Cloris Leachman Takes On ‘Ag Gag’

Last year, PETA and other animal advocates successfully defeated “ag gag” bills in Florida, New York, Minnesota, and Iowa. Now, another “ag gag” bill that would make it illegal to shoot video on a factory farm has just passed in the House of Representatives in Utah. And once again, we’re fighting back against this unconstitutional … Read more »

The Week in PETA (Feb. 17, 2012)

Poignant words on when animals die, sticking it to Ringling and its torture sticks, and a treat for extreme couponers: It’s everything you might have missed this week. PETA News on Tumblr PETA’s Tumblr page keeps you up to date on all the latest animal news. What new honor did Charlotte’s Web snag? A charity … Read more »

Photo: Everybody Is Somebody’s Baby

PHOTO OF THE DAY Mooove away from leather, baby. Cows don’t wear our babies, so why should we wear theirs?

Photo: Farewell to Jerry

Jerry wasn’t the outgoing, center-of-attention type. Even as a young calf, he seemed to possess the peaceful, quiet air of a wise old man, content to spend warm afternoons gazing out across the landscape with his best friend by his side. Jerry enjoys a quiet afternoon with his friend Patrick.  Courtesy of the Cow Sanctuary … Read more »

Are You an Animal Rights Expert?

It never hurts to brush up on answers to questions about animal issues—even seasoned protesters can get a stumper from passersby now and then. See if you know the answers to the following five questions that often pop up in discussions about animal rights: What’s wrong with eggs and dairy products from “free-range” animals? There … Read more »

Bonobos Find Their Inner Martha Stewart

Bananas? We don’t need no stinkin’ bananas. At least Kanzi the bonobo doesn’t. He taught himself how to make fire and cook food. Chimpanzees have their own emergency broadcast system. They use special sounds to warn their unaware friends about danger, but they don’t send out a warning when the other chimpanzees already see it. … Read more »

The Cows Who Could Save Lives

We’ve all seen the ribbons tied around trees on the side of the road, crosses stuck in the ground, and signs asking us to drive carefully—all reminders of lives that were lost in traffic accidents. Certainly, humans aren’t the only casualties of reckless driving, so should they be the only ones honored? PETA doesn’t think … Read more »

Herd of ‘Cows’ Sends Dairy Farmers Running

When PETA’s herd of “cows” stampeded down the sidewalk in front of the Vancouver Convention Center, where the British Columbia Dairy Conference was taking place, the cow abusers inside nervously looked out the windows. They sent the convention center manager outside to ask their worried questions: What were the cows planning to do? Come inside … Read more »

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Cow

Maybe being able to see the Hollywood sign from my living room makes everything remind me of a bad horror movie, but seeing the headline “New Strain of ‘Mad Cow’ Disease” is enough to make anyone (especially meat-eaters) shriek like a celluloid scream queen. That’s right—bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) has struck again! Mad cow disease … Read more »

PETA Supports Breastfeeding Moms

After Michigan mom Natalie Hegedus was verbally reprimanded by a judge for discreetly breastfeeding her child in the back of a courtroom, PETA jumped to the support of Hegedus and other moms by seeking to place our pro-breastfeeding billboard near the Paw Paw courtroom where the mammary melee occurred. Mary © Susan Saladino Breastfeeding is … Read more »

Cow Dragged, Dumped, Left for Dead

Downed cows—those who are too sick or injured to stand up—are of little use to callous cattle auctioneers. So when a cow collapsed at a Texas livestock auction company, what did the employees do? They simply wrapped a chain around her leg, attached the chain to a truck, dragged the cow into a dirt lot … Read more »

Mad Cow Disease: We’re Not out of the Woods

Alarming new findings from Britain’s Health Protection Agency reveal that many people could still be infected with, and eventually die from, mad cow disease. In humans, it is referred to as “new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease,” or vCJD. As leading vCJD expert Professor John Collinge notes, “The incubation period, where there are no symptoms, can last … Read more »

Animals Join Occupy Wall Street Protest

No animals were arrested in the making of this protest, but yesterday in Zuccotti Park Liberty Square, a “pig,” “cow,” and “chicken” joined the Occupy Wall Street protesters to push for more corporate accountability. Our animals were at the center of a whirlwind of police, photographers, protesters, and intrigued passersby who stopped to read the … Read more »

Why Cheese Could Make You Heave

After reading these cheese facts, you won’t smile when someone says, “Say cheese!” In fact, the thought of cheese might make your stomach turn. Speaking of stomachs, let’s jump right into why eating cheese could make you heave: Many cheeses are made with rennet, an enzyme that comes from calves’ stomach lining. That’s right—the pre-cheese … Read more »

Look Who’s Vegan Now

Arrested Development is coming back! Squeals of joy reportedly reverberated through the Twitterverse when the show’s creator, Mitch Hurwitz, announced that the series will return for a limited run, followed by a movie. We can’t wait to see more of the lovely and compassionate Portia de Rossi and fuzzy funnyman David Cross. And while we’re … Read more »

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