One Can Make a Difference: Meet the NC Dairy Farm Whistleblower

Gna Wyatt, a mother working her way through school, never considered herself to be an “animal rights advocate.” But then dozens of cows needed her help.

New York Forces Laboring Mothers to Give Birth in Public

People who use animals for entertainment often justify it as “educational”—as organizers of a disturbing exhibit at New York’s state fair are doing.

I Scream, You Scream … Why Do Cows Scream for Ice Cream?

Our artsy new ad reminds Windy City residents that every scoop of dairy-based ice cream contains screams of pain.

Mother Cows Search for Missing Babies at Cheese Conference

Five grieving “cows”—and other concerned PETA members—went to the American Cheese Society Conference to search for their missing babies.

Ever Wonder Where Cows on Dairy Farms Come From? Watch This to See.

Disturbing video footage shows calves dragged by their ears and tails and slammed into transport trucks. Please help us identify where this cruelty occurred.

The Video That Will Change People’s Minds About Cows

See it for yourself.

Photo of the Day: Young ‘Calf’ Says, ‘I Miss My Mom!’

A very cute “calf” has an important message for you.

Casey Affleck’s Must-See Film

The fact that calves are dehorned with instruments that look like medieval torture devices is just one of the reasons why Casey doesn’t do dairy.

What’s in Your Milk?

Ever wonder what’s really in a glass of milk?

In Memoriam: PETA Proposes Tribute to Mother Cows Killed in Transport


PETA’s Top Six Videos for National Dairy Month

The dairy industry is blowing even more manure-scented hot air than usual, having declared June to be “National Dairy Month.” Although the volume of its propaganda has changed, the content hasn’t: The industry still won’t tell you how dairy factory farms and their products wreck cows’ lives, human health, and the environment.  So to set … Read more »

Got Zits? Ditch Dairy

Paul McCartney once went to Kansas City to get his baby back, and now PETA is blazing the same trail to help teens get their baby faces back. A new study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found that teenagers who drank more milk had more problems with acne. It confirmed similar … Read more »

Update: PETA Files Suit Seeking Information on Sanctioning of Cruel Dairy Farm

Update: PETA has filed a lawsuit against the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets under the state’s Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) seeking records relating to Adirondack Farms, LLC—the subject of last year’s undercover PETA investigation that revealed routine abuse and neglect of cows (see below for details). © Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals Despite … Read more »

Don’t Let Milk and Cookies Get Santa Down

The saturated fat and cholesterol in even so-called “low-fat” milk clogs the arteries leading to all your organs, not just your heart.

Here’s the Lowdown on Keeping Dairy Low Down on Shopping Lists

Here’s some welcome news: Despite the barrage of deceptive dairy industry propaganda, sales of cow’s milk—already in free fall—have plummeted in the U.S. It seems that more and more consumers are getting the message that dairy foods are as bad for our health as they are for the well-being of cows. To make sure the downward … Read more »

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