Liar, Liar, Armani on Fire!

Maybe you remember this phrase from your childhood: “Liar, liar, pants on fire, nose as long as a telephone wire.” Well, does that apply to Giorgio Armani, or did he hit his head—causing him to have a drastic about-face? Because the Armani who was once swearing off fur is now dressing babies in it just … Read more »

Win a Trollsen Twins Mask for Halloween!

Stumped about what to wear for Halloween? Forget trying to hustle up some horror out of a hockey mask, and for the love of all that is unholy, please leave that tired old Scream costume in the attic where it belongs. If you really, really want to scare the hell out of people this year—go … Read more »

PETA Launches Cutest Campaign Ever

I am thrilled to announce the launch of the cutest campaign ever to exist: Save the Sea Kittens! In an effort to get people to think about fish in a whole new way, we decided to change their name for a while. If people had to order “sea kitten sticks” at a restaurant, I guarantee … Read more »

Can’t Touch PETA India – You Might Burn Yourself!

The whole of PETA India is on a roll, ya’ll! I’d barely even finished writing my blog entry about the array of successful demos that the grown folk at PETA India have put on throughout the month of September, when their younger counterparts at petaDishoom squeezed in a grand finale! To commemorate Gandhi’s birthday and … Read more »

Vivisector of the Month Presents the Frankenscience Award

Michael B. Hennessycarleton / CC With Halloween this month and scary B movies certain to flood theatres (and the U.S. Postal Service via Netflix), we’re going to honor October’s worst vivisector with a special honor: the Frankenscience Award. We’ll serve up two “scientists” with horrendous records of drugging, isolating, and otherwise torturing animals and allow … Read more »

Fur Protesters, Lettuce Ladies, PETA Asia-Pacific! Oh My!

Not to be outdone by PETA India, the folks over at PETA Asia-Pacific have certainly been busy lately—in the last week, they’ve had three tremendously successful demos! First up, we have three activists in Seoul, Korea, who lay outside a fur store in “bloody” fur coats, caught in a steel-jaw trap. Calling attention to the … Read more »

Doggie Deep Throat

In 2007, PETA received a call from a whistleblower who tipped us off to a Cleveland lab, the Cleveland Clinic Foundation (CCF), that performed a fatal brain surgery on a dog for a useless medical-device sales demonstration. Fast forward to 2008. PETA has received yet another tip from a whistleblower because of yet another alleged … Read more »

PETA’s Fatal Attraction With Glenn Close and Armani

drew / CC So, remember that blog from last week about PETA’s frustration with Armani’s broken promise not to use fur? Well don’t worry, we haven’t lost our steam! We’ve reached out to several celebs to ask them to stop wearing Armani until the designer goes cruelty-free—and now we’ve got our sights set on Glenn … Read more »

Filipina Supermodel Gets Wrapped Up for Animals

Smokin’-hot Filipina model Alicia Mayer is teaming up with PETA Asia-Pacific once again. This time, the FHM cover girl stars in not one but two super-sexy new ads. Posing in plastic wrap, Alicia says, “No one wants to be treated like a piece of meat.” The stunning actor knows that the easiest way to end … Read more »

Paul Newman Remembered as Friend to Animals

iNPLACENEWS / CC With the passing of Paul Newman, animals and the people who care about them have lost a dedicated friend and advocate. Beyond his work as an actor, Newman’s companies—Newman’s Own and Newman’s Own Organics—placed a particular emphasis on minimizing the suffering of animals. PETA’s shopping guide at features a dozen Newman’s … Read more »

PETA to TomKat: Don’t Drench Suri in Armani Fur!

timeinc / CC So check it: Last year, Giorgio Armani told Time magazine, “I spoke with the people from PETA, and they showed me some materials that convinced me not to use fur.” All well and good right? I mean, who could wear fur—let alone mass produce it—after seeing where it really comes from! WRONG! … Read more »

Ricky Gervais Declares: Save the Queen’s Bears!

virginmedia / CC Looks like one of the funniest celebrities in the world is joining PETA Europe’s worldwide fight to stop the slaughter of Canadian black bears for silly hats. And I’m particularly excited about this celebrity, who is probably one of my favorite entertainers of all time: Ricky Gervais. Gervais, whom you probably know … Read more »

PETA Presents the ‘Hairy PETA’ Series

If I were to say “Hari Puttar,” what is the first thing that would come to mind? If you said “Harry Potter,” you’d be wrong, according to Mumbai-based studio, Mirchi Movies. They pinky-promise that their film Hari Puttar: A Comedy of Terrors bears no similarity or links to the popular Harry Potter book series/films/franchise/cult-like-following. Apparently, … Read more »

Gwyneth Paltrow Models Furs, Lack of Scruples

minconline / CC She may have won rave reviews for her role in Iron Man, but Gwyneth Paltrow is getting nothing but rotten tomatoes from animal lovers everywhere this week. Gwyneth recently put aside her scripts and picked up a few dead animal skins to model for the Tods fall collection, including a fur shawl. … Read more »

Bad Will Hunting

You know those silly looking hats that the British Royal Guards wear? Did you know that they’re still made out of real bear skin—and that it can take up to one whole bear to make just one cap? And that the bears’ deaths are usually anything but quick, clean, and humane? Bears are ensnared, sometimes … Read more »

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