Meet Your Snakeskin Belt

Here’s a sneak preview of a pair of ads targeting the cruel exotic-skins trade that will be featured in the latest issue of PETA’s Animal Times magazine. We have a ways to go before people stop abusing these amazing animals for the sake of fashion accessories, but I did get one piece of good news … Read more »

Ross University Saga Continues …

So a while back, I posted an entry on these here PETA Files calling out the Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine about numerous photographs we had received documenting the mutilation of animals who were forced to undergo multiple surgeries before being killed and cut apart at the university. Sounds like a pretty reasonable point … Read more »

Best Interview Ever?

Field Cate is the 10-year-old star of ABC’s smash-hit dramedy (Wikipedia assures me that this is a real word) Pushing Daisies, and he is more knowledgeable about a wide array of animal issues than most people twice his age. Here he is, holding forth on the ethics of vegetarianism, pet care, dissection, circuses, and animal … Read more »

Morrissey Boycotts Canada

Timeout / CC After being asked recently to perform at a series of events in Canada, Morrissey responded with his sincere regrets and the following powerful condemnation of Canada’s barbaric seal hunt, which began in earnest last week: In late June the Montreal Symphony are hosting a TV Special to salute Buffy Sainte-Marie’s 50th year … Read more »

Extinct Means Safe Forever

Does anyone else find it a bit depressing that everyone breaks out the party balloons after an animal gets taken off the Endangered Species list, when all it really means is that people can start the killing again? So it goes with the Gray Wolf, who now needs to start watching his back following an … Read more »

Fur – just in case you weren’t aware – is a drag.

Norfolk’s annual Doo Dah Parade invites local organizations and business owners to march the streets in ludicrous outfits so that the citizens of this fine city can laugh at them. I’ve never quite figured out why this goes on, but it’s certainly a whole lot of fun. Tragically, I didn’t make it this year, but … Read more »

PETA Launches Victimless Nuggets

We’re debuting our very first branded food product today, and, being PETA, we figured we’d do something that would make a bit of a splash. We’re launching Newkirk Nuggets™ (patent pending), a cutting edge (and surprisingly delicious) animal-meat alternative created by cloning cells from an upper arm biopsy of PETA President Ingrid Newkirk who is … Read more »

Pleather Yourself With Jenna Jameson

I’m sure ya’ll remember Jack’s tease on this sexy new ad from last week … well lucky you! The time has finally come. Click here to read the full feature and enter to win the pleather bikini that Jenna wore in the ad! Jenna will unveil the new campaign, which was shot by top celebrity … Read more »

Tobey Maguire Bans Leather at Home

virginmedia/Creative Commons Some celeb blogs are reporting that vegan actor Tobey Maguire asks guests at his home to remove any leather garments before entering the house. He says the smell makes him sick—which, well, he’s not alone there. Part of me is praying that some clueless B-lister like Kate Moss shows up for a party … Read more »

Deflocked, by Jeff Corriveau

Deflocked, baby. Deflocked. Click for a larger version To check out the archives of past strips, click here.

Police Deeply Confused by PETA India Demonstration

This is pretty much apropos of nothing, but I loved this so much that I had to post it. You may remember an entry from a couple of weeks ago about an anti-leather demonstration held by PETA India members in Bangalore. Well, here’s the picture of the demo again, and below it is a photo … Read more »

Are Your Shoes Leather?

For anyone who’s done animal rights protests before, you’ll know that—no matter what the issue—the first thing anyone ever asks you is whether your shoes are leather (seriously, the question is almost a reflex for some people—I’ve heard of people being asked that at naked demonstrations). So it’s always a bonus when the demonstration is … Read more »

Thanksgiving Aftermath

I hope everyone had a pleasant Thanksgiving holiday. Mine would have been pretty close to perfect if it hadn’t all been tainted by yesterday’s sad events in Tampa Bay. But the show must go on, and though it may not seem like it right now, there are more important things than the apparent inability of … Read more »

Fur Free Friday

Happy Fur Free Friday, people! I understand that today is a very big shopping day in this fine country, so I will be studiously avoiding any and all places of commerce throughout the day and focusing instead on the leftovers of yesterday’s Thanksgiving feast. But for anyone who is on their way out to take … Read more »

Happy Thanksgiving!

Remember, don’t eat the mascot!

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