Animal Companions
Vending Machine Surprise ‘Moo’-ve

Healthy, humane alternatives to cruelly produced dairy products continued to make headlines this week. An executive order signed earlier this year by San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom has gone into effect requiring city vending machines to be stocked with soy and rice milks in an effort to curb obesity rates and improve consumers’ overall health. … Read more »

Animal Companions
Seven Injured in Pamplona

Of course, I’m not talking about the tormented bulls—I mean the intoxicated bullies who were trampled on the second day of Pamplona’s weeklong San Fermín festival. Reporters, who were apparently channeling their inner Hemingway, described the bulls as “angry,” “threatening” “hulking beasts.” I think those terms better describe the people who goad animals into a … Read more »

Animal Companions
The Chatterboxes of the Sea

According to a new study by researchers at The University of Auckland in New Zealand, that whole business about the ocean being a “silent world” is a bunch of bunk. Fish talk to each other all the time through growls, grunts, chirps, and pops—we just can’t hear them without special equipment. Gurnards turn out to … Read more »

Animal Companions
Breaking Investigation Reveals Dairy Farm Horrors

Sometimes I consider myself a hardened PETA veteran. With each new investigation I force myself to watch, I convince myself that that I’ve seen the worst abuses that animals are subjected to. But then something like this new video, which was shot by an undercover worker at an Ohio dairy factory farm, hits my desk, … Read more »

Animal Companions
PETA TV Spot Pulled

PETA just launched a TV public service announcement about the filth and cruelty that we exposed in our undercover investigation of a farm that supplies Land O’Lakes. Apparently, some Philadelphia-area viewers were so sickened by the ad that they complained to the TV station that aired it. (If only they’d complained to the perpetrators of … Read more »

Animal Companions
Land O’Lakes TV Spot Plops Into Philly

We’re betting the dairy farm that the people of Philadelphia will be swapping out their 2 percent milk for deliciously nutritious soy milk (or rice or almond milk) after seeing this PETA public service announcement (PSA), which began airing in the Philly area yesterday:   Share on Facebook | Viewing OptionsEmbed<embed src=”” _mce_src=”” quality=”high” pluginspage=”” … Read more »

Animal Companions
An ‘Inconvenient Toot’ / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Be proud, California: Thanks to your meat and dairy industries’ “Happy Cows,” you’re number one … on the EPA’s “fart chart.” And you thought the Golden State was known only for its Hollywood beauties and killer vegan food. Rounding out the top five in the bovine emissions sweepstakes are Wisconsin, … Read more »

Animal Companions
Meat-Loving Chef Mario Batali’s Confession

  Foodies everywhere are buzzing about Mario Batali’s declaration that he is a “big believer in the Meatless Monday movement” and his announcement that all 14 of his restaurants will offer at least two vegetarian options each and every Monday. Batali believes that “most people in the U.S. eat way more meat than is good … Read more »

Animal Companions
She Went in Like a Lamb …

PETA supporter Mimi wasn’t on the agenda—or even the guest list—for the International Wool Textile Organisation’s recent conference in France, but when an Australian farming representative started to tell attendees that the barbaric practice of lamb mulesing is necessary, she became the featured speaker. Mimi borrowed the microphone to inform the crowd that mulesing is … Read more »

Animal Companions
U.S. Global Exotics Defunct, Former Owner a Federal Fugitive, New Footage Released!

Here’s a beautiful—and lifesaving!—sight for the millions of animals who suffered at the hands of owners and employees of the international animal dealer warehouse formerly known as U.S. Global Exotics, Inc. (USGE):     © Don Feare   Yep, that’s right—just months after the PETA Files first gave readers a tiny glimpse into PETA’s investigation … Read more »

Animal Companions
Got Insecurity? / CC BY 2.0   Did you know that in a period of just 12 years, from 1996 to 2008, the market for soy milk grew more than eight times over? The folks in the dairy industry know—and it’s got them scared. Never ones to play fair (subsidies, anyone?), the cow exploiters are now … Read more »

Animal Companions
Woman Delivers a Whopper / CC BY-SA 2.0 I was taught that babies came from a cabbage patch, but I just found out that some babies come from a hamburger patch. According to a recent article, a beef-eating British baby momma gave birth to a nearly 14-pound boy! She’s admitted that she gorged on a boatload of beef … Read more »

Animal Companions
Hair Tips and Hormone Warnings

Agência Brasil / CC by 2.5 Brazil Psst! Have your hair and your love life lost their luster? According to Bolivian President Evo Morales, eating flesh from chickens that have been given female hormones could make men go bald and have “problems being men.” When chickens are given hormones, as they are in so many … Read more »

Animal Companions
Attention, Please: California’s Cows Are Miserable

What will it take to make California stop misleading consumers about its unhappy cows? Last fall, we filed a complaint against the California Milk Advisory Board (CMAB) for alleged false advertising, asking the Federal Trade Commission to make the CMAB end its misleading campaign, and big names like John Robbins and Ginnifer Goodwin have shown … Read more »

Animal Companions
Dinner Is Served … Still Writhing / CC BY 2.0 Showing cruelty of gastronomical proportions, restaurants in Queens (Sik Gaek and East Seafood Restaurant) are chopping up and serving live octopuses to customers. Octopuses have their tentacles cut off while they are still conscious and are then served, writhing, while their hearts are still beating. Others are slowly steamed alive … Read more »

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