We Told You Milk Could Kill You

A milk processing plant in California exploded on Monday. Seriously—it seems that a spark landed in some powdered milk, and the whole shebang went up like a powder keg—or perhaps we should say carton. Tee hee. Injuries were kept to a minimum, thank goodness. Only one brave employee was wounded—he was helping firefighters navigate the … Read more »

Tofutti Cuties From PETA Beauties

Firefighters in Hammonton, New Jersey, have been fighting fires in the Wharton State Forest since last Tuesday, saving not only the trees but also the animals who make the forest their home. We at PETA wanted to thank the brave men and women who are keeping the forest fire under control, so we sent them … Read more »

Calling All Breast Milk Recipes

According to Google Insights, searches for “human breast milk” skyrocketed in the last month. Searches for “breast milk recipes” have also more than doubled. (See the graphs below for more details.) Never to miss an opportunity—especially during these tough economic times—PETA has decided to create a human-breast-milk cookbook, with all profits going directly to PETA’s … Read more »

Breast Milk Headlines Explode After Ben & Jerry’s Letter

We urged ice cream giant Ben & Jerry’s to drop cow’s milk and start churning out recipes that use the only milk intended for humans: breast milk.

Buying Leather Pants Supports Terrorism?

As if there weren’t already enough terror attached to the loathsome leather trade, the notoriously cruel Indian leather industry has now been linked to Islamic terrorists groups. According to a recent article in The Times of India, the illegal cattle-smuggling trade, an integral part of the leather supply chain, has been funding terrorism in India. … Read more »

PETA to Boston Mobster: Hit … the Soy!

heraldinteractive / CC Quick: Who wins the cheese, the mouse or the mob boss? Answer: No one wins. In this unusual game of cat and mouse, the cheese is clearly the villain. Just ask reputed Boston Mafia godfather Carmen “The Cheeseman” DiNunzio, who, according to the Boston Herald, has been locked in his home under … Read more »

Rescued Hurricane Victims Remembered: Sporty, Mary Lou, and Licorice Safe Today

When Hurricane Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast three years ago, thousands of animals were left in death traps from which they couldn’t escape. PETA’s rescue teams saw them clinging to trees surrounded by toxic floodwaters, swimming madly toward rescuers who were not allowed to save them, and pacing, stranded, and left to die on … Read more »

Important Update for People With Animals in Hurricane Gustav’s Path

PETA was at work as soon as Gustav raised its first serious head above the clouds, trying to prevent another monumental tragedy for animals. More than a week before Hurricane Gustav’s anticipated landfall, PETA sent Gulf Coast media markets our preparedness tips, reaching local residents with the lifesaving message that the calm before the storm … Read more »

Ricky Gervais Declares: Save the Queen’s Bears!

virginmedia / CC Looks like one of the funniest celebrities in the world is joining PETA Europe’s worldwide fight to stop the slaughter of Canadian black bears for silly hats. And I’m particularly excited about this celebrity, who is probably one of my favorite entertainers of all time: Ricky Gervais. Gervais, whom you probably know … Read more »

Top Five Animal Athletes

Staying up ’til the wee hours of the morning to catch your fave Olympians go for the gold in Beijing? That’s cool. But what’s even cooler is the fact that the best athletes in the world can be found in the animal kingdom, not the Olympic Village. If the Summer Olympics were open to all … Read more »

Girls Gone Wild’s Joe Francis Attacks Zoos

OK, so we’re not exactly rushing to sign this guy up as the next PETA spokesperson, but he’s certainly got it right about zoos. Joe Francis — the intellectual force behind the Girls Gone Wild series — just got done serving time in prison after a contempt of court citation that occurred during a civil lawsuit … Read more »

Great Starbucks News!

ThisNext/Creative Commons This little piece of good news comes to you courtesy of my friend (and occasional PETA Files blogger) Joel Bartlett, who spends more time in our local Starbucks than some of the people who work there. (Incidentally, Joel, who is PETA’s Marketing Manager, actually seems to have something of an obsession with coffee-marketing … Read more »

Milk Gone Wild: Live at Miami Beach

By this point, the entire world knows that Eliot Spitzer’s call girl was on Girls Gone Wild, but I bet she never did anything quite like this. While I focus my full attention on resisting the urge to make a joke featuring the word “udderly,” please take a moment to enjoy these pictures of Cassandra—star … Read more »

Milk Gone Wild 2: At the Carwash!

PETA’s original Milk Gone Wild video was one of the most successful things we’ve ever done online, reaching a completely new audience with a message about why milk is cruel and unnatural, and totally grossing out literally hundreds of thousands of people in the process. Soooooooooo, here’s a DIY sequel that we made in the … Read more »

Santa’s Not Coming …

This Christmas, please, please, please remember to leave soy milk out for Santa Claus instead of cow’s milk. With that in mind, here is PETA’s world-famous “Santa’s Not Coming” PSA. Warning: It’s a little bit controversial (by which I mean “hilarious”). As usual, please direct all complaints or concerns about this ad to [email protected], with … Read more »

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