Sealers Trapped on the Ice in Newfoundland

I could seriously sit here all day trying to muster up sympathy for these guys and not succeed. Since that’s probably not going to happen, I’ll just give you the details of the story instead (I will make every effort not to be gleeful about it). Apparently, more than 100 seal-hunting boats became trapped in … Read more »

Nine Inch Nails New Album

Nine Inch Nails has a brand new album out this week: Year Zero has been getting a lot of love from the critics, and it’s awesome to see Trent Reznor back in form. And, of course, we’re all big fans of Trent here after he took time out of his schedule to narrate our exposé … Read more »

Newbury Comics Stops Selling Fur!

Which, in some ways, why in God’s name was a comic-book store selling fur in the first place, but hooray for those early-adopting scene-hoppers over at peta2 for helping to persuade the chain to stop! It’s nice to see that they actually do some real work in between hobnobbing with indie-rock icons and droning on … Read more »

Who’s Cuter, Mermaids or Cavepeople?

Yeah, I know, it’s kind of a no-brainer. But the relative cuteness of mermaids versus cavepeople was really hit home to me today when I received images from two different protests conducted by PETA UK yesterday. The first, from a demonstration in Edinburgh to encourage people to cut the fish out of their diets, gets … Read more »

Britney’s Latest Fur Pas

Maybe Britney should stick to her trademark crotch shots, because her new post-rehab look definitely isn’t working for her. Unless of course she’s actually going for the whole “street walker” look, in which case she nailed it. I’m referring to this pic from an article talking about her supposed “comeback”: I realize the girl has … Read more »

Tim Gunn to Introduce Dan Mathews at Book Signing

Word on the street is that fashion maven Tim Gunn is going to be introducing Dan Mathews at his New York booksigning for Committed: A Rabble-Rouser’s Memoir tonight. If you live in NYC, I highly recommend making the trek to the Chelsea Barnes and Noble at 7 p.m., as any evening with Dan is bound … Read more »

Holly Madison Is Really, Really Attractive

I know I’ve said this before, and I don’t want to sound fickle, but this time I really mean it: I am very much in love. Holly Madison stars in a reality TV show about the Playboy mansion called The Girls Next Door, which I intend to begin watching immediately. She is also a big … Read more »

Sealers Get Punked by the French

Nobody can make you feel stupid quite like the French can. They have it down to an art. This picture, from a protest against the Canadian seal hunt in Paris this week, just says so much. I love the juxtaposition of disgust conveyed by the signs, and outright contempt conveyed by the dude wearing a … Read more »

Spring Cleaning

It’s officially Spring (Allie and Lis, who sit at the desks next to me, are informing me that it has, in fact, officially been Spring for, like, two weeks already — so, I dunno, sorry for the old news. I’ve been busy, so I only just noticed.) Anyway, for anyone who’s rocking a little Spring … Read more »

World’s Dumbest Vegetarian?

I’m sure everyone has seen our Sexiest Vegetarian contest by now, and hopefully you’ve voted for your favorite already. The number and quality of entries has been truly inspiring. If we ever decide to have a Dumbest Vegetarian contest, however, there won’t even need to be any voting because this girl will definitely win. … … Read more »

Ingrid’s Appeal to the Canadian PM’s Wife

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is really good at ignoring people. He”s ignored millions of outraged Canadians and concerned people around the world; he’s ignored countless representatives of the animal protection community; and he even managed to ignore Sir Paul McCartney, when the former Beatle pleaded with him to put a stop to the seal … Read more »

Don’t Say “I Told You So”

We actually didn’t say “I told you so” in this instance, just: “We are sorry to hear about your injury. We tried to help you and the donkeys. Please tell us that you understand now.” I thought that was pretty nice of us, under the circumstances. Here’s the back story: Whiteford Agricultural Schools’ superintendent Craig … Read more »

South Carolina Circus Just Up and Leaves

With hundreds of people standing in line waiting for tickets last week, the Lewis and Clark Old-fashioned Circus just folded up its tents and slinked off into the night. (OK, whatever—it was daytime, and circuses probably can’t slink exactly, but I need a bit of creative license here.) The reason for all the drama was … Read more »

Pamela Anderson Turns Down Axe Body Spray $$$

This week, the folks at Unilever—the parent company for Axe Body Spray—learned the hard way that you can’t perform nasty animal experiments for your product and have Pamela Anderson star in your ad campaigns. It’s really one of those “one or the other” situations—both is just greedy. And, of course, it’s worth mentioning that maiming … Read more »

More April Fools Fun

Allie “Gullible’s not in the dictionary” Sullivan I know I’ve been going on ad nauseam about my little April Fools joke, but did you see Ecorazzi’s? Pretty funny, I think. And obviously a joke, right? Obvious to most of us, but not all. My friend Allie actually screamed with excitement when she thought Paris Hilton … Read more »

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