Animal Companions
Fur Wearers, Beware!

‘Tis the season to fight fur full-force, and our unstoppable campaigners have been doing just that. They took their eye-catching demos to cities across the Pacific Northwest to show folks the fur industry’s horrific practices.   Campaigners in Seattle show the agony animals trapped for fur go through   Animals are left to languish in … Read more »

Animal Companions
Lettuce Ladies Turn Over a New Leaf

PETA’s Lettuce Ladies are on the road again! And this time they’re kicking America’s poor eating habits to the compost heap. The lettuce-clad ladies are hittin’ the streets to greet folks with delicious and free Tofurky sandwiches. Their goal: to get people to turn over a new leaf and go vegetarian for the new year. … Read more »

Animal Companions
Leopard Ladies on Ice

Our sexy leopard ladies recently hit the ice in San Francisco to remind fellow winter-lovers to “bare skin, don’t wear skin.” They suited up in spots, shed their clothes, and spread the compassionate cruelty-free message.     But ya know how some people just can’t handle the heat (er … ice)? Well rink security quickly … Read more »

Animal Companions
Hairy Kate and Trashley: It Doesn’t Get Much Fuglier Than That

latimes / CC The latest spread in Us magazine features our favorite fur-toting trolls as they exemplify the ugly side of fashion. The haggard crones just can’t seem to get enough of killing animals for their fur, whether they’re wearing it, designing with it, or paying someone to rip it off the backs of animals. … Read more »

Animal Companions
Canada Attempts (and Fails) to Improve Conditions for Seals

britannica / CC Every year in Canada, over 330,000 harp seals are bludgeoned to death as the world looks on in horror. Recently, opposition to this cruel industry has been mounting and the international community is speaking out against this bloody massacre. Belgium and the Netherlands have passed laws banning the importation of seal fur, … Read more »

Animal Companions
Cruelty, Thy Name Is Wintour

OK. So I’ll admit that I’m a sucker for a good list. Grocery lists, “to do” lists, Christmas lists (wait, that was last week)—you name it. Lists are a fantastic source of information (see our favorite lists), as demonstrated by this bit of list gold I found while browsing Time Magazine’s “Top 10 Fashion Faux … Read more »

Animal Companions
Paris Hilton Gets Faux-Fur Present From Mom

crimerant / CC In the three years since Paris Hilton had a bouquet of flours (millet and plain baking) tossed at her—sorry, on her—by an animal rights activist, she’s come a long way. But, like some others who have graced PETA’s annual “Worst Dressed” list, Paris has gotten the message about the cruelty of the … Read more »

Animal Companions
PETA Europe Helps Lab Save Thousands of Rabbits

court-records / CC Our awesome friends over at PETA Europe have some exciting news! With their help and funding, new skin irritation tests that do not use animals have been successfully validated to replace the use of rabbits completely! This will save thousands of rabbits. This wonderful news means that animals will not be used … Read more »

Animal Companions
Making It Work With Tim Gunn

Any other Project Runway fans out there? Yep, that’s what I thought! I am just dying for them to announce the date for the new season. I mean, yeah, the clothes are awesome and the drama is entertaining, but I’ll admit that the real reason I tune in is to see the true genius behind … Read more »

Animal Companions
Animal Skinning and Racism Go Hand-In-Hand

Racism, slaughter, skinning … this video has it all—all things inhumane and barbaric, that is. In a shocking new video released by our pals across the pond at PETA Europe, some bear-skinners recently got their five minutes of fame when, unbeknownst to them, they were videotaped cutting the skin off a black bear and spitting … Read more »

Animal Companions
Sexy Santa Asks Shoppers to Go ‘Ho, Ho, Faux’

Bet you thought Santa only came once a year. Well, don’t be too sure! PETA’s “Sexy Santas” are making the rounds to let fur-wearers know that they’re on our naughty list this year. Check us out at these anti-fur demos handing out free candy canes and info on the horrors of fur, leather, and wool. … Read more »

Animal Companions
Dear Donna Karan: It’s On. Officially.

We’re so proud to launch our new Web site: By going back on her promise to shed fur from her collection (twice!), Donna Karan has made it clear that she’s OK with the electrocutions, neglect, confinement, suffocation, and death that go on in factory farms. In response, we’ve shown up at her apartment, her … Read more »

Animal Companions
Ho Ho Ho, PETA Activists Are Coming to Town!

With shopping season in full swing, PETA volunteers and campaigners are out there braving the cold. Check out photos of some of our recent attention-getting demos below: In Massachusetts, PETA’s “Grim Reapers” descended on Donna Karan’s storefront and dragged bloodied furs through the streets of Boston. Taunting the heartless designer to “bring out her dead,” … Read more »

Animal Companions
Emmylou Harris: Country Music’s Canine Crusader

Country superstar Emmylou Harris’ life has really gone to the dogs—and she wouldn’t have it any other way. Devoted to lending a hand to down-and-out dogs, the down-to-earth music legend once rolled up her sleeves to help PETA build doghouses for cold and lonely dogs who were trapped at the end of a chain.Now she’s … Read more »

Animal Companions
Pamela Anderson Goes Dutch

quickblogcast / CC You never can tell where PETA’s bombshell BFF—and honorary director—Pamela Anderson might pop up. Could be Finland. Or France. Or Oz. Or even a Vegas homeless shelter. No wonder her show is called Girl on the Loose! The latest dispatch comes from The Netherlands. The thing about Pam that’s so awesome is … Read more »

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