Feds Remind Personnel of 28-Hour Law to Spare Animals in Transport

cidlines / CC   Nothing ruins a road trip more than seeing an 18-wheeler driving down the highway crammed tight with animals destined for slaughter. From state to state, regardless of weather, animals are carted from factory farms and feedlots—where they suffer short, miserable lives—to slaughterhouses, where their throats are cut or they are scalded … Read more »

Baskin Robbins Heir Wants California to Stop Misleading Consumers About Cows

portlandvegfest / CC A couple of months ago, we filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) urging it to make the California Milk Advisory Board (CMAB) stop misleading consumers about the way cows on dairy farms are treated. Now, John Robbins—son of the founder of the Baskin-Robbins ice cream empire and the Pulitzer … Read more »

Pro-Life? Pro-Choice? Go Vegan!

I love debunking tired, meaningless clichés, but here’s one I’ve never been able to disprove: Everything is bigger in Texas. The state’s latest colossus? The largest abortion clinic in the United States. Planned Parenthood of Houston won’t open its new facility—a 78,000-square-foot, renovated former bank—until April, but a coalition of pro-life advocates and religious leaders … Read more »

Haiti’s Animals

examiner / CC   The aftershocks of Haiti’s massive earthquake are still reverberating. The human death toll estimates are in the tens of thousands, but no one has a clue how many animals have been hurt or killed. We know that you are as worried as we are, so please know that we are monitoring … Read more »

Hurel Wins Proggy for Groundbreaking Non-Animal Testing Method

I could go on and on about the reasons why animal testing is archaic and unnecessary, but instead of babbling like a brook, I’m just going to leave it at Exhibit A: the technological breakthrough at Hµrel. This company relies on its expertise in engineering and cell cultures to provide scientists with alternatives to animal … Read more »

New York Times Features Full-Page Ringling Expose Ad

Sorry, Internet, but even as a blogger, I have to say that there’s no better way to start the morning than to get newsprint-smudged fingers as you flip through the Times. Actually, I stand corrected: The only thing more satisfying is opening up this morning’s New York Times to see an ad that exposes Ringling’s … Read more »

Layoffs in the Animal Experimentation Industry: Beginning of an End to Cruelty?

businesspundit / CC Here’s a promising development in the midst of the recession: Charles River Laboratories—one of the world’s largest suppliers of animals for experimentation—has announced that it is closing up shop in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts. We’re hoping these cutbacks mean that the cruel, callous industry giant will continue to suffer. With its long history of … Read more »

What’s in That Patty?

Thanks to Joe Mohr for creating and sharing this (anti-) beef cartoon. What else do you think you might find in a hamburger patty?

‘Win It’ Wednesday: Digital Collar Camera

We all know that the secret lives of our animal companions are fascinating—and now we can prove it. The Pet’s Eye View Camera—the first-ever digital collar camera—snaps photos from your furry friends’ point-of-view, so you can finally see what they do when you’re not around. And its sleek, sturdy design ensures that no animal will … Read more »

This Calf Bears a Cross

x59.xanga / CC The only time I ever thought that I’d get the chance to say, “Holy cow,” and mean it literally is when I talk about PETA’s pope cow. Turns out I was wrong. Moses the calf was born with the pattern of a cross on his forehead, inspiring the awe-struck owners of the … Read more »

Got Rabbit Milk?

parenting-our-kids / CC Think back to 1998, when Titanic spoofs were still topical and The Simpsons was only in its 10th season. Remember the Simpsons episode in which Homer discovers that Springfield’s milk is supplied by a mafia-run underground rat-milking operation? Yeah, it was pretty nasty. Fast-forward to 2009: Pharming, a Netherlands-based biotech firm, seems … Read more »

‘Happy Cows’? Yeah, Right!

Newsflash: Cows on dairy farms aren’t happy. In fact, they are quite the opposite. So how is it that the California Milk Advisory Board (CMAB) can continue to claim that the “best” cheese comes from California’s supposedly ecstatic cows? You know the ads—the one with a handful of free-roaming, robust cows cavorting sassily under a … Read more »

NFL’s Tony Gonzalez: Turn Back Time With Tofu

I think I’m finally morphing into a football fan. First, I learned about all the excellent veggie fare at football stadiums, and today PETA released an exclusive interview with hunky football tight end Tony Gonzalez, and his gaga-gorgeous wife, October. After their sexy shoot for a new anti-fur ad for PETA, the couple sat down … Read more »

PETA Intern’s Protest Pops

As a PETA intern, I’ve had the opportunity to tour several cities protesting everything from the dairy industry to glue traps. But the most attention-grabbing of all the tours I’ve taken part in involved setting up a steel-jaw trap in cities throughout the Midwest, including Minneapolis, Madison, Milwaukee, and Lansing. That’s me on the left! … Read more »

The Trashy Toxicity of Pollution

Litter isn’t just ugly and dirty—it kills. Artist Chris Jordan took a series of photographs of albatross chicks, and the photos are so surreal that I thought they were part of some strange pop-art installation meant to shock and disturb the viewer. The genuine shock, though, came when I found out that these are unaltered … Read more »

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