Animal Companions
Deflocked, by Jeff Corriveau

Deflocked, baby. Deflocked. Click for a larger version To check out the archives of past strips, click here.

Animal Companions
New Impotence Ad!

This one’s a total winner, from the folks at PETA Asia Pacific, who want you to know that eating meat can lead to impotence. Check out the brand-new ad below, and click here to see it in context, doing its job in the men’s room of a Bangkok bar.

Animal Companions
Naked Protesters Slam Fur Industry in Barcelona

Seems like there’s been quite a bit of naked going on lately, especially with all the work that went into putting together this year’s glorious State of the Union Undress, but these images—from a recent anti-fur demonstration in Barcelona—are way too good to pass up. Dozens of activists gathered to draw attention to the cruelty … Read more »

Animal Companions
PETA to President: Clean Out Your Closet

Last week, there were a lot of news reports mentioning the fact that President Bush had turned up for a dinner with Saudi King Abdullah wearing a full-length fur-lined robe. It’s probably for the best that there aren’t any available images of this little fashion disaster, but we did confirm that the President had received … Read more »

Animal Companions
DirectBuy Goes Fur-Free!

In response to a request from PETA, DirectBuy, which had been selling fur coats, hats, and wraps, has agreed to remove all the fur from its catalogs. DirectBuy is the nation’s largest franchiser of members-only consumer buying centers with 149 showrooms across the U.S. and Canada (thank you, Wikipedia), so that’s a whole lot of … Read more »

Animal Companions
Just Another Day at Burberry …
Animal Companions
Britney Removed from Worst-Dressed-List Consideration

Britney in Furs You know, maybe there is something to all this “Leave Britney alone” hoopla. Given her recent trip to the psych ward, it’s becoming more and more clear that she’s not entirely accountable for her actions—and that includes her poor fashion choices just as much as it does her bad parenting decisions. With … Read more »

Animal Companions
Vote for the Worst Dressed Celeb!

For this year’s Worst-Dressed competition (in which PETA calls out the very worst offenders among fur-wearing celebrities) we’re doing things a little bit differently, and allowing the world to vote on who they think should make the list. Polls opened today, and Kate Moss and Britney Spears have jumped into an early lead—but in the … Read more »

Animal Companions
Don’t Forget to Nominate Yourself for Sexiest Vegetarian!

You know you’re sexy, but does the rest of the world? We’re still accepting nominations for this year’s Sexiest Vegetarian Next Door contest until January 15, when a team of hotness consultants led by PETA’s International Sexiness Coordinator Chris Holbein will be picking the 10 male and 10 female finalists to feature on our website. … Read more »

Animal Companions
Police Deeply Confused by PETA India Demonstration

This is pretty much apropos of nothing, but I loved this so much that I had to post it. You may remember an entry from a couple of weeks ago about an anti-leather demonstration held by PETA India members in Bangalore. Well, here’s the picture of the demo again, and below it is a photo … Read more »

Animal Companions
Naked M&Ms Tell Mars What’s Up

Now I know why my friends Allie and Virginia came into the office this morning a slightly different color than normal (respectively, a sort of off-yellow and a nice olive green). Pics from this beautiful demonstration in Times Square have been circulating around the ol’ blogosphere today—the girls were outside the M&Ms World store to … Read more »

Animal Companions
Um…Hi, is Mrs. Posen there?

Zac Posen is a New York fashion designer who still uses fur in his designs, which—pathetic as that is—wouldn’t be worth mentioning right now if it weren’t for the fact that, by a delightful twist of fate, PETA’s New York office has the same phone number that Zac’s mom used to have. Which leads to … Read more »

Animal Companions
Kim Cattrall’s Fur Coats

A little while back, I wrote about a photo that was leaked from the upcoming Sex and the City movie in which Kim Cattrall’s character, Samantha, gets red paint all over her fur coat—you can’t see the perpetrators of this act in the photo, but they’re presumably a group of angry animal lovers (or possibly … Read more »

Animal Companions
Victory! PetSmart to Stop Selling Bunnies

Following a PETA action alert and protests targeting the company, which resulted in thousands of emails to Petsmart Corporate over the last three months, Petsmart has announced that they will no longer sell rabbits in their stores! “At this time,” writes Petsmart (using perhaps my least favorite prepositional phrase ever), “we’re not expanding the test … Read more »

Animal Companions
Trollsen Twins Campaign Launched in LA

The Trollsen Twins Campaign I was talking about earlier today was debuted in LA this afternoon with a demonstration unveiling peta2’s “Fur Is for Beautiful Animals and Ugly People” ad, starring none other than the Olsens themselves. Here are some pics:

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