Keep Urban Outfitters on the Hook for Using Leather, Wool, and Down

Join Students Opposing Speciesism in using hanger tags to show Urban Outfitters the true cost of animal-derived clothing.

Students: Your Art Can Help Us ‘Stick It’ to Urban Outfitters!

Are you a student who loves to get creative for animal rights? Submit a design for Students Opposing Speciesism’s next sticker and help end Urban Outfitters’ sale of clothing made from materials that were stolen from animals.

PETA’s ‘Pants on Fire’ Awards—10 Companies That Deceive Consumers

These companies are master manipulators, but PETA’s turning up the heat on each and every one of them with this year’s “Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire” Awards.

Hark! PETA Carolers in Ugly Sweaters Sing to End Sheep Suffering

Hear PETA supporters sing—wearing wool is such a cruel thing! Carolers donned ugly sweaters to serenade passersby with an urgent message to shop vegan this holiday season.

VICTORY! ascena retail Bans Alpaca Wool After Talks With PETA

After communication with PETA, ascena retail has promised to stop sourcing alpaca wool and ban the material in all future collections. Ann Taylor and LOFT are finally going alpaca-wool-free!

Local Activists Lead Charge to Win Over Winners—TJX-Owned Companies Are All Finally Fur-Free!

The TJX-owned Canadian department store chain Winners has just banned fur, scoring a major win for animals in the fur industry.

Joanna Krupa Tells Urban Outfitters to ‘Get With the Program’ and Go Completely Vegan

Former “Real Housewives” star Joanna Krupa speaks up for animals in PETA’s anti-wool video against Urban Outfitters.

Huge News! Fashion House Valentino to Stop Using Alpaca

After viewing a PETA exposé, this luxury fashion brand has confirmed that it will “discontinue the production of garments in which [alpaca] is present by the end of 2021”!

Why I’m Urging Anthropologie to Ditch Alpaca

Alpaca production is not just cruel to animals; it also has a surprisingly large environmental footprint.

Why PETA Is Praising the World’s Third-Largest Clothing Retailer

UNIQLO banned alpaca wool after a PETA investigation revealed the wool industry’s cruelty to the animals! Find out which company still won’t show alpacas compassion.

12 Reasons Why Sheep Hate the Wool Industry (and Why You Should, Too)

Did you know that sheep leap with excitement when they see their friends? These sheep facts will have you loathing the wool industry and saying #Never21.

WATCH: PETA Calls Out Farmer for This Video on TikTok

The next time someone tells you farmers respect their sheep, remember this video. Watch how this farmer thrusts his crotch toward a sheep as she gives birth.

Boy Feeds Sheep, Contracts a Viral Illness ‘With Parallels to COVID-19’

Orf is one of the many reasons why raising sheep to be killed for wool and meat is dangerous. And it’s not the only viral zoonotic illness you can contract from sheep.

PETA Urges J.Crew to Save Its Brand by Banning Cashmere and Wool Immediately

J.Crew Group has filed for bankruptcy as malls across the country remain closed. PETA has a vital solution to help the retail giant revamp itself.

PETA Asks Shareholder Questions at Ralph Lauren and Capri Annual Meetings

PETA is heading to the boardroom to pressure retailers Ralph Lauren, Urban Outfitters, and others not to sell items that sheep and goats suffered and died for.

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