The Dairy Industry Is Targeting Immigrants—PETA Latino Is Hitting Back

PETA spoke out against family separations at the border, and now, PETA Latino strikes back against big dairy for targeting immigrants.

PETA Seeks Life Insurance Policy on Man Who Eats a Strict ‘Carnivore Diet’

The “carnivore diet” means having no carbs or veggies as well as an accelerated path to an unhealthy, foreshortened life. Spada
Support All Nursing Mothers: A Breastfeeding Mom’s Plea

Influencer and new mother Michelle Weinhofen teams up with PETA for a powerful anti-dairy plea ahead of World Breastfeeding Week.

Here’s a Shocker: Meat and Dairy Hurt Animals AND the Environment

Meat and dairy companies ruin our land, water, and air. The good news is there’s a simple solution to taking down these dirty polluters.

‘Milk’ Is a Four-Letter Word, and the Dairy Industry Can Have It

As the dairy industry clings to the word “milk” and the cruelty it embodies, the demand for almond and a zillion other vegan beverages continues to soar.

RIGHT: © Jo-Anne McArthur / Animal Equality
Pamela Anderson Thanks the World Health Organization: ‘Breast Is Best’

The PETA ambassador is thanking the agency for its pro-breastfeeding resolution, which seeks to decrease the use of cruel cow’s milk formulas.

PETA Visits Border Center: Calls On Public to Keep All Loving Families Together

To separate any family forcibly is inexcusable and inhumane. PETA encourages everyone to help keep all caring mothers with their babies.

‘Decalf’ Your Coffee: Dairy Is Udder Cruelty

A pro-vegan message from PETA is percolating in independent coffee shops in America’s biggest dairy states. Find out why.

PETA’s Kitten Squad Is the First Advocacy Game on Nintendo Switch

Assemble your squad and send animal-abusing robots into oblivion. Nintendo Switch has released Kitten Squad with a new co-op mode—and it’s all free!

Reject the Dairy Industry’s Real-Life ‘Handmaid’s Tale’—Go Vegan

“The Handmaid’s Tale” depicts a future society in which women are forced to reproduce and their babies are taken from them. But cows are forced to live this way right now.

Suffering in Every Sip: Abuse on an Australian Dairy Farm

PETA’s exposé of an Australian dairy farm reveals the terrible suffering in every sip of milk, slice of cheese, and scoop of ice cream.

A Vegan America Could Feed 350 Million More People, Study Reveals

Our food system is failing to end hunger here in the U.S., but a new study proposes we could feed 350 million more people by going vegan.

PETA’s February Was Proof That Love (for Animals) Is a Battlefield

Valentine’s Day wasn’t all hearts and smiles. PETA spiced things up with some “tough love” for animal abusers around the world in February.

Everyone’s Ditching Dairy ‘Products’ Thanks to Vegan Milk Ads Like These

For those who aren’t in the know, here are some persuasive vegan milk commercials that are helping society move past drinking another species’ boob juice.

Goodbye, Milk

This powerful video uses the emotional topic of saying farewell to say goodbye to the dairy industry’s cruelty.

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