‘They Die Piece by Piece’

If you wouldn’t brand a cat or cut off a dog’s legs, you should also think about putting down the hamburger for World Week for Abolition of Meat. Razvan Antonescu/cc by 2.0 Cows have personalities as distinct as those of cats, dogs, and humans. They develop social circles, form friendships, and even hold grudges. They grieve … Read more »

‘E’ Is for Eeeeeew

the delicious life/cc by 2.0 Creekstone Farms, a large U.S. distributor of beef, is recalling 14,000 pounds of meat because of possible E. coli contamination. An inspector found bacteria in the beef, prompting the USDA to warn of a “reasonable probability that the use of the product will cause serious, adverse health consequences or death.” Where … Read more »

Kids, Cows Agree: Breast Is Best

Michelle Obama’s promotion of the IRS’s breast-pump tax break is getting mixed reviews. Tea Party star Michele Bachmann, who one would think would be in favor of any measure that lowers taxes, blasted the new rule, saying that it gives new meaning to the term “nanny state.” Sarah Palin, who, as governor of Alaska, declared … Read more »

Just Say ‘No’ to Drugs—Don’t Drink Milk

mastermaq/cc by 2.0 Every year, hundreds of discarded cows bound for slaughterhouses from dairy farms are caught under the influence of drugs—illegal levels of antibiotics, that is. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is concerned that those antibiotics are making their way into the cows’ milk. The agency had planned to start expanding its testing … Read more »

Honoring the Long Life of Jack LaLanne

nathan cremisino/cc by 2.0 As a nutrition and fitness expert for almost 80 years, Jack LaLanne dedicated his life to inspiring people to eat properly and exercise. So it’s no wonder that the nonagenarian was still remarkably spry when he passed away on Sunday at the age of 96. For LaLanne, eating properly meant avoiding … Read more »

Day Declared ‘National Veggie Burger Day’!

OK, maybe not, but leave it to the sellers of tortured cows to try to grab attention by claiming that it’s “National Hamburger Day.”(Déjà vu, anyone?) How about we hijack this “holiday” and replace it with one called “National Free-of-Rotting-Flesh Burger Day?” OK, so that might be a little wordy, but no worries: The most … Read more »

They Die Piece by Piece

GollyGforce/CC by 2.0 It’s been more than 20 years since I read about the “downed cow” in a PETA newsletter and became a vegetarian on the spot. Now, out of Texas comes another veggie-maker of a story. A whistleblower at the JBS Swift slaughterhouse in Cactus, Texas, told PETA that he went to investigate after … Read more »

Baby Food Made Out of … Babies?

This just in from an alert PETA member: Gerber is selling baby food made out of veal. For some reason, this struck us at the PETA Files as especially spit-up-inducing. Feeding babies to babies just seems sort of … I don’t know, cannibalistic? Want some puréed fava beans with that, Junior?                               Would you feed … Read more »

Uncle Sam Wants You … to Eat More Cheese

Talk about a cheesy marketing ploy. Sunday’s New York Times reveals that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), which has long had the paradoxical job of both policing and promoting animal agriculture, runs a multi-million-dollar dairy marketing company with the blandly sinister name Dairy Management Inc. With an annual budget of nearly $140 million, Dairy … Read more »

Raise Your Glass to Pink and Director Dave Meyers


Cheese Factory Pollutes Water

Two decades of dumping wastewater from Hilmar Cheese Co. onto surrounding fields has polluted the groundwater in Hilmar, California, according to a report by consultants hired by the company. Eighteen wells in and around Hilmar are so contaminated with nitrates, arsenic, barium, and salts that the water is undrinkable, forcing some people to abandon their homes. … Read more »

Factory Farms: Basically Playpens for Animals

Kiley Stinson may or may not have been raised in a sow stall. Kiley Stinson, an intern for an agriculture site, recently blogged about picking up a vegetarian/vegan starter kit from one of PETA’s stands in D.C. Here’s her confounding attempt to defend factory farms: “If animal rights activists are so appalled to the idea … Read more »

10% Wool, by Jeff Corriveau: Tag and Release Winner

And, this week’s 10% Wool “Tag and Release” winner is … Beth Ann! Congratulations.   So I see that Ringling Bros. is trying to expand its “Greatest Show on Earth” slogan …   Don’t forget to check out the archive of past 10% Wool comic strips here. Get more information on the series and the … Read more »

Joan Jett Finds Flaw in ‘Twilight’ Star’s Impersonation

  Joan Jett, our co-favorite legendary rock goddess (seriously, don’t even try to make us choose between Joan and Chrissie), was notably impressed with Twilight star Kristen Stewart’s portrayal of her in The Runaways, which chronicled Jett’s early career with a pioneering grrl-rock band. However, in her audio commentary on the DVD release of the … Read more »

Please Don’t Eat the Trousers

Fashion fast-forward with the latest cruelty-free design: “Leather” made from green tea cultures! In a new process being developed by visionary designer Suzanne Lee, bacterial cultures are extracted from vats of green tea and then formed into eco-friendly cellulose sheets. Suzanne uses this “textile biomaterial” to make fashionable and cruelty-free jackets and dresses. © Suzanne … Read more »

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