Animal Companions
Coach House Gifts: Dead on Arrival

We received a call recently from a whistleblower who alerted us to a situation at Coach House Gifts, a Clovis, California–based business where 37 out of 40 frogs in a shipment died after being left in a shipping box so long that they succumbed to heat prostration. Wondering what a store that specializes in greeting … Read more »

Animal Companions
USDA Revokes Zoo’s License

  Animals suffered and died left and right at a shabby Florida roadside zoo, which is aptly called Vanishing Species Wildlife. The outfit routinely took animals on the road to fairs, schools, and summer camps even when they were sick, hungry, dying, and stressed. Good news: Federal authorities have revoked this zoo’s license! Schools and … Read more »

Animal Companions
This Lady’s Gaga for Veggie Dogs

According to The Smoking Gun Lady Gaga’s caught in a new romance, and this one ain’t so bad. The website got its hands on Gaga’s latest concert rider, and the newest addition to it is a request for Yves vegan hot dogs. Maybe she’s trying to do right by Miss Piggy after wearing her boyfriend … Read more »

Animal Companions
Sunny-Side Up, Down, and Out

More than a quarter of a billion eggs—a quarter of a billion!—have reportedly been recalled because of an outbreak of salmonella that has sickened hundreds of people in at least three states. A nationwide recall of 13 brands sold by an Iowa egg factory farm has launched a multi-agency investigation that is only expected to … Read more »

Animal Companions
One Step Closer to Warnings on Chicken

Restaurants are already reluctant to post calorie counts; can you imagine how hard it is to get fast-food joints to post a skull and crossbones—or at least a warning sign—letting customers know that their grilled chicken contains a carcinogen? It’s pretty dang hard—but the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) just got one step closer … Read more »

Animal Companions
Internet Soup

It’s so hot in the city, you’d think I’d be making another batch of lemonade—but I’ve got a hankering for some Internet Soup. It’s been a while since the last batch, so dig in! Scientists know that pigs prefer a life like Arnold Ziffel’s—full of Green Acres and some “luxuries” … … but this pug … Read more »

Animal Companions
Question McCruelty

Note to bigwigs at animal-abusing companies: Don’t offer to answer questions unless you’re prepared to sit in the hot seat! When PETA learned that McDonald’s vice president Bob Langert is taking questions from stakeholders—people who are affected by McDonald’s actions—on McDonald’s “corporate responsibility” blog, PETA Senior V.P. Dan Mathews sent in this query, which is … Read more »

Animal Companions
Does That Chicken Make Me Look Fat?

If you don’t want people to start chanting, “Fatty, fatty two-by-four, can’t fit through KFC’s door,” you might want to put down that drumstick and pick up some Gardein buffalo wings instead. A recent study of hundreds of thousands of Europeans revealed that the more meat people ate, the more weight they gained over time—and … Read more »

Animal Companions
Ronald McDonald Goes the Way of the Marlboro Man?

Hot on the heels of news that some doctors are recommending that elementary school–age kids be put on statin drugs (seriously—I wish I were making it up) comes a better prescription for dealing with the side effects of the childhood obesity epidemic. Several of the U.K.’s leading doctors are recommending a junk-food jihad. “If we … Read more »

Animal Companions
Do Anglers Have Small Rods?

“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: But when I became a man, I put away childish things.”1 Corinthians 13:11 When I was a child (in 1976), I entered—and “won”—a fishing contest. But when I became a man, I put away the … Read more »

Animal Companions
McCartney’s McDonald’s McVictory

  After finding out that a McDonald’s restaurant in his hometown of Liverpool had plastered the walls with photos of him and the rest of the Fab Four, Sir Paul McCartney—who is known by all (except maybe the marooned fighter pilot on Gilligan’s Island) as being a longtime and outspoken vegetarian—was less than glad all … Read more »

Animal Companions
Eggs, Kids, and Arsenic

BrokenSphere / CC by 1.0 Here’s a toxic tidbit from the “Gross Meat Facts” files: Chickens who are raised for their flesh are routinely given feed laced with Roxarsone, an additive that contains—are you ready for this—arsenic. May we suggest a new slogan for the nugget bucket? “Potent poison in every piece!” The fact is, … Read more »

Animal Companions
Mouse Fight Club

“The first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club.” If, however, the fight club involves forcing mice to battle one another in a stupid and barbaric experiment, you know we’re going to talk about it. Recently, vivisectors at the University of Wisconsin–Madison (sheep abuse ring a bell?) studied the effect … Read more »

Animal Companions
iPad Makes Frogs ‘Appy’

We’ve never understood why any child needs to poke around inside an amphibian, but holy “Jumping Frogs of Calaveras County“: iTunes now offers a virtual frog dissection iPad app! In honor of this sophisticated and humane alternative to dissection, PETA is presenting its creator, Emantras Interactive Technologies, with a Mark Twain Ethical Science Award.   … Read more »

Animal Companions
Supersized Animal Abusers Promoting Vegetarian Superhero

Once again, the PETA Files goes to the movies. First up: Vegans are hitting the big time on big screens across America, courtesy of Rob Schneider’s vegan character in last week’s box-office hit, Grown Ups. Sure, the movie made fun of vegans, but it made fun of everything—besides, we at PETA have a good sense … Read more »

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