Bill Maher’s Seal of Disapproval

The following is a Canada Day guest post from Bill Maher, the genius behind Politically Incorrect and HBO’s Real Time With Bill Maher. Maher offered his wit for an op-ed, originally posted in today’s Daily News, in a humorous protest against a deadly serious issue: Canada’s annual slaughter of tens of thousands of seals—the largest … Read more »

Scientists Create Chicken Without the Egg

barryskeates / CC by 2.0 According to Time magazine, scientists at the University of Missouri have created a soy-based chicken that tastes and feels, well, just like chicken. That should give meat-eaters and vegetarians something to salivate over. The owner of Turtle Island Foods, the maker of Tofurky, is reportedly thinking about purchasing the product, … Read more »

McDonald’s Gives Jenna Jameson a Break(down)

PETA’s brand-new McCruelty PSA starring actor Jenna Jameson turned out fantastic, as we knew it would, but we had to shoot it several times. Jenna had to stop the action to regain her composure whenever she started talking about how chickens’ legs are often broken when workers slam them upside down into metal shackles, and … Read more »

Nuns Close Chicken Farm, Open Massage Parlor

Here’s something you won’t hear too often: Austrian nuns opened a health spa to raise money for their convent after their chicken farm “fell flat.” The nuns even use high-pressure hoses to spray chilled water at guests to stimulate their skin. The whole thing might not sound very conventional (there’s no buff masseuse in a … Read more »

Canadians: Seals Need You–Canada Is Their Home Too

Many Canadians are against their country’s annual seal slaughter—the biggest massacre of marine mammals in the world—but the Canadian government has yet to put a stop to it. Not only is the government supporting the barbaric acts of bludgeoning and shooting baby seals, it is also spending taxpayer dollars to do so. Canadians, it’s your … Read more »

Mike Myers and the Colonel

At PETA, we sometimes embrace things that others might call “bizarre,” like Andy Dick’s interview as Ronald McDonald with Jiminy Glick. So when people started ringing our phones wanting our reaction to the recent news that Mike Myers is “kind of obsessed” with painting KFC’s Colonel Sanders, we might have puzzled some callers who assumed … Read more »

Nicolas Cage’s X-Rated Diet Advice

Some people don’t eat animals because they don’t want to support factory farming. Others are worried about protecting their health or the environment. Nicolas Cage has a much more, shall we say, X-centric reason for why he leaves certain animals off his plate: They have undignified sex. No, I am not making this up. Here’s … Read more »

Who’s Been Shooting Down the KFC Double Down?

Just about everyone is badmouthing KFC’s vile new Double Down sandwich. (Gee, wonder why?) Guess which celebrity just called it the “double bypass” and said, “I just don’t see a need for it, it’s like handing people a gun”? Andy Dick Rachael Ray Lil Wayne Queen Latifah   Check out the CNN clip for the … Read more »

You’ll Run for the Bowl After You Eat From the Bucket

Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack today announced new regulations that are meant to curb the number of meat-eaters who are rushed to hospitals after being sickened by life-threatening foodborne illnesses. It’s believed that the “improvements” will keep 39,000 Americans from being infected with campylobacter and 26,000 from being sickened by salmonella-tainted chicken and turkey flesh—a … Read more »

Banksy Takes On the Colonel

The work of British guerrilla artist Banksy can’t be ignored. Indeed, Time just selected him as one of the year’s most influential people. Now the painting provocateur has cheekily twitted one of PETA’s frequent targets: Colonel Sanders, the very face of Kentucky Fried Cruelty.   Image from   Sure, art is subjective, but in … Read more »

Cruelty, Interrupted

Speaking of interruptions, check out this footage from last night, when a PETA member took the podium during a speech by McDonald’s bigwig Mary Dillon at a Marquette University alumni event to give attendees an earful about the company’s cruelty to chickens:   Share on Facebook | Viewing OptionsEmbed<embed src=”” _mce_src=”” quality=”high” pluginspage=”” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” width=”335″ … Read more »

Aaron’s Kicking the Bucket–Are You Next?

We can only hope so—and we mean that in the nicest possible way! When PETA learned that Springfield, Oregon, comedian Aaron Jamison, who has terminal cancer, is selling ad space on his urns to offset his bills, we were dying to help. Aaron must be a great guy because he took us up on our … Read more »

We’ve Got Your Cheat Codes Right Here

Just in time for Friday afternoon’s behind-the-boss’s-back video-game break, the creator of our popular New Super Chick Sisters is taking us on a walk through the game, showing us where the secret tofu blocks are stashed and demonstrating the proper technique for butt-stomping doomburgers on the way to save Princess Pamela Anderson from the clutches … Read more »

Hair Tips and Hormone Warnings

Agência Brasil / CC by 2.5 Brazil Psst! Have your hair and your love life lost their luster? According to Bolivian President Evo Morales, eating flesh from chickens that have been given female hormones could make men go bald and have “problems being men.” When chickens are given hormones, as they are in so many … Read more »

Take THAT, Al Gore!

Finally! Someone who fights factory farm pollution has received some serious recognition. Lynn Henning, a Michigan corn and soybean farmer, has just been presented with the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize (known worldwide as the “Green Nobel”) and the accompanying $150,000 award for her efforts to expose factory farms for the pollution-spewing cesspools they are. She … Read more »

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