If We Shouldn’t Say ‘Cheese’ for Photos—What Should We Say?

Say “Peace,” not “Cheese”! We’re asking the selfie app to align its language with Gen Z values.

Leave the Meat in the Sheets—Go Vegan in the Streets: PETA Calls For Sex Strike

PETA is erecting—ahem—launching new ads calling on people to join a sex strike and stop having sex with their animal-eating husbands and boyfriends.

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Provocative Ad Puts Father’s Day Activities on Blast: ‘Does Your Daddy Kill Animals?’

Fishing and hunting destroy other animals’ families. PETA’s ad blitz urges your family to choose kind activities this Father’s Day.

Federal Program Will Cover More Plant-Based Foods on June 17—What This Means for Mothers and Children

WIC is getting a big update on June 17—and it’s coming up vegan. Here’s what this means for getting healthy plant-based foods on a budget.

PETA Wants the Lone Star Tick to Have a Place of Honor in Texas—Here’s What We Asked Gov. Abbott

One bite from the lone star tick can move meaty mouths toward vibrant vegan vittles. PETA urged Gov. Greg Abbott to latch on and celebrate this minuscule mite.

All Charges Against Teen Who Protested Starbucks’ Speciesist Upcharge Dropped

All charges against a 13-year-old PETA supporter who was wrongfully arrested while peacefully protesting against Starbucks have been dropped.

Since Red Lobster’s Super-Pinched, Why Not Give Vegan Seafood a Shot?

Red Lobster sank and went bankrupt, but the pinched chain has a chance to restructure in a far kinder way. PETA reveals how.

Find Out the Easiest Way to Avoid Buying ‘Spaghetti Chicken’

Since 2015, reports of “spaghetti meat” chicken breasts have flooded the internet. But what exactly is “spaghetti chicken,” and is it OK to eat?

Wave of Urgency: PETA’s Plea for Coral Reefs Hits Chicago and Miami Beach

PETA’s “Beef or Reef?” ad hit Chicago and Miami Beach with a wave of urgency. Learn about our provocative plea and what you can do.

Why Should Kids Care About Fish? Help Them Dive Into Kindness

How can kids help fish this World Ocean Day? With PETA Kids’ free comic. Download it today!

Cicadas Are All the Buzz This Spring—What Can Kids Learn About Them?

PETA Kids’ free resource will give you everything you need to help kids learn about kindness to insects—so you don’t have to wing it.

VIDEO: Every Day Is Mother’s Day for These Animals

Every glass of dairy breaks the bond between mother and baby. Watch this video to learn why moms of every species should be celebrated each day.

This Mother’s Day, Let’s Honor Moms of All Species

As we honor human mothers, let’s also extend recognition to mothers of other species whose stories often go untold.

PETA Sends Former President Trump a Gift After He Says He Has to Try Vegan

When former president Donald Trump tries vegan food, it’s gonna be huge. That’s why PETA sent him a gift basket of vegan goodies!

World’s First Caviar Farm Exposé Reveals Workers Stabbing Fish, Beating Them to Death With Metal Clubs

The TRUE cost of caviar? Extreme suffering. Find out what the world’s first caviar farm investigation revealed, and help PETA spare fish this horrific cruelty.

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