Chicken Gets Rescued Twice

A driver in Alabama spotted Laura the chicken and scooped her up off the road on a route frequently used by trucks headed to the nearby slaughterhouse. Then, in an attempt to find her a home, she unwisely posted an ad for a free chicken on Craigslist. Laura could have ended up as chicken soup! … Read more »

Warren Jeffs Not the Only Molester

Justice has been served for the victims of Warren Jeffs—the polygamist sect leader who was sentenced to life in prison for sexually assaulting two underage girls. This is good news, but for countless other young victims of sexual abuse, there is no justice. To make this point, PETA plans to place this billboard in San … Read more »

Top Water Polluter May Surprise You

The Pew Environment Group just released a report, “Big Chicken: Pollution and Industrial Poultry Production in America,” explaining how manure from chicken farms in the “Broiler Belt“—the area extending from eastern Texas through the southeastern United States to Maryland and Delaware—is virtually choking the Chesapeake Bay. And I’ll tell you, with these findings, it’s the … Read more »

Morrissey Praised for Being Blunt

Never one to shy away from speaking up for animals plainly and forthrightly, Morrissey urged fans who were upset about the tragic bombing and shooting rampage in Norway to consider the animals who face needless, terrifying deaths every day. Before launching into “Meat Is Murder” during a concert in Warsaw on Sunday, Morrissey told the … Read more »

Rusty the Rooster Gets His Strut Back

Beautiful Rusty had a home and a family—until the day that they moved and left him alone in the backyard, with no food or water in the middle of a southwestern U.S. summer. A kind neighbor spotted the abandoned rooster through the fence and called PETA for help. We alerted animal control and asked officers … Read more »

Morrissey Skewers McDonald’s Onstage

Do PETA staff secretly play backup for Morrissey, or did all his bandmates wear our McCruelty shirts?   © Sus Lew Moz and his group’s stage wear at their York, U.K., concert was music to chickens’ ears. And we’re betting that after the audience chowed down on Morrissey’s meatless fare and rocked out to “Meat … Read more »

Porn Star Jailed on Cruelty Charges

Adult film star Raul Armenteros and another man have each been charged with 22 counts of cruelty to animals after police allegedly discovered a menagerie of animals—including roosters, guinea hens, pigeons, goats, and a duck—baking inside their locked van in the scorching Miami heat. Reportedly, the goats were all tied up inside plastic bags, and … Read more »

People Line Up to Eat Dog Meat Soup

During the hot summer months in South Korea, where dogs are bred to be killed and eaten, restaurants serving dog meat soup boast long lines of patrons who mistakenly believe it will help keep them cool. But while many of us are quick to condemn killing dogs for food, shouldn’t we also be bothered by the consumption … Read more »

50,000 Birds Baked Alive

It took only 45 minutes for temperatures inside a crowded Johnston County, North Carolina, barn to skyrocket when the barn lost power, killing 50,000 chickens. On one Kansas farm, nearly 4,500 turkeys died in one weekend during a scorching 100-degree heat wave. Birds in barns that aren’t air conditioned sometimes die when they crowd together … Read more »

PETA to Dwyane Wade: Dunk KFC Cruelty

Miami Heat guard Dwyane Wade, may be cooling his heels thanks to the NBA lockout, but he still shouldn’t go back to slinging deep-fried chicken parts at KFC, where he once worked as a teenager. KFC has asked Wade to bring his dunking skills to mashed potatoes and gravy by becoming an “honorary captain” while he’s “unemployed.” … Read more »

A Musical KFC Protest

Say you’re an edgy, rabble-rousing punk band and you want to make a statement against cruelty to animals. What would you do? One band that had a bone to pick with KFC took a musical approach to get its message across.   The toe-tapping tune was performed by the Phoenix, Arizona, “punkgrass” outfit Haymarket Squares—all of whose … Read more »

The Most Abused Animal on the Planet Is …

Do you know one of those people who says, “I’m a vegetarian, but I still eat chicken”? Considering that chickens are arguably the most abused animals on the planet, they should be one of the first animals we remove from our plates—and there’s no better time to do that than World Week for Abolition of Meat. … Read more »

PETA Germany Saves 100 Animals

Dozens of animals were rescued from a ramshackle farm in Arnsberg-Hüsten, Germany, after a whistleblower alerted PETA Germany that the animals were being kept in filthy, dilapidated sheds or were enclosed in broken wire fences—exposed to the elements, predators, and the beer-bottle-littered ground. Upon investigation, staffers found 59 chickens, 34 rabbits, 25 ducks, and six … Read more »

Lady Antebellum: Chickens Need You Now

Chrissie Hynde is telling Lady Antebellum “I’ll stand by you” to support less cruel slaughter methods for KFC’s chickens. The Grammy-winning country group is set to perform at the KFC annual meeting in San Diego, and Chrissie isn’t pretending—she thinks it’s a great opportunity to remind the chain that chickens don’t have to be scalded … Read more »

85,000 Hens Die in Barn Collapse

Massive amounts of snow and ice in Bozrah, Connecticut, caused the roof of a barn on a factory egg farm to collapse, killing all 85,000 hens inside. It was a miserable way to die for birds who already had a miserable way to live. Egg-laying hens on typical factory farms are crammed into battery cages … Read more »

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