Beat the Recession Blues!

Well, Alan Greenspan used the “R” word this week, which means that this country is officially in a recession (just in case anyone hadn’t noticed). Fortunately, here at PETA, we have a team of financial analysts, standing by to help people get through those tough times ahead. Here’s what they came up with — enjoy, … Read more »

Naked Germans in Vienna

A little international flavor for you this afternoon: Earlier today outside the British embassy in Vienna, three PETA Germany members wearing little more than Union Jack Underpants and faux fur hats let the royals know exactly how they feel about the British Ministry of Defense’s refusal to stop using bear fur for the Queen’s Guards’ … Read more »

Colbie Caillat!

MySpace superstar Colbie Caillat, who’s more or less poised to take over the world after her smash hit song “Bubbly” tore up the charts this year, recently sat down with my esteemed colleague Nicole Nuss to talk about what she does to keep the animals in her life happy. She’s adorable.

“Paint Panthers” Bring Fur Message Home to Donna Karan

Earlier this week, a group calling itself the “Paint Panthers” e-mailed my friend Michael McGraw, who works out of PETA’s New York office, to inform him that they had visited Donna Karan’s home in The Hamptons and done a little “redecorating,” stenciling “Donna Karan: Bunny Butcher” and painting a rabbit on the pavement with the … Read more »

Morrissey Boycotts Canada

Timeout / CC After being asked recently to perform at a series of events in Canada, Morrissey responded with his sincere regrets and the following powerful condemnation of Canada’s barbaric seal hunt, which began in earnest last week: In late June the Montreal Symphony are hosting a TV Special to salute Buffy Sainte-Marie’s 50th year … Read more »

Fur – just in case you weren’t aware – is a drag.

Norfolk’s annual Doo Dah Parade invites local organizations and business owners to march the streets in ludicrous outfits so that the citizens of this fine city can laugh at them. I’ve never quite figured out why this goes on, but it’s certainly a whole lot of fun. Tragically, I didn’t make it this year, but … Read more »

PETA Bashes Gucci Over Seal-Fur Boots

Seal boots, Gucci? Come on, guys. Did you think that just because you were selling them in Russia, we wouldn’t notice? PETA’s Assistant Director, Matt Prescott, contacted Gucci CEO Robert Polet this week asking him whether he really wants his company associated with the seal hunt. Seriously, Gucci, when even Paris Hilton has worked out … Read more »

Disruption at Alexander McQueen Fashion Show

During a rare Alexander McQueen fashion show in New York last night, the designer (whose intentional use of fox heads and bird skulls has been called “desperate” by PETA’s president) got more than he bargained for. In the middle of the show, two PETA members with blood-red paint covering their hands leapt onto the catwalk … Read more »

peta2’s Fur Is Dead Campaign

I probably don’t mention my colleagues in peta2 as much as I should on this blog. This is primarily because I am jealous of their youth, their vivacity, and their general “too-cool-for-school” attitude. But sometimes they put something together so good that it can’t be ignored (no matter how hard one might try), and their … Read more »

PETA Offers Aretha $19K to Ditch the Fur

After TMZ posted documents last week showing that Aretha Franklin is facing foreclosure, the story has been reported everywhere. Well, despite the fact that we’ve had the occasional run-in with the Queen of Soul, we’re willing to bury the hatchet and even help her out of her recent financial troubles by paying her $19,000 … … Read more »

Newfoundland Government Is Pissed at PETA Germany

The Honorable Tom RideoutCredit: CBC/CC Bad PETA Germany! What were you guys thinking? Did you even take a second to think that you might be hurting the feelings of the Newfoundland Fisheries Minister when you released a video depicting the horrors of the seal slaughter that he presides over? No, of course you didn’t. And … Read more »

Play Fur Fighters!

Do it. It’s amazing.

Bear Crashes Royal Party!

I’ve been following the continued exploits of the black bear who’s been showing up at all of Prince Charles’ appearances in the Caribbean lately, to help remind the Brits that the Queen’s Guard’s regiments should make their hats out of, well, something that’s not bears. Shenanigans have been unfolding on the trip with a good … Read more »

Just in Time for St. Paddy’s Day: PETA’s Grossest Ad Ever?

  According to the British music magazine NME, Irish sperm donors are in short supply and one enterprising sperm bank has come up with an incentive scheme in time for St. Patrick’s Day (donations in exchange for contest tickets). “Sperm donors are to be offered free tickets to any music festival in Europe under a … Read more »

Wife of NY Governor-to-Be Shows Up in a Fur Coat

They’re new to the public eye, so there’s a few little things they’re going to have to learn—but socially appropriate attire is as good a place to start as any. Politico’s Anne Schroeder has the full story, and you can read PETA’s letter to New York’s soon-to-be first lady Michelle Paige Paterson about this photograph … Read more »

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