Pink Goes to the Circus

© Star Max Inc. PETA pal Pink recently tweeted that she had “… the BESTest day” with her “amazing sexy hubby,” Carey Hart, riding around on beach cruisers and watching the circus. Not to worry, though—our girl Pink would never attend the kind of circus that tears baby elephants away from their mothers and beats … Read more »

A Vegetarian in the Land of Oz

  Dr. Mehmet Oz’s wife, Lisa, has long been health-conscious. On a recent episode of The View, she mentioned that she’s been a vegetarian since she was 15 and that she cooks vegetarian meals for her family. She’s obviously having a positive influence: Her husband even convinced a guest on his show—a cowboy, no less—to … Read more »

Tainted Beef in a Supermarket Near You?

Yes, it is, according to an audit conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Office of Inspector General, which reveals that beef containing dangerous pesticides, antibiotics, heavy metals, and other toxins is showing up on supermarket shelves because the government has neither set limits for the chemicals nor is it routinely testing for them. Perhaps … Read more »

Kelly Osbourne to Cover Justin Bieber?

© Star Max Inc.   “Canada, if you cancel the seal hunt, I will dress up like Justin Bieber and sing one of his songs on YouTube.” —Kelly Osbourne on what she’s willing to do to stop the seal slaughter. Go, Kelly, go! Kelly Osbourne really, really wants to convince the Canadian government to end … Read more »

Carriage Crash Sends Couple to Hospital

A couple celebrating their wedding anniversary in New Bern, North Carolina, got stuck with the memory of a lifetime when the horse-drawn carriage in which they were riding was struck by a car, sending them and the carriage driver to the hospital. (Needless to say: open carriage, no seat belts, no air bags.) The horse, … Read more »

Want Flies With That?

As if cutting off chickens’ beaks and scalding birds alive weren’t dirty enough, KFC has broken some pretty foul food-hygiene rules at one of its busiest branches in the U.K. In 2008, health inspectors found mice, flies, and cockroaches during an inspection of the carry-out restaurant. Originally denying this and other violations (including failure to … Read more »

Reason Number 73 Not to Eat Fish

As if overfishing, cruelty, and mercury poisoning weren’t enough, here’s yet another reason to leave fish off your plate: ciguatera poisoning. Apparently, one of the many unforeseen effects of climate change is the spread of ciguatera, a toxin produced by an organism that grows on coral reefs. Common in large, predatory fish such as snapper, … Read more »

PETA Calls on USDA to Shut Down Ringling

In a bid to stop Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey’s reign of terror over animals once and for all by getting the circus’s exhibitor’s license revoked, PETA has submitted more than 700 pages of evidence to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) documenting not only Ringling’s long history of violating the federal Animal Welfare … Read more »

KFC’s Double Down: Quadruple the Cruelty

The saturated fat and cholesterol in KFC’s Double Down begins clogging arteries and potentially decreasing life expectancies nationwide in just a few days. The sandwich “vilest food product created by man,” consists of bacon and cheese sandwiched between two fried chicken breasts, and according to KFC, is only 540 calories—and 32 g of fat, and … Read more »

If It Was Good Enough for Jesus

Got breast milk? In the wake of a recent report that says the nation could save billions on healthcare costs if more mothers breastfed their babies, we’re running a billboard in Lexington, Kentucky, that encourages people to DLJD (Do Like Jesus Did):     Kentucky has one of the lowest percentages of women who breastfeed … Read more »

‘Big Love’ Star Hates Deceptions About Dairy

© Star Max Inc. Can the third wife of a polygamist ever be happy? According to HBO’s Big Love, it depends on the episode. But the ravishing Ginnifer Goodwin, who plays Margene on the acclaimed series and who is radiantly vegan in real life, knows that there’s no happiness to be found for the drugged-up, … Read more »

No Justice for Cows in Pennsylvania

Despite overwhelmingly sad video and photographic evidence of lame, thin, and downed cows left to suffer and die and a cow whose teat was banded and left to decay and fall off—not to mention expert testimony that all this constituted cruelty—a judge whose courtroom was packed with dairy farmers today found the owners of Reitz … Read more »

What Does Breast-Milk Cheese Taste Like?

Keeping on top of the media sensation that is Daniel Angerer’s “Mommy’s Milk Cheese” is like trying to chase an out-of-control toddler. The compassionate concoction has some skeptics who claim that the only thing that goes with this food is whine, but the fromomage has also attracted some intrigued fans. Famed foodie and critic Gael … Read more »

Introducing … Breast-Milk Cheese

David Angerer, owner of the New York City restaurant Klee Brasserie (which is just a stone’s throw from the excellent all-vegan restaurant Blossom), is making headlines with his newest offering: “Mommy’s Milk” cheese, made possible by his lactating wife.   erikogan / CC by SA 2.0   (Let the punning commence.) This certainly isn’t the … Read more »

Republican Vegans: Eating Rogue

makelessnoise / CC by 2.0 Who’s putting the party into “Republican Party”? Vegans! Rich Karlgaard—publisher of Forbes magazine—recently explained his mostly vegan diet on The Huffington Post, attributing his healthy and lively existence to his compassionate food choices. Karlgaard is proof that kindness knows no party lines. Whether you’re conservative or liberal, granola-crunching or pizza-munching, … Read more »

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