We’re asking Starbucks to stop the vegan surcharge at the store’s grand opening in Chicago.
This decision could lead to a healthier, more compassionate generation of young people—all while sparing countless animals a terrifying death.
From Academy Award winners James Cameron and Louie Psihoyos comes a film that has turned the biggest and longest-held meat myth on its head.
These powerful works of art will show you how eating meat fuels the fires in the Amazon rainforest. If you care about the planet, it’s time to go vegan.
PETA’s second exposé of a filthy dairy reveals that calves torn from their mothers were kept in feces-filled pens. Their mothers’ milk was sold for cash. Help them now!
As much as we wish this were all a plot of a bad B-movie, the world may end simply because people continue to eat animal flesh instead of regular ol’ beans.
Overnight, millions of people saw a viral PETA tweet showing a man breastfeeding from a cow. Now, they can’t un-see the disturbing truth about dairy.
There’s nothing greener than going vegan. If we want a planet that’s healthy enough to sustain life, we must stop eating animals.
Vegans are everywhere. We’re bodybuilders, firefighters, doctors, marathoners, celebrities, environmentalists, and members of the armed forces.
These animal abusers’ childish complaints show that the industries and PETA agree on one thing: The vegan revolution is here.
Countless vegans of color are choosing health and consciousness over animal exploitation and death—proving that going vegan is for everyone.
The choices we make at the supermarket are a matter of life and death. For animals, the planet, and ourselves, we must go vegan.
Nothing says love like “vegan.” Show your love for animals and for your valentine with one of our eight favorite vegan chocolate boxes.
The meat and dairy industries understandably feared Canada’s new food guide: Dishonest claims that they’ve pushed for decades are crumbling.
Take action and help PETA send a strong message to Danone to end calves’ suffering now.