Animal Companions
Exciting Legislation in California

As you probably know, our country is in the midst of an extreme companion animal overpopulation crisis, and unfortunately, California (where some estimate that nearly a half million dogs and cats are euthanized for lack of good homes annually) is no exception. Fortunately, a life-saving piece of legislation that would address this crisis—Assembly Bill 1634—has … Read more »

Animal Companions
Cavepeople in Montreal

Well, through no particular design, the last couple of posts have been a little heavy—a lion mauling and a dead, angry chicken—so I figured we were long overdue for a bit of light relief here, which arrived in my inbox this morning in the form of a few beautiful photos of an anti-fur demonstration organized … Read more »

Animal Companions
Video of Lion Attacking Trainer

What an awful story all around. This shocking video shows a lion in a circus somewhere attacking and mauling a trainer. The lion wound up being shot and killed, and the trainer is totally messed up as well. I’m afraid it’s just another sad example of why wild animals don’t belong behind bars . . … Read more »

Animal Companions
Brief Message From a Chicken

A little while back, I wrote about the worldwide competition that the Young Guns ad agency held for people in the advertising industry to make a new PETA PSA. The official winner of that contest was “Your Parents Do It: Don’t Block It Out”, a brilliant idea put together by the BBDO Agency in Montréal. … Read more »

Animal Companions
Burberry Protest in Moscow

Man, PETA Europe gets around. It seems like every day I’m seeing clips of their demonstrations in some far away land. Check out this coverage of a Burberry protest they held yesterday in Moscow. Admittedly, the article would be much more entertaining and informative if I could read Russian, but I still love it because … Read more »

Animal Companions
Ewe’ve Been Conned

Update: Amusing as it is, it looks like this story may not have been entirely factual. Makes me feel a bit sheepish. Thanks to Amy and Canaduck for pointing that out! Apparently, thousands of rich Japanese women were conned into buying lambs as pets, believing them to be super valuable miniature poodles. No, I’m not … Read more »

Animal Companions
Sony’s Goat-Slaughter Debacle

It’s time for one of those “OMFGWTF?” moments—this one brought to you exclusively by the fine folks over at Sony. Apparently, as part of a promotion for a new game (which I’m not even going to mention here because I have absolutely no desire to help them promote it), they threw a party which featured … Read more »

Animal Companions
Best Picture Ever

Two Australian Lettuce Ladies made the BBC’s “Day in Pictures” today, which means that a massive number of people are going to come across this photo and, unless they are completely blind, immediately go vegetarian. Stunning.

Sopranos Star Edie Falco’s Message Against Violence

If you’re anything like me, you start getting psyched around Noon on Sunday just knowing that The Sopranos is going to be on later that night. Well last night, as Carmela and Tony had another one of their knock-down-drag-out fights (I’m with Carm on this one, the spec house was HER project, so the proceeds … Read more »

Animal Companions
Fur Is a Drag!

I just got back from the “Doo Dah parade” in Norfolk, where local businesses and charities march up and down the street in the silliest outfits they can think of for the benefit of an adoring public. And nothing looks quite so foolish as a fur coat—which is where we come in. I’m not entirely … Read more »

Animal Companions
Post Your Photos!

PETA has a new Flickr account! Which is a very good thing, because up until now, we had thousands of photos of demonstrations, events, animal-friendly celebrities, and old PETA ads that were just kinda languishing in the vaults. I’m particularly proud of this project, because I had to upload a gazillion photos only to find … Read more »

Animal Companions

Ken the Killer It’s difficult to say exactly why London Mayor Ken Livingstone hates pigeons with such a virulent passion. Perhaps he was bitten by a pigeon as a young child, or harassed by gangs of pigeon bullies as a schoolboy, but whatever the reason for it, his “war on pigeons” is well known in … Read more »

Animal Companions
Vegan Fashion on the Today Show

So I’ve been vegetarian for kind of a long time, and back in the day, my choices for nonleather shoes and belts and so forth were pretty much nonexistent. If I found a decent pair of vegan shoes in my size, I’d snap up a couple of pairs at a time. Honestly, it was a … Read more »

Animal Companions
The Dutch Continue to Be Awesome

Holland, being awesome since 100 B.C. I’ve talked about how rad The Netherlands are before—when the Dutch “Party for the Animals” (yes, Holland has a legitimate political party dedicated to animal protection which holds seats in parliament) paid to run spots of “Free Me” on Dutch national television. Well, the latest news from our clog-wearing … Read more »

Animal Companions
100,000 Pounds of Beef Recalled by Richwood Meat

Fears of E. coli contamination have prompted California-based Richwood foods to recall more than 100,000 pounds of beef from grocery stores. The scare comes after three children became seriously ill. You can read about the story here if it hasn’t come across your radar yet, but if you’re in the mood for a little bit … Read more »

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