Push Michael Kors To Go Fur Free

Designer and Project Runway star Michael Kors recently pacified representatives from the Humane Society of the US by agreeing to stop using raccoon dog fur in his clothing lines. Unfortunately, Kors is turning a blind eye to the suffering of the countless other animals he still uses for their fur. It won’t result in fewer … Read more »

Wear Your Own Damn Skin!

You know what I’m saying? Seriously, it just makes me happy to be alive. Her name is Annamarie, the place is Fresno, and there was evidently a bit of a traffic jam for a while. As Annamarie puts it, “I’ll gladly bare some of my skin if it will help save animals’ skins. With all … Read more »

Blame It on Bill Clinton

“What is a heterosexual meat eater like me doing in a place like this?” asked James Carville, in his own living room last night. “Well, like everything else, you can blame it on Bill.” Remember the party that political powerhouses James Carville and Mary Matalin were gonna throw for PETA VP Dan Mathews? To make … Read more »

Gay Makeout Tour!

Credit: Dan Habib, Concord Monitor Fearless PETA members Mike Brazell and Jonathan Frank made a provocative statement yesterday in front of the State House in Concord to advocate for gay rights and vegetarianism at the same time. Mike and Jon chose New Hampshire to celebrate the fact that it has recently become the fourth state … Read more »

Eating Fake Animals

I want to start off today by talking about the veggie burger I created at a barbeque last night. Here’s how it worked: 1 Boca burger, 1 Chik’n patty, a ton of Bac’n bits, 2 slices of soy cheese, a healthy dose of vegenaise, guacamole, lettuce, and tomatoes. In just one sitting, I devoured three … Read more »

An Elephant Named Sue

Hope you’re having a good “Be Kind to Animals Week” Thursday. Remember the Hawthorn elephant campaign from a couple of years ago? If not, the short version is that after extensive negotiations over many months, a circus operation called the Hawthorn Corporation agreed to relinquish twelve elephants to a sanctuary, resulting in the single largest … Read more »

PepsiCo Stops All Animal Tests!

Embarrassing as it is to get scooped by the peta2 blog on a story, this news is way too exciting to pass up. After negotiations with PETA, PepsiCo (the multibillion-dollar parent company of the Pepsi-Cola, Frito-Lay, Tropicana, Quaker Oats, and Gatorade brands) has pledged to end all animal testing. The company’s official statement on the … Read more »

California Finds a Way to Be Nasty to Kangaroos

First of all, Happy third day of Be Kind to Animals week! I hope your week has been as jam-packed with compassion for animals as mine has (mental note: don’t ever say that again). In case you’re casting about for some easy ways to help animals that will fit into your schedule, one great thing … Read more »

Getting Naked, Princeton-Style

What do you do when you have more naked activists than life-size, cellophane-wrapped meat trays? Double up. At least that was how they handled it at Princeton University yesterday, to striking effect. The demonstration, which was a joint protest organized by PETA and the Princeton Animal Welfare Society to draw attention to the suffering of … Read more »

Say No to Pot (roast)

So the Marketing Department just had our weekly meeting a couple of hours ago, and, as often happens, we got to reminiscing about some of PETA’s old marketing initiatives. The conversation went a little like this: Tracy: What ever happened to that “Say No to Pot (roast)” feature we used to have? That was so … Read more »


Princess Cuteyface: You can take the cat off the streets, but you can’t take the street out of the cat I hope day 2 of Be Kind to Animals Week is treating you well. This one’s a wee bit controversial, but I thought it would be a good time to address the issue of purebred … Read more »

Carville, Matalin, and Mathews

James Carville and Mary Matalin</font My roommate is big into political documentaries at the moment, and this weekend he rented a ’93 documentary about Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign, called “War Room”, which I found myself mesmerized by. Two things really struck me about the film: The first were the similarities between the unorthodox way that … Read more »

PETA’s Bear Meets the Queen

This Sunday, at Churchill Downs racetrack, thousands of spectators gathered to watch the Kentucky Derby, brought to you by KFC parent company Yum! Brands—kind of like a little mini convention for animal abusers, where the horse people and the chicken people could get together and talk torture tactics. A cruelty conference, if you will. Or … Read more »

Sienna Miller for Club Sandwiches

A little bit of star-spotting for you today, this one courtesy of People magazine. The lovely Sienna Miller was photographed this week wearing a stylin’ sweater with an animal rights message. Three of my favorite things in one picture: Seals, Sandwiches, and Sienna. Amazing.

The First Annoying Vegan

I know, I know. But this comic strip made me laugh out loud. Enjoy! Thanks to Snaggy and Nitrozac for letting me post the strip!

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