Listen Up, Brookstone!

This week, we received a tip that Brookstone’s district managers and vice presidents were gathering in the Manchester, New Hampshire, area, where their headquarters is based, for corporate meetings and store visits. While they were going over new store layouts and new bonus packages for selling killing as many frogs as possible, our larger-than-life “frog” … Read more »

Internet Soup!

It’s a hazy day here on the Right Coast. As I watch leaves fall and steam rise from my soy mocha, the mood is set for a lazy (yet highly skilled) meander through gossip rags for fun stuff. Here are my faves: Warning! Seals can literally cute you to death. Kiddies catch E. coli from … Read more »

No More Torment for Tripp

The following is a guest post from PETA fieldworker Misty Collins. This is the story of my friend Tripp. A sweet, gentle golden retriever, Tripp was easy to love, yet he spent most of his life feeling lonely, lacking the affection that he so desperately needed. Banished to a junk-filled backyard, Tripp spent every moment … Read more »

Chicken-Catching Country Crooner to Help Birds?

aceshowbiz / CC This week, Kevin Skinner—an unemployed chicken catcher from Mayfield, Kentucky—sang and strummed his way to the top of America’s Got Talent and walked away with a cool million dollars. Congratulations, Kevin! Kevin’s been given a new start on life. Wouldn’t it endear him to millions of people if he were to extend … Read more »

Seals Show Up in the Darndest Places

Sometimes seals are on Sarah McLachlan’s shirt. Sometimes they drive tractors. Sometimes they’re in Washington, D.C. And, as it turns out, sometimes they block the entrance to the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York City to protest Canada’s seal slaughter while the country’s prime minister, Stephen Harper, is inside at a meeting … and then … Read more »

Jon & Kate Minus Dogs

Oh, reality TV stars, will you never learn? Jon and Kate Gosselin—who don’t exactly have a stellar record when it comes to animal companions—have allowed their marital disputes to affect their family, and I’m not talking about their eight kids. Jon has packed up the family’s dogs and is returning them to their breeder. Returning … Read more »

Hey, Ringling, Pick On Someone Your Own Size

It looks like Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus isn’t anxious for PETA to capture any more footage of its goons employees whacking elephants with bullhooks. How else would you explain the ugly incident that happened this past Tuesday in which a burly, 200-something-pound Ringling worker apparently shoved and almost knocked down PETA staffer … Read more »

Sir Roger Moore Takes On Selfridges

As Agent 007, Sir Roger Moore battled the bad guys—but as a real-life Knight of the British Empire, Moore has spent the past several years battling the cruel foie gras industry. When Moore heard about PETA Europe’s campaign to urge Selfridges to stop selling foie gras—he sent a private letter to Selfridges’ owner, Galen Weston, … Read more »

Vegan? There’s an App for That

We’ve told you about some of the best iPhone apps for animals, such as guides to cruelty-free shopping and vegetarian dining. Now there’s an app for those times when you just don’t feel like speaking “vegan-ese” to your nonvegan friends: the vegan soundboard from And the bonus? It’s free!     Some of these … Read more »

Victory! 4.5 Million Animals to Be Spared From Toxicity Tests / CC The agency that oversees the largest animal testing program of all time has just announced new guidelines that mean that the number of animals who could fall victim to toxicity testing during the course of the program has dropped—by 4.5 million! This news from the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) comes in response … Read more »

Shocking Video Captures Brookstone’s Cruelty

Imagine being sealed inside a clear coffin, bubble-wrapped, packaged in a box and sent through the mail on a terrifying journey to an unknown destination. Jostled around, forced to endure the summer heat while sitting in a delivery truck, and living in your own waste. If you can imagine this, you have some idea of … Read more »

Speidi: Maybe Al Roker Was Right

Remember when Al Roker suggested to Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt that there are some people who believe that they just might be “everything that is wrong with celebrity in this country“?   thesebootsaremadeforstalking / CC   It looks like the dreaded “Speidi” are proving Mr. Roker’s point for him. Much like other famous airheads, … Read more »

Three Arrested in D.C. Seal Slaughter Protest

This morning, when Prime Minister Stephen Harper met with President Obama at the Canadian Embassy in D.C., he got a welcome that I’m sure he won’t forget any time soon. Three “seals” covered with red paint writhed on the ground to illustrate what happens to hundreds of thousands of harp seals in Canada. Fifteen other … Read more »

Ditto, Mr. President

hawaiimagazine / CC     By now, you probably know what President Obama thinks about Kanye’s VMA stunt. We want the president to rest assured that PETA, for one, can sympathize with his sentiments. After all, this isn’t the first time that Kanye has been insensitive to the feelings of others. Written by Karin Bennett

Chris Noth Is Not Mr. Big

whosdatedwho / CC   Don’t worry, he’s still John James Preston, but Big? Not so much. A vegetarian cleanse helped Chris Noth slim down so that he could reprise his role as the charming commitmentphobe in Sex and the City 2. When asked how he got that body into shape, he said, “It was a … Read more »

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