Some Records Shouldn’t Be Broken

From the “turnabout is fair play” department—and from an Israeli Web site called—comes a video that dares to imagine what would happen if some role reversal were to happen in the notorious Chinese fur trade. The result is somehow creepier than all the Saw and Hostel films put together—and yet weirdly funny too. Not … Read more »

Hairy Birthday to Mary Kate and Ashley

When my friend Marta sent me an email last week asking me if she could have some of my hair, I didn’t even blink. Marta is one weird chick, and I’ve come to expect stuff like that from her.* But it turns out she actually had a logical (albeit somewhat disturbing) reason for the request: … Read more »

Switzerland’s Cat-Fur Trade

You might be surprised to learn about Switzerland’s involvement in the cat-fur industry. Switzerland is the only country in Western Europe that still legally allows cats to be hunted for their fur. Swiss law even states that cats that wander 200 yards or more away from their homes can legally be killed—and their fur can … Read more »

Bad Karma?

Update 12/22/2008: Donna Karan has announced that her fall 2009 lines will be fur-free and that she has “no plans” to use fur in the future! Read more. I’m not quite sure what Sag Harbor Village, New York—a self-proclaimed “spiritually oriented” town—is thinking by welcoming Donna Karan into their peace circle. But they have, and … Read more »

Parrot Arrested, Not Talking to Cops

OK, so maybe he wasn’t really arrested. But either way, Yosuke the parrot ended up in police custody earlier this month after being rescued from a rooftop near Tokyo. Doing his best stool pigeon impersonation, he didn’t talk to the cops. Yosuke was eventually transferred to a nearby veterinary hospital, where he started talking to … Read more »

Kitties Go Crazy for Sex and the City

Tired of drinking Cosmopolitans all by your lonesome? You’re in luck. After six long years of reruns to keep you company, the bawdy bunch from Sex and the City are back for their big screen debut. Here’s a little quiz to get you in the mood for the new Sex movie:420,000 is the number of:A. … Read more »

Lindsay Lohan’s Stolen Fur Coat

This coat didn’t originally belong to Lindsay … or Masha Markova Update: E! online has the storyI don’t know whether or not LiLo actually stole some rich chick’s fancy fur coat, as the blogs have been suggesting this week, but I can tell you that a lot of the stories about this seem to have … Read more »

Oprah to Go Vegan for Three Weeks!

Photo Credit: Star Max Which is, quite possibly, the best news in the history of news. It’s close, anyway. Inspired by the book Quantum Wellness, by Kathy Freston, Oprah’s going to be cutting all the meat, dairy, and eggs out of her diet in an effort to live a healthy, cruelty-free lifestyle. If you didn’t … Read more »

Oh, and one more thing about breeders …

For a completely surreal glance into the world these people live in, check out this undercover footage from behind the scenes at this year’s Westminster Dog Show. It speaks volumes.

AHA Gives Speed Racer “Unacceptable” Rating. No One Notices.

Quick recap for you, in case you missed it: 1) Late last summer, PETA contacted the producers of Speed Racer to urge them to use alternatives to live animals on set, after a chimpanzee bit a young actor. 2) Despite thousands of emails from individuals who were made aware of this abuse by PETA’s campaign, … Read more »

‘Bloody Yogis’ Descend on Donna Karan Keynote

Donna Karan had a bit of an unpleasant surprise at the Yoga Journal Boston Conference on Saturday, in the form of naked PETA members doused in fake blood and crouched in yoga poses. Just our subtle way of saying, “Hey, DK, how about a little less with the nonviolence speeches and a little more with … Read more »

PETA Named Most Active Group in Shareholder Activism

So most people know PETA for our flashy naked protests and work with celebrities to speak out against cruelty to animals. If you live in the Norfolk, Virginia area, you may know PETA as the group that drives around the mobile low-cost spay/neuter clinic or delivers free dog houses to low-income areas.But unless you’re the … Read more »

It’s World Veg Week! You’ll Never Guess What We’re Recommending …

  OK, you totally will guess. We’re recommending that people pledge to be vegetarian during that week. Obviously, if you want to do it for longer, that’ll make us really happy too, but this is a great time for people who’ve been thinking about making the switch to give it a try in a nice … Read more »

PETA Protests the Preakness

Following the public outrage about the shady practices of the horseracing industry that was triggered by the death of Eight Belles at the Kentucky Derby, many PETA members and concerned citizens showed up at the Preakness in Baltimore to remind the industry that they can’t just sweep their problems under the rug (or send them … Read more »

Moby to Judge peta2 Video Contest

Back when I was coming up, we didn’t need all these whistles and bells to enter a good, ol’ fashioned video contest. We’d just throw on our Sunday best, cue up the Kodak Super 8, and make ourselves a video. And a damn fine video it would be. But apparently that’s not good enough for … Read more »

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