Alan Cumming Wants Nondairy Options at Dairy Queen

Alan Cumming sends a letter to the CEO of Dairy Queen asking him to offer nondairy products for an ever-expanding market.

Bullied Schoolgirl’s Family Prepares to Relocate Amid Fears for Her Safety

After 16-year-old Australian student Kaila Mackay made a YouTube video about the cruel dairy industry, she experienced horrendous bullying, which prevented her from returning to school.

Alan Cumming Is ‘Not a Dairy Queen’ at Pride

PETA’s booths at gay-pride events across the country will showcase a new vegan campaign starring Alan Cumming.

What? Indy 500 Celebrates 100th Race by Taking Babies From Their Moms

The Indy 500 race will celebrate 100 years by tearing babies away from their mothers. Not because the moms are bad—it’s not personal. It’s just a business deal.

Animal Advocates Target Whole Foods CEO for ‘Greenwashing’ During Debate

Animal advocates are not going to let the lie of “humane meat” … well, lie.

Video: Millions Meet PETA Online for #30DaysOfVegan

Eating vegan is healthy, satisfying, and fun, but how do you show people that? PETA found 30 ways in 30 days during World Vegan Month in November.

Each of Us Can Help Stop Violence and Create Peace

We may not be able to stop all the violence in the world, but each of us has the power to end a great deal of it.

O Tidings of Comfort and Soy! PETA’s Answer to #Cupgate2015

PETA releases a festive reusable coffee cup amid holiday cup controversy to remind people that it’s not what’s on the outside that counts—it’s what you put inside.

Disturbing Torture Devices Uncovered at Daisy Farms

What PETA and a whistleblower uncovered at Daisy Brand supplier Daisy Farms is part of a real-life horror movie for the animals who live there.

Video: Man Tries to Take Newborn Calf; Cow Intervenes

You do not want to mess with this cow’s friend.

As a Breastfeeding Mother, My Heart Breaks for Cows

From mother cows to human mothers, a mother’s love knows no bounds.

Goat Cheese Maker Stops Breeding Goats, Switches from Dairy to Vegan

The Sanctuary at Soledad Goats in Mojave, California, has won a Compassionate Business Award from PETA for becoming a fully vegan operation.

Food Industry Giants Make a Good Call for Cows

From grocery aisles to concession stands, food industry leaders are supporting an end to dehorning.

Video: Watch These Cows Outsmart a Bunch of Humans

You’ll never look at cows the same way after watching this video.

Meat and Dairy Eaters Anonymous Launched in Nation’s Capital

A new group called Meat and Dairy Eaters Anonymous is launched to help people kick the meat and dairy habit for good.

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