Tommy Hilfiger Drops Fur!

Damn, these victories always seem to come in pairs. Right after New Mexico announces that it has banned cockfighting, Tommy Hilfiger permanently drops fur from their collections. Citing ethical reasons for their decision, Tommy released a statement today saying: “Starting immediately, the company will cease development of any product containing fur, and any fur garment … Read more »

PETA’s Lawyers Have a Word With JCPenney

Having been on the receiving end of a few coolly worded e-mails from our Legal Department myself, I have a suspicion that JCPenney is in a world of pain after hearing from PETA’s attorneys this week about the company’s claim that it does not condone the “illegal or inhumane treatment of animals.” Given that this … Read more »

Fashion Felons

OK, I know I’ve written about our fashion police before (those saucy minxes who pass out citations to passersby who are wearing fur, leather, or wool), but these pics—from a recent Vancouver demonstration—are too good to pass up. I’ve never seen people look quite so happy to get arrested.

OMG WTF, Vegan Candles?!

So every now and then, we have these meetings at PETA where everyone in my department talks about the new animal-friendly features they have lined up for the website, and we brainstorm a few good ways to promote them on the Internet. The highlight of these meetings is always when my good friend Mylie starts … Read more »

PETA to Lottery Winner…

Did you hear about the Georgia truck driver who won half of the $390 million lottery jackpot yesterday? I’m not ashamed to admit that I had a couple of tickets myself, but seeing how I’m still slaving away over my computer, you’re correct in assuming that I’m not the one splitting it with him. There’s … Read more »

PETA’s Recipes For Al Gore

By now, most people in the country, and certainly everyone in the blogosphere, have heard about the letter we sent Al Gore urging him to face the reality that while the steps he asks people to take in An Inconvenient Truth are certainly important, the most effective way to stop climate change is through diet … Read more »

All Hail Simon Cowell

I know I was just talking about how cool Simon Cowell is, but he is at it again. This time he’s got some choice advice for American Idol hopefuls: Be kind to animals. Everyone knows Simon is notoriously harsh when Idol contestants deserve it, but he’s got a big soft spot for animal advocates. Simon … Read more »

Dan Mathews: A Carrot in Cattle Country

One of the recent perks of being a PETA employee is access to advance chapters of the new book by PETA’s globe-trotting VP, Dan Mathews. The book, entitled Committed: A Rabble-Rouser’s Memoir, doesn’t come out until April, but I’ve been enjoying the hell out of the little bits and pieces I’ve been able to coerce … Read more »

Willie Nelson Saves Horses From Slaughter

When I walked by my boss Ingrid’s office this morning and heard “My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys” blaring, I knew something fishy was going on . . . Well, toss your cowboy hat in the air, crank up “On The Road Again” and holler yee haw! Willie Nelson (Yes, THE Willie Nelson) and his … Read more »

Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

Or should I say “Wer Wird Millionar?” That’s, like, German, because last night on the German version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire, a contestant flew the PETA flag in a big way. My friend Harald, who sent me the pics of his television set, said the dude is still going and will be … Read more »

Mark Wahlberg On The Back Up

If you get that subject line, then you’re old enough to remember Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch. I’m not ashamed to admit it, I used to kick it to Good Vibrations back in the nine one. And like the rest of the civilized world, I’ve followed Mark Wahlberg’s career over the years. Basketball Diaries, … Read more »

Remote-Controlled Pigeons

I just read an article about how “scientists” at Shandong University in China have created the first ever remote-controlled pigeon. This is considerably less fun than it sounds, as it turns out that far from actually creating anything, these people have been torturing birds for God knows how many years by inserting electrodes into their … Read more »

Clearing a Few Things Up for Al Gore

For all the good he’s done for the environment—which, to be fair, is an awful lot—Al’s leaving out a huge piece of the puzzle by ignoring the fact that the devastation caused by the meat industry is among the worst environmental disasters ever to happen to the world. As we told him in our letter, … Read more »

Conspiracy Theory!

If you’ve never been implicated in a preposterous conspiracy theory, I can highly recommend the experience. It’s a roller-coaster ride of emotions from shocked to flattered to downright amused. This is especially true when the person responsible for the conspiracy theory is a high-ranking government official, as we discovered last week when we were tipped … Read more »

Kansas State Bans Chicken Toss

Do you really need a letter from PETA and an official ban from your school administration to figure out what’s wrong with throwing live chickens onto a basketball court during a game? In the case of the moronic Kansas State fans who did exactly that during a game against rivals KU, the answer, of course, … Read more »

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