Victoria Beckham Picks Up Skinny Bitch

Spotlightingnews/Creative Commons A photo snapped by paparazzi of everyone’s favorite ex-Spice Girl, Victoria Beckham, buying a copy of Rory Freedman’s Skinny Bitch has sparked a massive spike in sales of the diet book that has been described as “a no-nonsense, tough-love guide for savvy girls who want to stop eating crap and start looking fabulous.” … Read more »

eBay Gets an Earful

If you haven’t heard about the little tiff we’re having with eBay at the moment, the point of contention is that the company refuses to prohibit the sale of live cats and dogs—as well as items lined with dog fur—on its Chinese website. Which, honestly, this is really an issue that everyone can get on … Read more »

Veterinarian Auctions Off Birds

I honestly don’t know how these people get their licenses, but a Florida avian veterinarian named Susan Clubb has just made the astounding decision to auction off 600 exotic birds she’s been using for breeding. Apparently (I wish I were kidding about this), Dr. Clubb is selling the animals because she “needs the money” as … Read more »

Another Birthday: The Olsen Twins

With all this happy talk about Pam and Ingrid’s birthday, I totally forgot to mention the fact that today is the very day, 21 years ago, that Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen were spawned. I figured that this would be an appropriate place for a tribute, so here goes: Mary Kate and Ashley began their … Read more »

Happy Birthday Pamela and Ingrid!

Pamela Anderson and PETA prez Ingrid Newkirk celebrated a joint birthday party in Florida yesterday with a gigantic vegan birthday cake at Sublime restaurant in Fort Lauderdale. Asked how she felt about turning 40, Pam said ”I have no problem with being 40. … I think 40 is the new 20,” which—I can’t help but … Read more »

Reaching Out to Paris Hilton

ChinaDaly/Creative Commons As PETA Vice President Dan Mathews pointed out in his letter to Paris Hilton today, the pair of them now have a common bond: they’ve both spent time in the big house. Dan’s hope is that Paris’ experiences being locked away with a bunch of disgruntled chicks will give her just a bit … Read more »

Bea Arthur Asks PetSmart to Stop Live Animal Sales

The wonderful Bea Arthur, whose record in terms of helping to advance the rights of animals is as impressive as her unforgettable performances in Golden Girls, has gone out on a limb once again for animals—this time to help the rats, lizards, and other animals who get a raw deal in pet stores, where they’re … Read more »

BBQ Contest!
Casey Affleck PSA Banned on Gordon Ramsay’s Hells Kitchen

  In a bizarre move for a network that prides itself on shocking viewers, Fox Television’s New York affiliate has banned a paid PETA ad—narrated by Ocean’s 13 star Casey Affleck—despite the fact that the ad has been accepted to run on other networks in Los Angeles and in Affleck’s hometown of Boston. We wanted … Read more »

The World’s First Hunting Accident

OK, so it’s no secret how I feel about hunting. But I just couldn’t resist this one. It seems that from the start, hunters have had trouble not shooting each other with their weapons . . . could it be that this was the world’s first hunting accident?  

Letter to the Prez, re: Global Warming

Sometimes, when you have serious concerns about the way something’s being done, you just have to take it to the top. And PETA Vice President Bruce Friedrich, who takes in all the latest political happenings with his bran flakes and soymilk every morning, has no qualms about doing exactly that. Bruce just dashed off a … Read more »

Dan Mathews on Wake Up America

For all you Internet radio listeners out there, be sure to check out PETA VP Dan Mathews’ interview on Wake Up America this Monday at 9 a.m. If you’ve never experienced a Dan Mathews interview, you’re in for a treat. Dude is hilarious. Check out this site for more details.

Vick Sets His Sights on Deer

I hadn’t been planning on writing too much more about Michael Vick, given that most people are on the same page that dogfighting is reprehensible and that if Vick is found to have any involvement in the sport—which is looking more and more likely—he needs to be punished to the fullest extent of the law. … Read more »

Vegan Fashion

Check out this great Boston Globe article about the growth of vegan fashion. While I’m not exactly what one would call an expert in the field, it’s great to see so many companies recognizing that there is a huge market out there just waiting to be tapped. And you know the market is there when … Read more »

California Healthy Pets Act Passes Assembly

I know I’ve been going on and on about this, so I wanted to give you guys the good news. It’s not over yet, but the California Healthy Pets Act has passed the Assembly, and is on its way to the State Senate Committee! Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to push the bill … Read more »

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