PETA’s Top 10 Blog Posts of 2010

Picking the top 10 PETA Files blog posts of the past year was harder than figuring out the plot of Inception, but we’ve narrowed it down to these posts, which cover everything from Lady Gaga’s meat dress to our “Pope Condom” campaign: PETA’s investigation of international animal dealer U.S. Global Exotics leads to the record-setting … Read more »

Stomach This: ‘Why I Don’t Eat Chicken’

Why I don’t eat chicken—let me count the reasons: There’s cruelty and callousness, blood and pus, pain and suffering, and sickness and death, not to mention feces, vomit, parasites, pollution, plaque build-up, and other disturbing and disgusting things that I just can’t stomach. PETA has created a compelling 30-second clip called “Why I Don’t Eat … Read more »

Streaming Factory Farm Abuse 24/7

One surprising item in the news today (h/t Treehugger) is a story about activists with the Israeli group Animals Now. For the last few years, Animals Now has been campaigning against the use of cruel battery cages on egg factory farms. Now, the group has put a hidden webcam inside a battery cage on an … Read more »

Victory! Hens Spared Horrific Death in Grinder

Last week, we told you about TWJ Farms, an egg factory farm in Nebraska that planned to kill 70,000 unwanted chickens by placing them in an industrial machine and grinding them up—while still alive. According to a whistleblower, TWJ has killed hundreds of thousands of hens this way in recent years, and TWJ CEO Joe … Read more »

Chickens to Be Pulverized … Alive

There’s been an update to this case. Please check here for the good news. Thanks to a courageous whistleblower, PETA has learned that Nebraska egg company TWJ Farms is allegedly planning to grind up approximately 70,000 chickens … while they are still alive. Brace yourself: This barbaric practice is reportedly standard operating procedure at the … Read more »

An Egg a Day Keeps the Doctor … Wealthy

Kai Hendry/CC by 2.0 If you had the same reaction that I did (i.e., violent retching) when you heard about KFC’s hideously unhealthy Double Down (you know, the sandwich that replaced bread with fried chicken and forced you to think about all those globules of deadly gunk gumming up people’s blood vessels), get this: A … Read more »

Artist Uses ‘Cooked’ Chickens

Artist Uses ‘Cooked’ Chickens

Little Nuggets vs. McCruelty in Big Apple

It wasn’t your average Chicken Dance: A pink stretch Mini Cooper delivered a troupe of little people dressed as dancing chickens to a PETA protest outside a McDonald’s in New York’s Times Square yesterday afternoon. “I Am Not a Nugget!” declared each of the little “chickens” with signs and dance. The “chickens” paraded in front of the … Read more »

Tyson Plant Closed After Outbreak

Muhammad Mahdi Karim/CC by 3.0 It seems like only yesterday I was writing about the nationwide salmonella outbreak and massive egg recall. But now it’s time to move on to the latest food safety scare: The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) just shut down a Tyson Foods meat-processing plant in Buffalo, N.Y., after food safety … Read more »

Dr. Oz Reveals What’s Lurking in Chicken Flesh

The cruel treatment of chickens raised for food is reason enough for people to stop eating them, but Dr. Mehmet Oz just provided his viewers with yet another reason: On a recent episode of The Dr. Oz Show, he explained exactly what’s in chicken flesh—chemicals, antibiotics, arsenic, drugs, and salt—and how it can lead to … Read more »

PETA’s Celebrity Supporters: ‘We’re Hatin’ It!’

Dozens of celebrities, including Oscar-winner Anjelica Huston, Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Iggy Pop, and comedic improv genius Fred Willard—all of whom were in attendance at PETA’s 30th Anniversary Gala—signed our petition calling on McDonald’s to reduce cruelty to chickens. Check it out. All these celebrities join countless caring folks who’ve taken action against the … Read more »

Egg Industry Broken Wide Open

If anyone still believes that “organic” eggs are a humane choice, please look at these gut-wrenching photos from the Organic Valley farm in Wisconsin: They show birds in stinking, stifling, windowless warehouses, crammed so tightly together that they’re barely able to move—much less spread their wings, scratch in the dirt, or interact normally in any … Read more »

60,000 Chickens Dead—Just Business as Usual?

As many as 60,000 chickens died recently at Greenway Farms in Cleveland County, North Carolina, after a generator failure caused a fan to stop working in one of the chicken houses, leaving the smart, sensitive birds to suffer an excruciating death in the suffocating heat under intensive confinement.    Aleutia/CC by 2.0   We’d like … Read more »

Surprise, Surprise: Salmonella-Tainted Eggs Came From Filthy Farms

Like Claude Rains in Casablanca, federal inspectors were shocked—shocked!—to find that the egg farms implicated in the recent salmonella outbreak (which led to a still-spreading recall) were filthy and shoddily maintained. In fact, a recent investigation by the Food and Drug Administration turned up barns that were infested with flies, maggots, and scurrying rodents as … Read more »

The Real Story Behind Eggs

  Ever since half a billion eggs were recalled because of a salmonella outbreak, people have been talking about food safety regulations. Animal welfare issues have been mentioned, but they need to be considered more seriously. The following are some facts to help you tell the hens’ side of the story: There’s cruelty in every … Read more »

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