, a group of us kids from PETA and the PETA Foundation were lucky enough to do just that over the weekend. An hour north of D.C. lies a spectacular oasis called Poplar Spring Animal Sanctuary. … Read more »

Money for the Merciful

With Yom Kippur just around the corner, we’d like to urge all our Jewish readers to speak out against the killing of chickens for kapporos. Kapporos is a sacrificial ritual that takes place on the eve of Yom Kippur. This ritual is sometimes performed by swinging a live chicken around the head three times and … Read more »

Chicken-Catching Country Crooner to Help Birds?

aceshowbiz / CC This week, Kevin Skinner—an unemployed chicken catcher from Mayfield, Kentucky—sang and strummed his way to the top of America’s Got Talent and walked away with a cool million dollars. Congratulations, Kevin! Kevin’s been given a new start on life. Wouldn’t it endear him to millions of people if he were to extend … Read more »

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