How Jordan Peele’s Film Led to a Conversation About Dairy Products

One scene, in particular, which is being referred to as the “creepy milk scene,” has started a dialog about—you guessed it—dairy products.

Why Cow’s Milk Is the Perfect Drink for Supremacists

The “white stuff” isn’t the right stuff.

New Marker Would Encourage Respect for All Beings

We must learn from history to be compassionate toward all races, genders, religions, and species.

Which Animal-Friendly Stars Won Oscars This Weekend?

Some of Hollywood’s great talents were honored at the 2017 Oscars, where nominees and winners included standouts to people who stand up for animals.

Oscars Celebration Will Offer Delicious Vegan Menu

Nominated PETA friends Casey Affleck and Natalie Portman will dine on decadent gnocchetti in cashew cream, cupcakes, and more at Oscars Govenors Ball.

These Valentine’s Day Lovers Show That Compassion Can Up Your Bed Game

Get the word out: Vegans make better lovers.

Desperate Dairy Industry Tries to Win Back Customers With Semantics

Instead of asking the FDA to rename almond and soy milk, the dairy industry should clean up its act.

VIDEO: Ballet Dancer Sylvie Guillem Raises the ‘Barre’ for Animals

Iconic dancer Sylvie Guillem shows how anyone can jump-start the new year by switching to healthy and compassionate vegan meals.

Cruelty, Death, and Pus in Milk: Meet the Reitz Dairy Farm—Again

According to a whistleblower, cows’ throats were slit, they were forced to live in piles of manure, and gear oil leaked into milk.

Farmer Convicted of Abuse After 210 Cows Found With Broken Tails

Experts note that the pain experienced by the cows was “akin to a person having their fingers broken.”

Topless Women Tell Dairy to Stop Stealing Babies’ Milk

Women show that cow’s milk is the product of rape and child abduction.

Photo by Jennifer Gauthier
PETA Hands Out Vegan Ice Cream as Harvard Dining-Hall Staff Strikes

PETA stepped in and gave hungry Harvard students dairy-free ice cream sandwiches after the dining-hall staff went on strike.

How PETA, Ryan Gosling, and Casey Affleck Saved Calves from Suffering

In a victory five years in the making, the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) is forcing dairy farms to begin addressing the dehorning of calves.

Animal Companions
‘DWTS,’ Season 13—Chock-Full of Animal-Minded Celebrities!

More than half of the 13 stars this year are mindful of animal welfare.

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‘Cows’ to Tell Starbucks Drinkers: ‘Decalf’ Your Latte

The coffee is free when you let the cows be.

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