George W. Bush on PETA

This is an old video we made a while back to talk about why PETA has occasionally resorted to some more colorful tactics like naked protests to get our point across. It must have been put together in the early days of Internet video, when people had the attention span to get all the way … Read more »

Burberry Has a New Enemy

Her name is Casey Redd, and she just sent in the latest brilliant addition to our Burberry campaign materials. PETA’s Art Department does a fantastic job, but this may very well be my favorite anti-fur ad ever. Here’s 10-year-old Casey with the ad she made:

Mates of State Get Nekkid

I’ve been at PETA long enough to know that there are a whole lot of different ways to make a naked ad, and I’m always impressed with the way our Art Department manages to capture the particular style of the celebrity who’s posing for the ad without losing sight of the message. Over the years, … Read more »

Alicia Mayer in a Lettuce Bikini

More than 31 major media outlets covered PETA Asia Pacific’s pro-vegetarianism photo shoot with Filipina supermodel Alicia Mayer yesterday, and looking at the stunning pictures, I can see why. In case you’re wondering, that’s PETA Asia Pacific’s very own Jason Baker on the right, with the water bottle. I actually haven’t spoken to Jason since … Read more »

Free Veggie Burgers!

Earlier this month, it was announced that Dan Snyder, who owns the greatest football team in the world, has purchased Johnny Rockets, which happens to make the greatest fast-food veggie burger in the world. To celebrate this match made in heaven for vegetarian football fans, PETA has teamed up with Johnny Rockets to give away … Read more »

America’s Next Top Dumbass Brooklyn Girl

Kathleen, not the sharpest knife in the drawer If reality ever catches up with Reality TV, we’re going to be in great shape as far as animal issues are concerned (though, like, Flava Flav will probably be President, which might cause some problems). Turns out that in Reality TV, when you make naive comments about … Read more »

Mayhem at the Christian Lacroix Fashion Show

Attendees of the invitation-only Christian Lacroix show at Paris Fashion week this afternoon discovered that “I’d Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur” is a whole lot more than just a catchy slogan when a PETA Europe supporter removed all her clothes, evaded security, and rushed onto the catwalk with an anti-fur banner. Here’s what astonished … Read more »

Those Pesky Olsen Twins

The dreaded Olsen Twins have been spotted again, hiding their evil, flinty little eyes behind dark glasses and draping their malformed bodies in the skins of tortured animals. No need to hide your children and bar the windows just yet, though, as our dashing hero, PETA VP Dan Mathews, has come to the rescue with … Read more »

Pamela Anderson Gives Uggs the Boot

A lovely pic of Pam from her new-look website I’m going to come clean with you guys and admit that I didn’t know what Uggs were until I heard about this. I try to be trendy and keep my ear to the ground about this sort of thing, but apparently the whole Ugg thing has … Read more »

Dead Naked Seal People

Nothing says “Stop the bloody seal hunt” like a pile of dead, naked seal people outside your front door. We’re hoping that the Canadian Prime Minister got that message loud and clear last week when these brave souls stripped off, covered themselves in fake blood, and held a “die-in” outside his office to symbolize the … Read more »

No Fur in Fort Lauderdale

Just in case you weren’t aware, you don’t need to be a professional activist to make furriers in your neighborhood wish to God that they could just crawl into a hole somewhere, or maybe pick any other profession. All you need are some signs, a few good friends, and an hour or so of free … Read more »

P. Diddy Takes a Baby Step

A couple of years ago, we went after P. Diddy pretty hard for for his furry ways, and to make a long story short, he wound up meeting with us about the issue. We explained how animals on fur farms are killed by anal or vaginal electrocution, how animals in the wild are often drowned, … Read more »

Fur Free Prada, Part Deux

Prada girl showing off a piece from the “Fake Classic” line Well, I guess since Prada is Italian and all, it would really be Part Due, but that’s not the point here . . . The whole “Prada Bored With Fur” story is all over the place, especially in the fashion press. The one from … Read more »

Committed: A Rabble Rouser’s Memoir

I’ve talked before about my friend Dan Mathews, PETA’s fancypants VP, who spends his life jetting around the world getting celebs on board with our campaigns, disrupting fashion shows, and sometimes ending up in the slammer. Every time Dan gets home from a trip, he has another amazing story to tell. One of Dan’s best … Read more »

Prada: I’m Bored With Fur

OK, so admittedly I’m not the world’s biggest fashionista, but even I know that Prada is a big deal in the fashion world. Like, the biggest deal there is. So this is just beyond incredible. Amazing clothes—no fur. Love you Ms. Prada. Not even 24 hours after a PETA Europe member disrupted the Prada fashion … Read more »

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