Take the Clean Meat Poll!

A lot of people had a lot to say about our recent offer of a million bucks to the first team of scientists who could produce commercially viable meat grown in a laboratory (clean meat). We’re deadly serious about this thing, as it could end the suffering of billions of animals in factory farms if … Read more »

Vote for the Sexiest Vegetarian Celebrity!

It’s time, people. As usual, I will be voting for Alyssa Milano. Multiple times. It’s a no-brainer. But don’t let me influence you—cast your vote here, then come on back and lemme know who you picked.

New York Bans Anal Electrocution

There are two things I really like about the story that hit the wires this week reporting New York’s recent ban on anal and genital electrocution of animals for fur. The first thing’s kind of obvious: Animals on fur farms in New York won’t be electrocuted any more (they’ll still suffer, but their deaths will … Read more »

PETA Has a Podcast!

… it stars me, so it must be awesome. Actually, it stars a bunch of people at the forefront of PETA’s work to help animals, who really know what they’re talking about. I just get to introduce them. This month’s Podcast features PETA Vice President Bruce Friedrich talking about how to be an effective advocate … Read more »

Madonna Vs. Mariah

In case you missed it, there’s a Battle of the Divas going on in the media right now. Mothra Madonna is evidently trying to throw down with Mariah Carey to see who’s the most popular. Which means that it’s time to either take sides or get out of the way … and I want to … Read more »

Is the Canadian Fur Council Lying About Its “Product”?

… So say a number of Canadian consumers, who have just filed a formal complaint against the Fur Council of Canada (FCC) with the Competition Bureau of Canada. The complaint—which has been signed by representatives of animal protection groups from British Columbia to Nova Scotia—alleges that the FCC has attempted to gain an unfair competitive … Read more »

Kimora’s Fabulous Faux Fur Barbie

Model and designer Kimora Lee Simmons, whose Baby Phat ads and clothes were once disturbingly furry, has had a big change of heart over the time we have known her. Contact Music published an article yesterday about Kimora’s reasons for giving her branded Barbie doll a faux-fur coat accessory. Kimora says wants kids to know … Read more »

Deflocked, by Jeff Corriveau

Here’s what Jeff says about this week’s masterpiece: “The strip is based on the sad measures that officials have to take in order to protect rhinos from poachers. And a little depravity thrown in for good measure.” He also let me know that, in honor of Earth Week, he sprayed this strip with 50 percent … Read more »

Following Bear Attack, PETA Asks Will Ferrell Not to Act With Animals

In early February, after we were alerted to the fact that Will Ferrell’s latest movie, Semi-Pro, was to feature scenes in which Will (or, more likely, a stunt double) wrestled a live bear, PETA sent a letter to his agents letting them know about the very real cruelty that goes on behind the scenes any … Read more »

Nothing to see here: Just a couple of chicks and a cowboy in the shower

  Earlier today, I brought you an image of a giant dinosaur attacking DC to help end animal testing. I’m no mind-reader, but I’m fairly confident that the following, word for word, is exactly what went on inside your heads when you saw that picture: “This is the greatest thing that I have ever seen. … Read more »

Donate Your Furs to PETA!

But don’t take it from me, take it from Kathie Lee! She reminded people that they can donate their old furs to PETA on the Today Show this week. There’s more info on how to go about it here. We give the furs to homeless shelters, wildlife rehabbers, and activists (who use them in anti-fur … Read more »

Holly Madison is in ur iPhone!

With a bit of help from celebrity photographer Christopher Ameruoso, Girls Next Door star Holly Madison has created a downloadable video for the iPhone based on her amazing Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur ads. Proceeds from the video will go to benefit PETA’s anti-fur campaign. If you’re lucky enough to have an iPhone, and … Read more »

Seal Hunt Protesters Call Arrest an “Act of War”

According to Reuters, the captain and first officer of the Farley Mowat, which belongs to the anti-seal hunt Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, were arrested by Canadian authorities, who representatives from Sea Shepherd say boarded the ship outside Canada’s territorial limit last week. As you might imagine, both sides are telling some conflicting stories about the … Read more »

Baby Madonna?

ninemsn / CC Word on the street is that our old pal Madonna is getting geared up to adopt an Indian baby to comfort her in her dotage. While the prospect of a fur-flaunting Ciccone clone wreaking havoc on the animal world some years down the line is too dreadful to imagine, we’re taking a … Read more »

Time to Give Beyonce a Break?

The Sun / CC We have folks in the office who comb through every celebrity magazine and watch every “Inside Hollywood”-type entertainment show to see (among other things) who’s wearing fur and where they got it from during a given season. And may God bless them for making this noble sacrifice. But the latest report … Read more »

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