USDA Cites University of Utah for AWA Violations

This just in: In response to PETA’s undercover investigation of animal experiments at the University of Utah (the U) and the complaint that we filed with U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the U has been cited for nine violations of federal animal protection laws, including the following: Causing a kitten to die from dehydration Keeping … Read more »

No-Nonsense Message From Bea-yond the Grave

Honorary PETA director Bea Arthur had no intention of letting a little thing like, say, death stop her from speaking out against cruelty to animals. The Golden Girl is taking on the Golden Arches’ chicken abuse in a full-page PETA ad in Thursday’s Chicago Tribune—paid for by Bea herself through a gift in her will. … Read more »

Want Flies With That?

As if cutting off chickens’ beaks and scalding birds alive weren’t dirty enough, KFC has broken some pretty foul food-hygiene rules at one of its busiest branches in the U.K. In 2008, health inspectors found mice, flies, and cockroaches during an inspection of the carry-out restaurant. Originally denying this and other violations (including failure to … Read more »

KFC’s Double Down: Quadruple the Cruelty

The saturated fat and cholesterol in KFC’s Double Down begins clogging arteries and potentially decreasing life expectancies nationwide in just a few days. The sandwich “vilest food product created by man,” consists of bacon and cheese sandwiched between two fried chicken breasts, and according to KFC, is only 540 calories—and 32 g of fat, and … Read more »

Chickens Stop Traffic to Stop McCruelty

  Nothing says “all-American” quite like the mass slaughter of animals, right? Um, yeah—didn’t think so. These chic-with-a-beak supporters and several other friends to chickens hit the streets outside the McCruelty-sponsored All American Basketball Games during rush hour in Columbus, Ohio, yesterday. They were urging passersby to boycott McDonald’s fowl fouls and petition the company … Read more »

School Days Aren’t McCruel Days

The recent theft of bleachers from Chicago’s Orr High School has left students without seating and robbed them of their school spirit. “It felt good to be out there beating on the drum, rooting the team on. All the people from the community coming to support us and everything. And now you wake up and … Read more »

Quarter of a Million Dead After Fire

In a recent fire on an Ohio egg farm, 250,000 hens died after they were left in two sheds that had the electricity knocked out in order to battle the fire. Once the fire was squelched, all the birds were “euthanized” (we don’t know how they were killed) because, according to a spokeswoman for Ohio … Read more »

Ryan Gosling to McCruelty: ‘What’s Your Excuse?’

Ryan Gosling is the heartthrob with a heart of gold—and now he’s got a message for the Golden Arches: Stop scalding chickens to death in defeathering tanks. The Oscar-nominated actor just fired off a letter on PETA’s behalf to McDonald’s CEO Jim Skinner asking him to adopt a less cruel slaughter method. Controlled-atmosphere killing (CAK), … Read more »

European Union vs. Battery Cages

Thanks to the quick action taken by more than 5,000 PETA U.K. supporters, the European Union (E.U.) has just rejected Poland’s proposal to delay a historic ban on battery cages for hens! In 1999, the E.U. passed the Laying Hens Directive—legislation that requires an end to the use of battery cages by 2012. Polish officials … Read more »

Violence Outside–and Inside–Burger Barn

marestra / CC by 2.0 We’re relieved that a “chicken” who was shot at by passing motorists outside a Burger Barn in Wichita wasn’t seriously injured. We wish we could say the same for the cows whom the “chicken” was encouraging people to eat. (The “chicken” was actually a man named Robert Hatter, who was … Read more »

Victory! KFC Closes for Cruelty

What do you call it when a KFC is “closed for cruelty”? A goreclosure!     For more than a year, dedicated animal advocates have been holding monthly demonstrations outside a KFC in North Carolina to spread the word about KFC’s tormented chickens—and watching the restaurant’s business dwindle. Now, so many people have washed their … Read more »

McD’s, You’re About to Get Served

Sometimes all you need is a sign—and with our new McCruelty Sign Generator, you can create one for McDonald’s McCruelty. Design your own slogan and expose the painful slaughter behind the “billions and billions” of chickens served. Check out a few signs that the bloggers have already generated:   Karin’s flaming mad at McD’s.   … Read more »

Sheds Collapse Under Weight of Snow

tinyfarmblog / CC In the aftermath of the recent record-breaking snowstorms that hit the East Coast, it is being reported that the roofs of up to 50 chicken sheds throughout the Delmarva Peninsula in Delaware and Maryland have collapsed under the weight of the snow. As a result, thousands of birds have likely suffered and … Read more »

McDonald’s National Convention Interrupted

This morning, hundreds of McDonald’s owners and operators who flew to Tucson for a corporate seminar heard an unlikely speaker: PETA V.P. Dan Mathews. Our own “Rabble Rouser” took over the podium at the Westin La Paloma Resort during the opening presentation to urge franchisees to convince McDonald’s to switch to more humane slaughter methods. … Read more »

Ricky Williams Hosts Faux-Chicken Wing Taste Test

Miami Dolphins running back Ricky Williams already has enough accolades to span two lifetimes—Heisman Trophy, Maxwell Award, and Pro Bowl MVP, to name a few—and after he reigned over our Faux–Chicken Wing Taste Test today, we’d like to dub him an MVP: Most Valuable Palate.   Share on Facebook | Viewing OptionsEmbed<embed src=”” _mce_src=”” quality=”high” … Read more »

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