The Free Expert Vegan Health Tips You’ve ‘Bean’ Waiting for—Register Now!

Join 25 of the world’s most trusted experts for the free online 10th Annual Food Revolution Summit! Get the latest insights on vegan health while supporting PETA’s vital work for animals. It’s a win-win! Register today.

PETA’s ‘Pants on Fire’ Awards—10 Companies That Deceive Consumers

These companies are master manipulators, but PETA’s turning up the heat on each and every one of them with this year’s “Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire” Awards.

Here’s How ‘I Am Greta’ Is a Call to Save Our Planet AND Animals

Greta Thunberg—climate activist, devoted vegan, and agitator to science deniers everywhere—is now the star of her own riveting documentary.

I Am Greta
Former Starbucks Barista Roasts Company in Open Letter for Vegan Milk Surcharge

First, she won the Starbucks Barista Championship, and now, she’s urging the company to lose its vegan milk surcharge—for animals, the environment, and public health.

WATCH: PETA Wants to Know—Got Oat Milk?

Why drink milk stolen from someone else’s mom when you can enjoy a healthier, tastier, and kinder beverage instead?

Whistleblower: Cows at Dairy Farm Trapped in Quicksand Made of Their Own Waste

Filth, abuse, and death—THIS is dairy. A whistleblower reports that cows and calves were left to suffer from infections, injuries, and oozing wounds.

Should You Eat Cheese? Take PETA’s 60-Second Quiz to Find Out

Ever wondered, “Should I eat cheese?” You’re not alone. Take this short quiz to find out, and see what to do with your newfound knowledge.

Lizzo Shows the World Eating Vegan Can Leave You Feelin’ ‘Good as Hell’

What has Lizzo been promoting on TikTok? For starters, it’s ALL VEGAN! See how you can save animals and eat delicious food just like the “Truth Hurts” singer.

These 20 Celebrities Don’t F*ck With Cheese

It may be National Cheese Day, but these celebs are only interested in vegan options—because cheese from cows and other animals is gross.

Here’s Why Cows Hate Humans Who Eat Cheese

We’re not here to split hairs. But for defensive cheese-eaters out there, you should know that the cheese industry is actually worse than the beef industry.

Video of Dying Cows in Semi-Truck Wreckage Is Your Vegan Wake-up Call

The video of this crash is completely heartbreaking. Those cows never should have been on that truck in the first place.

Antelope County News
There Are Only a Few Hours Left to Vote for PETA in These Webby Categories

Show everyone that the largest animal rights group is also number one in social media. Vote for PETA in the “Social: Weird” and “Social: Best Overall Social Presence – Brand” categories.

LEFT: © FREE BISON/Choice Bison
These Celeb Moms Are Getting ‘Animalkind’ for Mother’s Day

PETA is urging celebrity moms to go vegan NOW, while the world needs it more than ever, by giving them some vegan swag for Mother’s Day.

PETA Urges You to Put Down That Rancid, Sour Bodily Fluid Right Now

If everyone would recognize butter as processed fatty, stolen secretions, maybe we could move away from abusing cows and stealing their babies.

Calif. and N.Y. Lawmakers Join PETA in Push to Ban Deadly ‘Wet Markets’

PETA has been calling for a ban on live-animal markets from the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak. Every government body should be doing the same.

© Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals
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