Bob Barker Retires From ‘The Price Is Right’

News1130/Creative Commons Apparently, the time is right for Bob Barker to step down from his throne as the king of daytime TV. The long-time host of The Price is Right has taped his final episode, which is scheduled to air on June 15. Nobody can argue that Barker’s career isn’t impressive—50 years on TV, 35 … Read more »

PETA India Do Things Their Own Way

PETA India’s Campaign Coordinator, Rohini Kamath, just sent me some photos from a couple of protests that she and her colleagues held this week to draw attention to, respectively, the cruelty of the dairy industry, and the hypocrisy inherent in eating meat and trying to save the environment at the same time. Check ’em out: … Read more »

Meet PETA’s New Executive Vice President

This will be an exciting announcement for those of you who are interested in PETA’s inner workings—and I’ve included plenty of cool pics for those of you that aren’t, so bear with me. Tracy Reiman, who has been a driving force behind PETA’s campaigns for 16 years, has just been promoted to Executive Vice President. … Read more »

In Memory of Ben and Cayce

It’s sad times around the office today. Two of our local volunteers and their friend were killed in a car wreck recently. Here is the tribute peta2 posted this morning: Last week we lost our friends Ben and Cayce in a tragic accident. Both of these Virginia Commonwealth University students were vegan, animal rights activists, … Read more »

Awesome Protest in The Hague

I just heard about this awesome protest that went down in The Hague, Netherlands, yesterday. Or, I guess that’s Den Haag for all of you cultured folk out there. Anyway . . . It was at the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), where South Africa, Namibia, Botswana … Read more »

All We Are Saying Is Give Geese a Chance

Check out this amazing song and video made by Bryan Harrell in support of the Chicago foie gras ban. I particularly love the shot of signs that are popping up all over town because Mayor Daley is pushing to bring the Olympics to the city . . .

The Coolest Family on Earth

My friend and colleague Melissa sent me a couple of pics of her baby sisters’ college graduation over the weekend, and when I opened the email, I was totally expecting to see a couple of the usual stock family photos and move on. But instead I saw these amazing shots . . . World, meet … Read more »

Roadkill: Meat Without Murder

Here’s another classic from the PETA vaults, which I came across a little while back and filed away for summer barbeque season. The website, which you can find here, starts off like this: Summer’s Nearly Here! Toss Some Roadkill on the Grill! PETA is urging die-hard meat lovers to help save animals by scouring the … Read more »

Last Chance for Turtles!

Since 1975, there’s been this kickass law that protects baby turtles from being bought and sold as pets for kids who are likely to mistreat and eventually abandon them. All well and good so far, but all of a sudden this law is facing a serious threat of being overturned from the commercial turtle lobby … Read more »

Monster Pig Was a Pet

I’ve been refraining from touching this story for a while now, partially because I didn’t want to give any publicity to a lousy father who thinks that killing animals on the weekend is a good way to teach his son to be a productive member of society. But the latest twist in the sad tale … Read more »

Hollywood Stars for Cali Spay/Neuter Bill

Update: The California Healthy Pets Act has passed the Assembly, and is on its way to the State Senate Committee! Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to push the bill this far — I’ll keep you updated on the Senate vote as it progresses. California’s Healthy Pets Act just got a lot more Hollywood … Read more »

Me No Won’t B Burgers

Anyone familiar with lolcats? This is a take on the phenomenon that my friend Joel made with an image that’s been circulating everywhere on MySpace. Childish? Yes, a little. Joel’s particular brand of genius can manifest itself in odd ways sometimes—but the message is still sound, methinks.

Veggie Dog Eating Contest

How am I just hearing about this? Come on, the first ever veggie dog eating contest, I would have been on a plane to get there faster than the Olsen twins throw up their lunch. Seriously. The soon to be annual event happened last Saturday in Austin, TX, and the report I got said that … Read more »

Gummi Bear Loves KFC

Have you heard of Jason “Gummi Bear” Davis? Don’t worry if you haven’t, he’s just another in the long line of disposable tabloid fodder LA rich kids. Usually Gummi’s only real claims to fame are having a slightly less un-famous brother and not getting into clubs, which while funny of course, wouldn’t land him on … Read more »

When Plaid Goes Bad!

Employees at a Burberry in Philadelphia were surprised to come into work yesterday morning and find these two lovely ladies painted from head to toe in Burberry’s signature plaid design and a little fake blood to drive home the point that Burberry tortures animals for fur. Glorious.  

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