Twitter Roasts the Dairy Industry Over Its Lame #Februdairy Campaign

Folks have flooded social media with informative—and often downright hilarious—responses to the dairy industry’s propaganda.

The USDA’s ‘Organic’ Regulations Offered Animals Little-to-No Protection

The federal government’s recent ruling—that “USDA Organic” animals can be treated just as inhumanely as those who live and die on factory farms—simply made it official.

See What Vice News Is Calling a Bovine Version of ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’

Vice News is exposing a new depth to the physical and psychological abuse of cows on dairy farms.

(VIDEO) Horrific Crash Sends Cows Flying Off Highway Overpass

Animals used for food are usually killed in slaughterhouses, out of humans’ sight. When transport trucks carrying them crash on highways, their suffering is harder to ignore.

17 Pictures That Sum Up ‘Humane Meat’

What do labels such as “humane,” “family-run,” “free-range,” “organic,” and “small-scale” mean? PETA will show you what “humane” farms won’t.

© Jo-Anne McArthur / Animal Equality
Mother Helplessly Chases After Her Stolen Calves in Heartbreaking Video

Can you imagine how traumatized this cow must have been?

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PETA Ads Remind Folks to Keep Compassion on Their Holiday Shopping Lists

Act compassionately this holiday season by keeping animals off your plates and out of your closets.

Wonderful Afternoon at Sublime as Artist Is Honored for Animal Song

PETA spent this past Sunday celebrating Grey for his brilliant viral song, “Vegan Thanksgiving.”

Company Sells Pink Animal-Torture Devices for Breast Cancer Awareness

I’m not sure what’s more insulting: hawking cruelty and carcinogens for breast cancer awareness or thinking women aren’t smart enough to see past the color pink.

10 Reasons Why Cow’s Milk is Bad for You

Animal milk has long been claimed as the go-to source of calcium by the dairy industry, but as it turns out, milk is bad for you.

PETA’s Dancing Veggies Jolly Up Rally With ‘Give Peas a Chance!’ Signs

In San Francisco, giant ‘vegetables’ called for nonviolence and compassion for all.

People Were Literally Nursing on Cows at the NY State Fair

In addition to watching vendors push the limits of the uses for a deep fryer, you’re going to see some interesting things when you visit the state fair.

PETA Files Suit After D.C. Metro Outrageously Refuses to Run Ads, Violating the First Amendment

PETA is suing the transit agency, which runs ads for the circus, McDonald’s, and military contractors—but is rejecting three PETA advertisements.

Sweetie, It’s Not You—It’s Cheese

You’re in a sucky relationship, and you need to end it. Yep, it’s time for you to dump dairy products for good!

New PETA Ad Blitz Targets Bus Stops Outside Popular Fast-Food Joints

A dozen PETA bus shelter ads have popped up near fast-food restaurants to remind hungry travelers that animals are individuals.

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