Animal Companions

Princess Cuteyface: You can take the cat off the streets, but you can’t take the street out of the cat I hope day 2 of Be Kind to Animals Week is treating you well. This one’s a wee bit controversial, but I thought it would be a good time to address the issue of purebred … Read more »

Animal Companions
Carville, Matalin, and Mathews

James Carville and Mary Matalin</font My roommate is big into political documentaries at the moment, and this weekend he rented a ’93 documentary about Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign, called “War Room”, which I found myself mesmerized by. Two things really struck me about the film: The first were the similarities between the unorthodox way that … Read more »

Animal Companions
PETA’s Bear Meets the Queen

This Sunday, at Churchill Downs racetrack, thousands of spectators gathered to watch the Kentucky Derby, brought to you by KFC parent company Yum! Brands—kind of like a little mini convention for animal abusers, where the horse people and the chicken people could get together and talk torture tactics. A cruelty conference, if you will. Or … Read more »

Animal Companions
Sienna Miller for Club Sandwiches

A little bit of star-spotting for you today, this one courtesy of People magazine. The lovely Sienna Miller was photographed this week wearing a stylin’ sweater with an animal rights message. Three of my favorite things in one picture: Seals, Sandwiches, and Sienna. Amazing.

Animal Companions
The First Annoying Vegan

I know, I know. But this comic strip made me laugh out loud. Enjoy! Thanks to Snaggy and Nitrozac for letting me post the strip!

Animal Companions
Dulary and Ella Find Homes

Dulary arrives at the sanctuary Some great elephant news on two fronts for you today, as two famous elephants have found new places to live. The first, an elephant named Dulary from the Philadelphia Zoo, has been released to a sanctuary to spend the rest of her life following the zoo’s decision to close down … Read more »

Animal Companions
Peter Dinklage’s New Video

I was pretty much blown away by The Station Agent when that movie came out a couple of years ago, and I’ve been a fan of the movie’s star, Peter Dinklage, ever since. Peter went on to have a recurring role in Nip/Tuck, and he’s also landed the part of Trumpkin in the next Narnia … Read more »

Animal Companions
Michael Vick Update

Vick drops the ball You’ve probably heard by now about the alleged dogfighting ring that was uncovered in a raid on Michael Vick’s property last week. Vick has been vigorously denying any involvement in the operation, and I really, really want to believe him, because he genuinely is a fantastic quarterback. Unfortunately, the man’s versatility … Read more »

Animal Companions
Why Heather Stopped Giving to March of Dimes

Many of you will be familiar with PETA’s “March of Crimes” Campaign, which was launched a number of years ago to promote a simple message: Harming animals, whatever your ultimate intention, is harmful to people too. Sadly, charities like March of Dimes, which have a laudable goal of preventing birth defects, also have an ugly … Read more »

Animal Companions
Exciting Legislation in California

As you probably know, our country is in the midst of an extreme companion animal overpopulation crisis, and unfortunately, California (where some estimate that nearly a half million dogs and cats are euthanized for lack of good homes annually) is no exception. Fortunately, a life-saving piece of legislation that would address this crisis—Assembly Bill 1634—has … Read more »

Animal Companions
Cavepeople in Montreal

Well, through no particular design, the last couple of posts have been a little heavy—a lion mauling and a dead, angry chicken—so I figured we were long overdue for a bit of light relief here, which arrived in my inbox this morning in the form of a few beautiful photos of an anti-fur demonstration organized … Read more »

Animal Companions
Video of Lion Attacking Trainer

What an awful story all around. This shocking video shows a lion in a circus somewhere attacking and mauling a trainer. The lion wound up being shot and killed, and the trainer is totally messed up as well. I’m afraid it’s just another sad example of why wild animals don’t belong behind bars . . … Read more »

Animal Companions
Brief Message From a Chicken

A little while back, I wrote about the worldwide competition that the Young Guns ad agency held for people in the advertising industry to make a new PETA PSA. The official winner of that contest was “Your Parents Do It: Don’t Block It Out”, a brilliant idea put together by the BBDO Agency in Montréal. … Read more »

Animal Companions
Burberry Protest in Moscow

Man, PETA Europe gets around. It seems like every day I’m seeing clips of their demonstrations in some far away land. Check out this coverage of a Burberry protest they held yesterday in Moscow. Admittedly, the article would be much more entertaining and informative if I could read Russian, but I still love it because … Read more »

Animal Companions
Ewe’ve Been Conned

Update: Amusing as it is, it looks like this story may not have been entirely factual. Makes me feel a bit sheepish. Thanks to Amy and Canaduck for pointing that out! Apparently, thousands of rich Japanese women were conned into buying lambs as pets, believing them to be super valuable miniature poodles. No, I’m not … Read more »

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