Dear MoD, What Discussions?!

Hey, everyone! You may remember my previous post about the bearskins investigation. Well, this has generated a ton of media coverage, which is excellent, but this article in particular really caught my eye. A spokesperson from the Ministry of Defence (MoD) was quoted in the article as saying, “Some alternatives to real fur are already … Read more »

SuicideGirls Bare All in peta2’s Latest Anti-Fur Ads.

Greetings from peta2! Being the wild youth that we are over at peta2, since Jack is away we thought we’d take this opportunity to, well, bum rush the blog and tell you what’s going on in our neck of the woods. And there’s a lot. Right now we’re in the midst of a SuicideGirls blitz. … Read more »

Amy Hearts H and M

While Jack is away in Cali, I pledged that I wouldn’t make The PETA Files too girly. Not that I’m really known to be the type of girl who focuses on clothes or make-up more than, say, how the Saints are a better football team than the Redskins. But in the absence of the second-best … Read more »

Happy President’s Day!

I’ll leave the historians to argue about how accurate that Lincoln quote is, but it’s a hell of a nice sentiment. While we’re waiting for them to figure that out, here are some other historical animal lovers for your viewing pleasure.

Amy Cook

I almost forgot! I’m going to be away next week in sunny Berkeley, California, but my arch-rival Amy Cook, whom you may know from the Veg Cooking Files (or whatever it is she calls her blog) will be running the show in my absence. What Amy lacks in worldliness and savoir faire, she makes up … Read more »

Pamela Anderson’s Paris Press Conference

askmen/Creative Commons “Brigitte Bardot asked Pamela to fill in for her today at her annual news conference to protest the Canadian seal slaughter (Brigitte is ill and couldn’t make it). Pam of course did an amazing job. We arrived at Bardot’s offices to a swarm of press. Pam read a 1-page statement about how, as … Read more »

A Brief Exchange With Queen Aretha Franklin

One of our most popular anti-fur slogans here at PETA is “Fur is worn by beautiful animals and ugly people”. And we’ve got some great ads to back it up. But the pictures that have been circulating of Aretha Franklin at the Grammy awards last week don’t even really need the tagline to drive that … Read more »

Happy Valentine’s Day From PETA Europe!

And remember: Pels Ud, Kaerlighed Ind! Some more pics and video at these sites, which are presumably more informative if you speak German Danish.

So, we went into Donna Karan’s house yesterday and…

We’ve been trying to get designer Donna Karan to watch some footage of exactly what happens to the animals killed for her fur coats for a long time now—and yesterday, a brave PETA member who was up in New York for fashion week made sure that happened, with a little help from some soy lattes: … Read more »


If you were following the Super Bowl ads closely this year, you would have noticed an advocacy ad for the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, which depicted a drug dealer lamenting his recent lack of customers, because “kids are just getting high out of their medicine cabinets nowadays.” Which, well, no problem … Read more »

Australian Supermodel Bares All for Charity

Vegan beauty Annalise Braakensiek was recently asked by Cleo magazine to offer a signed photo up for auction to raise money for her favorite charity … which just happens to be our friends over at PETA Asia Pacific. The stunning image that Annalise is donating on PETA AP’s behalf was published in Cleo magazine with … Read more »

PETA Offers Rudy a Job

As of this Wednesday, it looks like Rudy Giuliani isn’t going to be getting that other job he was applying for, but that doesn’t mean he’s run out of options for serious public service, and his first exciting new employment opportunity arrived by fax today, in the form of an offer from PETA President Ingrid … Read more »

Animals Rescued From NC ‘Slow Kill’ Shelter

This case has been a decade in the making, with a steady stream of complaints about substandard conditions and terrible suffering at the no-kill shelter in North Carolina, but this week, shortly after the release of a seven-months long PETA undercover investigation into All Creatures Great and Small, the animals languishing in the shelter are … Read more »

Chrissie Hynde Leads Carriage-Horse Protest

Chrissie Hynde got married while sitting in a horse-drawn carriage in Manhattan in the ’80s, but she’s changed her views on how ‘romantic’ carriage horse rides are since then. This afternoon, she led a PETA protest in Central Park to encourage tourists not to support the carriage-horse industry, which is notorious for abusing the animals … Read more »

Dear Lowe’s: Stop selling glue traps. Kthx.

We have an urgent action alert up on our site right now, asking department store chain Lowe’s to pull the glue traps from its shelves ASAP. The deal with glue traps (as a lot of people find out the hard way when they use them) is that they’re exactly as crude as they sound. Animals … Read more »

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