Trapped Mother Cow Released From Suffering

  Here is a story that answers the question, “What’s wrong with supporting ‘free-range‘ farms?” PETA caseworkers recently worked on a case in New Mexico involving a mother cow who suffered for days after she became stuck in the mud around a watering hole. The cow was part of a small cattle herd living on … Read more »

Land O’Lakes Says It Doesn’t Inspect Facilities for the Treatment of Animals

  PETA’s investigation footage from a filthy Pennsylvania dairy facility that supplies Land O’Lakes continues to receive massive press coverage. All the coverage has prompted the Fortune 250 company to issue an official statement—one that only serves to highlight the profit-driven callousness and lack of concern for animals within the corporation and the dairy industry … Read more »

PETA at the World Dairy Expo

Yesterday was a big day for the dairy industry. People across the nation were getting their first peek into what dairy farming actually looks like as media outlets covered PETA’s recent, revealing undercover investigation into the putrid living conditions and the abusive treatment of cows on one Land O’Lakes supplier’s factory farm. At the same … Read more »

Land O’Lakes Supplier’s Owners Charged With Cruelty

Today, PETA unveiled footage from our five-month undercover investigation of a filthy factory dairy farm in Pennsylvania that supplies milk to St. Paul–based Land O’Lakes, the largest seller of branded butter in the U.S.   Other Viewing Options   Our investigator documented abuse and neglect of cows and calves at the facility, including that cows … Read more »

Dogfighters Headed to Jail

Claire Parker outraged animal protectionists worldwide with her gruesome, cruel method of making “mad money.” Parker, a mother of three, held dogfights in the garage of her Kexby home in England. She and her husband, a convicted drug dealer who died earlier this year in prison, would offer beer and sandwiches for dogfighters who attended … Read more »

A Flurry of (Faux?) Furries

blogs.tampabay / CC   If real fur really is frowned upon at furry conventions—as we were recently told by the chair and CEO of Anthrocon, the world’s largest furry convention—San Jose’s Further Confusion (a.k.a. FurCon) is set to have an awful lot of frowny-faced foxes, bears, chipmunks, skunks, and other cute critters roaming around in … Read more »

William Safire and His Dog

nytimes / CC William Safire, who passed away yesterday at the age of 79, is perhaps best known as the genius who penned the words “nattering nabobs of negativism.” OK, maybe he’s only most famous for that among English majors. In truth, he is best known as being a pioneering conservative pundit. Here at The … Read more »

Victory! UC-Irvine Ends Cruel and Deadly Classroom Experiments

flickr / CC Many of you have been writing to and calling the University of California–Irvine to demand that it stop using animals in horrible classroom experiments, and your efforts have paid off. The university has just announced that it’s ending deadly procedures using rats and replacing them with sophisticated computer simulations. In the cruel … Read more »

Victory for Chicago’s Horses!

For months, we had received calls from tourists, residents, and whistleblowers about six horses in Chicago who were under the “care” of carriage-ride operator JC Cutters. These horses were reportedly forced to endure Chicago’s freezing winter weather in a tent without adequate food or water. In February, we let you know that Chicago officials had … Read more »

‘Bottoms Up!’ for Leather-Free Lederhosen

blogs.reuters / CC Just in time for Oktoberfest comes a cow-friendly alternative to traditional Bavarian lederhosen, those Pinocchio-style knickers that are traditionally made of leather.* PETA Germany recently presented inventor Peter Kolb with a progress award for his swimwear designs that easily double as animal-free alternatives to leather lederhosen: yodel lay hee hoo (-ray), indeed! … Read more »

Support the Tripp Memorial on True Friends

Tripp’s last day   Last week, we told you about poor Tripp—the elderly golden retriever who had lived through 16 long years of neglect. Because of the outpouring of condolences for him, we’ve set up a memorial page in his honor through our newly revamped True Friends Web site. You can find Tripp’s memorial page … Read more »

Did Glenn Beck Really Boil a Frog Alive?

The Internet was ablaze yesterday with “did he or didn’t he” talk about Wednesday’s episode of The Glenn Beck Program, in which Glenn Beck appeared to boil a frog alive on national television. Was the frog fake? Did Beck actually throw a real frog into a pot? Who would do something like that? Given that … Read more »

Jon Stewart on Manhattan’s ‘Sad-Eyed Carriage Horse District’

On last night’s The Daily Show (basically the only show I watch, other than Glee) Jon Stewart slipped in a quip about Manhattan’s West Side—he called it the “sad-eyed carriage horse district.”   The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Cloudy With a Chance of Heat Balls “You’ll come … Read more »

‘Nipples Over Naples’ During Fish Amnesty Week

Why is it that men get no love? A shirtless man appeared in Lycra “fishtails” and body paint beside a female “fish” sea kitten at a popular fishing spot in Naples for one of our Fish Amnesty Week demos. Cameras flashed and lively debates ensued among a huge crowd of tourists while media swarmed PETA’s … Read more »

Victory! Tiny Turtles Rescued

Thanks to a sharp-eyed shopper and the quick work of PETA’s Cruelty Investigations Department, baby turtles have been rescued from a store in NYC’s Chinatown.     These little guys were small—so small that it’s actually illegal to sell them—yet they were being hawked as “pets” to unwitting tourists who often don’t have a clue … Read more »

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