Could You Spend One Minute in a Hen’s World?

Have you ever gotten that “caged animal” feeling? Now everyone who uses the elevator at PETA’s Norfolk, Virginia office, and PETA’s office in Los Angeles, the Bob Barker Building, will have it, thanks to our new elevator experience that gives visitors the feeling of being chickens inside a battery cage on an egg factory farm.  … Read more »

Chicken Crashes Chick-fil-A’s Party

We’ve all seen the awesome YouTube videos of cows who were being lovey-dovey with dogs, cats, and all sorts of other animals. So it’s not surprising that a cow joined her chicken buddy at the opening of a Chick-fil-A food truck to ask people to be chicken champions and not eat either of them: On … Read more »

Chicks Dig This Adoption Fair

Birds of a feather flocked to PETA’s L.A. office this weekend for what was quite possibly the world’s cluckiest adoption fair. Seventy-eight hens made themselves a comfortable roost in the Bob Barker Building while adopters listened to the hens’ story and snacked on vegan egg-salad sandwiches. The hens had been used by egg producer A&L … Read more »

A Vegan Walks Into a McDonald’s Meeting …

Here’s something that you might not know about PETA: We hold stock in companies whose policies we’re trying to change so that we can attend annual meetings and propose shareholder resolutions to try to push companies to stop cruel practices. McDonald’s had one such meeting today, so, of course, we were there with bells on. … Read more »

PETA Crashes KFC’s Investor Pep Rally

PETA made sure that attendees at this week’s annual meeting of KFC’s parent company, Yum! Brands, in Louisville, Kentucky, would have something to chew on besides their cruelly obtained drumsticks and wings. Taking Stock—of KFC Cruelty As shareholders of Yum! Brands stock, PETA can attend the company’s annual meeting and ask a question during the … Read more »

Cloris Leachman Takes On ‘Ag Gag’

Last year, PETA and other animal advocates successfully defeated “ag gag” bills in Florida, New York, Minnesota, and Iowa. Now, another “ag gag” bill that would make it illegal to shoot video on a factory farm has just passed in the House of Representatives in Utah. And once again, we’re fighting back against this unconstitutional … Read more »

Mepkin Monks to Shut Down Egg Factory Farm

Update: Great news! The monks at Mepkin Abbey now have a thriving mushroom business. After PETA’s protests, boycotts, and complaints to government agencies, the monks re-examined their egg farm and discovered that they can get all their needs met without harming animals. The following was originally posted on December 20, 2007: We’ve just heard the … Read more »

PETA Weekly

A lot has been happening this week at PETA: victories, anniversaries, and celebrations! We’re after CareerBuilder, we stopped shipments of monkeys to laboratories, and we’ve done much more! Check out the latest news and victories: PETA News on Tumblr What a busy week it’s been in the PETAsphere! Just in case you missed any of … Read more »

Run Away, Train—From KFC Cruelty

Courtesy of USDA Hey, Soul Sister! PETA has sent an urgent letter to the rock band Train urging the group to cancel their performance at KFC’s franchisee convention in San Antonio—or else face the music from PETA supporters—because of KFC’s refusal to stop its suppliers’ cruelty to chickens. Many of the top names in music … Read more »

See PETA’s Latest Super Bowl Ad (Warning: Fowl Language)

The TV networks have been notably, um, unenthusiastic about running PETA’s Super Bowl ads, so this year PETA is planning to take its message directly to the players and fans by placing billboards in the teams’ hometowns of New York and Boston as well as Indianapolis, which is hosting the game, making an irreverent plea … Read more »

Getting on Board Against McCruelty

Meet Feel Ideal. Practically every day that weather permits, he can be found outside his local McDonald’s in Honolulu handing out leaflets explaining how chickens killed for the fast-food giant suffer and how the company—as one of the biggest sellers of chicken meat—could reduce this abuse by requiring its suppliers to switch to a more … Read more »

Are You an Animal Rights Expert?

It never hurts to brush up on answers to questions about animal issues—even seasoned protesters can get a stumper from passersby now and then. See if you know the answers to the following five questions that often pop up in discussions about animal rights: What’s wrong with eggs and dairy products from “free-range” animals? There … Read more »

Canada’s Largest Chicken Producer Charged

Finally, a bit of justice for the most abused animal on the planet.

Internet Soup

It sounds like the plot of a Disney movie, but this video of a pig and dog who are best buds would warm even Walt’s cryogenically frozen heart. “Don’t mind me.” After committing the most adorable case of breaking and entering ever, a baby seal curled up on a New Zealand woman’s couch for a … Read more »

Death in the Skies: Chicken to Blame?

A family is suing American Airlines after their loved one died on a flight, reportedly after consuming chicken contaminated with bacteria. Fluke? Not so much. The Food and Drug Administration reports that there are 48 million cases of foodborne illness in the U.S. every year, resulting in 128,000 hospitalizations and 3,000 deaths. Consumer Reports found … Read more »

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