You Mad Bro? Meat, Dairy Groups Want Veg Foods Called Something Else

These animal abusers’ childish complaints show that the industries and PETA agree on one thing: The vegan revolution is here.

These Black Vegans Who Save Animals Inspire PETA

Countless vegans of color are choosing health and consciousness over animal exploitation and death—proving that going vegan is for everyone.

New PETA Germany Video: Grocery Shopping Is a Matter of Life and Death

The choices we make at the supermarket are a matter of life and death. For animals, the planet, and ourselves, we must go vegan.

You’ll ‘Heart’ These Vegan Valentine Chocolate Boxes

Nothing says love like “vegan.” Show your love for animals and for your valentine with one of our eight favorite vegan chocolate boxes.

Canada’s Food Guide Favors Plant-Based Protein Over Animal Flesh, Dairy

The meat and dairy industries understandably feared Canada’s new food guide: Dishonest claims that they’ve pushed for decades are crumbling.

Five Years Later, Danone Is Still Letting Calves Suffer

Take action and help PETA send a strong message to Danone to end calves’ suffering now.

Dairy Farm Burns Calves’ Heads Without Painkillers; Man Calls It ‘Fun’

Calves kicked and cried out in pain as a worker pressed a hot iron to their heads. He said that burning calves without pain relief “makes it more exciting.” Take action now!

Got Conned? How Big Dairy and Big Brother Have Duped You for Decades

Did you know that after World War I, America was overwhelmed by unwanted cow’s milk? (Smell that? It’s the dank scent of foreshadowing.)

UPDATE: Einstein Bros. Expands Vegan Cream Cheese Test Nationwide!

Einstein Bros. Bagels just announced that it’s testing vegan cream cheese at locations nationwide. Let’s show the chain that this should be permanent!

5 Times You Probably Ate Animal Rectums and Didn’t Know It

Have you eaten an animal rectum recently? Read on to find out if your diet warrants its own Sir Mix-A-Lot song.

How a PETA Contest Persuaded This Whole Family to Eat a Vegan Holiday Meal

What happens when a vegan takes charge of the family holiday feast? Everyone enjoys delicious food without harming a hair on an animal’s head

Is Eating Cheese Even Worse Than Eating Meat? A Consideration for Vegetarians

Animals used for meat are reared and then killed. Cows used for dairy “products,” however, are exploited and abused for years … and THEN killed. Is one worse?

America’s Dairy Problem Overflows: Farmers Forced to Dump Unwanted Milk

Sales are declining for the dairy industry, but farmers refuse to slow production. The U.S. is up to its eyeballs in dairy “products” no one wants.

All the Reasons Why Almond Milk Is Better Than Dairy Milk

Sales of dairy “products” are drying up as the vegan beverage market booms. Here are some reasons why almond milk is much better than cow’s milk.

13 Grim Photos Reveal the Tragedy of Animals Abandoned in Hurricane Florence

Countless animals were left to fend for themselves, or worse, trapped inside barns and sheds with no chance of escaping rising floodwaters.

Jo-Anne McArthur | We Animals
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