What the Cluck, Chick-fil-A?

In a David-and-Goliath fight against Big Chicken—i.e., Chick-fil-A—Vermont artist and local agriculture booster Bo Muller-Moore is fighting for his right to “eat more kale.” Chick-fil-A called “fowl” on Muller-Moore, claiming that consumers would be bamboozled into thinking that there is some affiliation with its trademarked phrase “Eat Mor Chikin” but Muller-Moore is standing firm in … Read more »

McDonald’s Sneaky Little PR Move

McDonald’s has kicked its PR machine into high gear after a terrific undercover investigation by Mercy for Animals at Sparboe Farms, one of McDonald’s primary egg suppliers, revealed that workers grabbed hens by the throat and slammed them into cages, that an employee swung a hen by her feet, that male chicks were tossed into … Read more »

Would You Eat a Dog Disguised as a Chicken?

Washington, D.C.’s Woof Walk dog event turned into a squawk stroll when a little dog named Mongo dressed as a chicken challenged dog lovers to ask themselves why they call one animal “family” and another animal “dinner.” While Mongo’s assistants explained to Woof Walkers that chickens are as smart and social as dogs, one former … Read more »

Animals Join Occupy Wall Street Protest

No animals were arrested in the making of this protest, but yesterday in Zuccotti Park Liberty Square, a “pig,” “cow,” and “chicken” joined the Occupy Wall Street protesters to push for more corporate accountability. Our animals were at the center of a whirlwind of police, photographers, protesters, and intrigued passersby who stopped to read the … Read more »

McDonald’s TiKs Off Ke$ha

© StarmaxInc When pop sensation Ke$ha learned that McDonald’s McCruelty is spending more than $1 billion on renovating its restaurants while still refusing to require its suppliers to upgrade to a less cruel method of slaughtering chickens, she fired off a letter to McDonald’s CEO Jim Skinner calling out the company for its “Sleazy” behavior. … Read more »

A Rooster on the Couch

The latest issue of PETA’s Animal Times magazine just rolled off the presses, and the PETA Files is offering you a sneak peak inside. In addition to campaign news and updates, investigative reports, and tasty recipes, this issue includes an exclusive excerpt from PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk’s latest book, The PETA Practical Guide to … Read more »

KFC Makes for Really ‘Angry Birds’

Last weekend, a flock of really “angry birds” showed that green pigs aren’t the enemy—the Colonel is. The birds landed at a San Jose, California, KFC to make the point that the fast-food chain’s suppliers use a cruel method of slaughter in which chickens have their throats cut while they’re still conscious and millions of … Read more »

4-H: Hellish, Hazardous, Hypocritical …

With a terse dismissal, the State Fair of Texas denied PETA’s application to display our own version of a 4-H booth at the upcoming event. Fair officials must not want visitors to know that the cows, sheep, goats, and chickens 4-H participants have spent countless hours bonding with will ultimately make their way to a … Read more »

Gandhi’s Best Birthday Present

Mahatma Gandhi said, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” What, then, can we surmise about the U.S., where 59 billion animals a year suffer intensive confinement, are deprived of all that is natural to them, have their bodies mutilated by dehorning, castration, … Read more »

How Can a Beheaded Corpse Be Sexy?

In Wednesday’s New York Times dining section, someone thought it would be a riot to take the decapitated, amputated, defeathered corpse of a chicken and prop the body up in a sexually suggestive “come hither” pose. PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk was not amused. “When I saw it, I just couldn’t believe that an editor … Read more »

KFC’s Lies Exposed

KFC has had to pull false advertising from its Australian website after a flap with a consumer watchdog group.   KFC had touted that chickens raised for the brand were “free to roam” on farms. But cramming chickens so tightly inside filthy, windowless sheds that they can barely take a step or lift a wing … Read more »

Ryan Gosling, Our Hero

Ryan Gosling has certainly earned his cape this month. First, he broke up a street fight in Manhattan. Then, the Academy Award-nominated actor leapt to the defense of chickens and turkeys on factory farms. Gosling wrote a letter to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) on PETA’s behalf calling on the agency to revoke its … Read more »

Happy 60th, Chrissie Hynde!

PETA wishes a very happy 60th birthday to rock legend Chrissie Hynde, who, when she isn’t using her beautiful voice to sing platinum hits, uses it to stop cruelty to animals. From opening her vegan restaurant, VegiTerranean, to having her hit song “I’ll Stand by You” featured in a heartbreaking public service announcement, the Rock … Read more »

Factory Farms Horrors Hit the Airwaves

Courtesy of our friends at PETA Germany, TV viewers in that country learned how birds are routinely mistreated and neglected by Wiesenhof (the leading German poultry brand) when the ARD network aired a program that included undercover footage from PETA Germany’s investigation of a Wiesenhof turkey farm. The sizable audience saw workers as they kicked … Read more »

Slumber-Party Hen Killers Caught

StevenW | cc by 2.0 Ten girls in South Africa are facing cruelty charges after PETA alerted officials there to a disturbing YouTube video in which a group of girls tossed and kicked a hen to death. Whoever posted the video on YouTube introduced the clip by writing, “Well basically… um… this is what we … Read more »

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