4-H: Hellish, Hazardous, Hypocritical …

With a terse dismissal, the State Fair of Texas denied PETA’s application to display our own version of a 4-H booth at the upcoming event. Fair officials must not want visitors to know that the cows, sheep, goats, and chickens 4-H participants have spent countless hours bonding with will ultimately make their way to a … Read more »

Gandhi’s Best Birthday Present

Mahatma Gandhi said, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” What, then, can we surmise about the U.S., where 59 billion animals a year suffer intensive confinement, are deprived of all that is natural to them, have their bodies mutilated by dehorning, castration, … Read more »

Lawsuit Blows Lid off ‘Happy Cows’ Ads

After the Sacramento Superior Court ordered the spin doctors behind the blatantly false “Happy Cows” advertising campaign to hand over to PETA thousands of pages of records they wrongfully claimed were “trade secrets,” it became obvious why the agencies wanted to keep the documents under wraps. The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) is … Read more »

‘Cows’ Call ‘Bull’ on Dairy Convention

PETA’s band of bovines had Georgia on their minds when dairy farmers and suppliers brought their propaganda-filled displays to the International Dairy Show in Atlanta. Our “cows” told passersby what the dairy farmers wouldn’t—that cows are continually impregnated in order to force them to keep producing milk and that their babies are taken from them … Read more »

When the Cows Go Marching In

Chances are that by now, you’ve seen the red-hot viral video of the Utah jazz band New Hot 5 playing music to entertain a herd of cows while on a trip to France. If, like me, you’ve always thought that “The Utah Jazz” was a strange name for an NBA team, the charming sight of … Read more »

The Cow Who Captivated a Nation

Update: Yvonne has come out of the woods and “turned herself in”. She “apparently got tired of the loneliness” and hopped a fence to a farm where she grazed for awhile, and she is settling in at the Gut Aiderbichl animal sanctuary. Yvonne’s son, who had been thought dead, was located by the sanctuary, and … Read more »

A Bull Named Karma and Other Payback

These animals must have listened to Robert F. Kennedy―they didn’t get mad, they got even.  stevedepolo | cc by 2.0   Maybe Angry Birds was inspired by crows, who remember the faces of people who were mean to them for years―and even get other crows to help retaliate. A cattle rancher was once named “Livestockman … Read more »

Pretty in Paint: Models Heat Up Sidewalk

What do cows, snakes, and foxes all agree on? That they would prefer to keep their skin right where it is, thank you very much. All three species (represented by body-painted PETA members) joined forces in Knoxville, Tennessee, to ask people to wear their own skin, not animals’. After our gals were done turning Knoxville … Read more »

Steer Chooses 5-Lane Traffic Over Slaughter

After watching his fellow cows get shot in the head with a captive-bolt gun and dismembered, a terrified steer made a run for his life. The steer crashed through an unlocked door at a Michigan slaughterhouse and darted across five lanes of traffic, leading Union Township police on a mile-long chase. But his desperate bid … Read more »

PETA Keeps Leather Store Closed

PETA’s macabre protest outside the Louisville, Kentucky, leather goods store Leatherheads on Tuesday morning was apparently really scary—so scary that employees refused to open the store until our corpses made ghosts of themselves. Instead of a dead animal skins, everyone who passed by Leatherheads during our protest left with pictures of the “deceased” and information … Read more »

Clothes Made of Milk Stink for Cows

Apparently, stealing milk meant for baby cows so that we can drink it ourselves isn’t sufficient: Now one fashion designer has decided that we need to dress ourselves in milk too. German designer Anke Domaske is constructing clothing out of thread that she spins from sour milk protein, suffering under the misconception that this constitutes “green” … Read more »

Cows Invade Vegas

Even through-the-roof mercury levels couldn’t stop our mootivated herd of cows from descending on the Sands Expo Center in Las Vegas to demand their skins back. Folks attending the shoe convention inside became curious when they heard the musical stylings of lead bovine Meggan Anderson on the cowbell and came out to snap pictures of … Read more »

They Did What?! Amazing Animal Stories

digitalART72/cc by 2.0 Groovin’ on a Wednesday morning—these affectionate animals make this summer feel like the summer of love. That’s what friends are for: Cows’ stress levels go down when they’re with their besties. Put on a happy face—pigeons will remember you even if your barista doesn’t. Just remember to let pigeons be in peace. Reunited, and … Read more »

Internet Soup

There is a cure for the summertime blues—an oscillating fan, a glass of lemonade, and a chilled bowl of Internet Soup: J-E-L-L-Oh! Cruelty-free gelatin? A cow who escaped from a slaughterhouse gets a happy ending. Could this be the pub where Lady and Tramp had their second dinner date? Twenty different drugs in milk? ¡Ay, … Read more »

Jamie Oliver Wins Chocolate Milk Battle

On his TV show, Food Revolution, chef Jamie Oliver filled a school bus with sand to illustrate the amount of added sugar that Los Angeles students consume every year in flavored milk. The stunt apparently paid off this week when the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) board voted to ban chocolate and strawberry milk from school cafeterias, … Read more »

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