Animal Companions
Guess What? Fish Are Not Swimming Vegetables

I don’t know about you, but I always get a little bristly when my “almost” vegetarian friends tell me that they “only eat fish.” Of course, I totally believe that nobody is perfect, myself included, and that every small step people take to help animals is important. I just don’t understand how fish got so … Read more »

Animal Companions
Bad News for Foie Gras Lovers…

… apart from the fact that most of them are reprehensible hedonists who care more about living the high life than living a good life—though they probably knew that already. Turns out that foie gras is a carrier for a rare but exceptionally nasty little disease called amyloidosis, which is akin to Mad Cow disease—another … Read more »

Animal Companions
Gearing Up for the Running of the Nudes

Check out the gaggle of nearly naked PETA members who converged on the Spanish Embassy in Washington D.C. yesterday in a warm up for PETA UK’s sixth annual Running of the Nudes in Pamplona, Spain, to protest the cruelty of the Running of the Bulls. OK, so I guess this demo is more like the … Read more »

Animal Companions
Pamela Anderson Vs. Finland. Round 1.

As Scandinavian countries go, Finland is actually pretty awesome. They’ve got some kickass modernist architecture, the world’s finest sauna technology, and—if you’re into bands that play Metallica covers on the cello (which, honestly, who isn’t?)—an unbeatable music scene. Unfortunately, Finland also kills more foxes for their fur than almost any other nation, and we’d really, … Read more »

Animal Companions
What’s up now, PetSmart?

Yeah, that’s right. We got a giant bird costume. For a little bit of context, you should check out our undercover investigation of two PetSmart locations which revealed appalling conditions for the animals sold by the stores. There’s also a handy little factsheet here, which explains (for anyone who hasn’t figured it out by themselves) … Read more »

Animal Companions
Schumacher Furs Loses Frivolous Lawsuit

Indymedia/Creative Commons Yesterday, the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon dismissed a bunch of claims against PETA in a lawsuit brought by some fur-pushers called Gregg and Linda Schumacher on behalf of their business in Portland. In a fantastic victory for animals, Schumacher Furs suffered quite a blow last year when the downtown … Read more »

Animal Companions
Mommy Kills Animals, Take 2

OK, so a few days ago, I posted this little entry about a video for a song called Mommy Kills Animals. I thought that was going to be the end of it, until I started hearing from my colleagues about a certain “lack of enthusiasm” they had detected in that particular post. Apparently, the music … Read more »

Animal Companions
Lost Cat

Here at PETA, it’s not uncommon for us to get ideas for ads sent to us. In fact, it’s a rare day that we don’t get more good ideas than we can ever use sent our way. But this one really struck me. It’s from Scottish member Kfir Bolotin, and I think it sums up … Read more »

Animal Companions
Creature Comforts

Vortis/Creative Commons There’s been a lot of talk round the office today about the new CBS show Creature Comforts. The concept of the show is that they interview a cross-section of America about their lives and then broadcast the interviews with animated animal characters. Weird as that sounds, it turns out that most people’s lives … Read more »

Animal Companions
Italian Fur Promoter Gianfranco Ferre Dies

Gianfranco Ferré, one of Italy’s most well-known designers, died this weekend of a brain hemorrhage in a Milan hospital at the age of 62. When I heard the news this morning, I knew that PETA VP Dan Mathews—who famously crashed a Ferré fashion show wearing a priest costume and holding a “Thou Shalt Not Kill” … Read more »

Animal Companions
World, Meet Charlie the Tooth

One thing I forgot to mention about Ingrid and Pam’s birthday party at Sublime last week was that the real star of the show for everyone setting up the event was “Charlie the Tooth.” Charlie is the boss of Jenny Brown of J. Brown signs, who deserves props for the awesome backdrop, but more importantly, … Read more »

Animal Companions
Senator Jim Webb Celebrates Violence on Father’s Day

  Salon/Creative Commons Jim Webb has been getting a lot of mileage out of a Father’s Day fishing trip he took over the weekend with his son Jimmy—who’s on leave following a tour of duty in Iraq—but it really does seem a bit odd to celebrate someone’s return from a war zone by taking them … Read more »

Animal Companions
Your Mommy Kills Animals Music Video

I’m not entirely sure what to say about this video, but it is interesting to say the least . . . Warning: Parental advisory, explicit lyrics, and all that.  

Animal Companions
Bulgaria’s Last 3 Dancing Bears Freed

Redadmin/Creative Commons Some great news this weekend for Mima, Misho, and Svetla, the last of Bulgaria’s “dancing bears,” who were released to a mountain sanctuary on Friday after a lifetime of torture in the service of a horrific tradition. The process of forcing these animals to perform—a practice which sadly still continues in India and … Read more »

Animal Companions
National Research Council: Animal Testing Is Deeply Flawed

Of course, they could have just asked us. But this recent finding by the US National Research Council is very good news for animals suffering in laboratories. According to the study, “Recent advances in systems biology, testing in cells and tissues, and related scientific fields offer the potential to fundamentally change the way chemicals are … Read more »

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