Animal Companions
The Obama Effect

i-love-dogs / CCPortuguese Water Dog Well, Michelle Obama has gone and done it: She ‘fessed up to People magazine that the first family is leaning toward adopting a Portuguese water dog. To give her credit, she stresses that the family plans to adopt the dog from a shelter or rescue group, but we sure do … Read more »

Animal Companions
How I Spent My Egyptian Vacation

When you work for PETA, it’s hard to ever really go on vacation. That’s because everywhere you go, you are bound to encounter people doing not-so-nice things to animals. Take my recent trip to Egypt. Skinny stray cats and dogs were hanging around outside all the hotels and restaurants, camels were living in squalor outside … Read more »

Animal Companions
Victory: Ad Agency ‘Fires’ Great Apes

citypages / CC The recent attack on a Connecticut woman by a chimpanzee named Travis served as stark reminder that great apes should never be kept as “pets” or used for entertainment. In the wake of this tragedy, we are happy to announce that Young & Rubicam (Y&R) (the fourth largest ad agency in America) … Read more »

Animal Companions
More Bad News for Yale

After our recent demonstration in New Haven to let residents know that Yale is spending millions of taxpayer dollars torturing monkeys, the university wasn’t exactly ready to throw open its doors and give guided tours to people who wanted to find out more. Well, Yale’s secretive vivisectors may have been a bit surprised on their … Read more »

Animal Companions
Fire Department Digs Deep to Rescue Pup

the-proper-pitbull / CC Well, be still my heart—kind-hearted firefighters have struck again! The Gulfport Fire Department in Mississippi has received a PETA Compassionate Fire Department Award for its efforts in rescuing a dog who was trapped 16 feet underground. A crew working on a gas line heard Pepper’s muffled barks and wasted no time in … Read more »

Animal Companions
‘Battlestar’ Actor Bares Skin to Save Bears

Whether they’re for humans or Cylons, one thing that Battlestar Galactica fans can agree on is that Jamie Bamber (aka Lee “Apollo” Adama) is frakkin’ hot! (Also that he made a better commander than president—or maybe that’s just me …) And as luck would have it, Jamie’s beauty isn’t only skin deep, as he recently … Read more »

Animal Companions
The Naked Truth About KFC

As the Midwest’s snowy winter drags on, PETA beauties have been heating things up. They recently flocked to a KFC in Champaign, Illinois, to tell customers the “naked” truth about how cold-hearted KFC abuses chickens. After hearing the gruesome details, I think it’s safe to say that many would-be customers were seriously thinking about flying … Read more »

Animal Companions
Have You Hugged a Baby Seal Today?

While most of us would never dream of bashing in a helpless baby seal’s skull, there are people out there who don’t even think twice about it. More than 205,000 seals were killed last year in Canada’s annual seal massacre, which is why we sent a “baby seal” to Ottawa, Ontario, to ask the locals … Read more »

Animal Companions
Bunnies aux Barricades

As all you fashionistas out there are probably aware (and everybody else probably isn’t), Giorgio Armani opened a boutique in New York City this week. Paris Hilton and Kanye West (the man who has an employee whose sole—pun intended—job is wrangling the rapper’s 400-and-some-odd shoes) were thrilled. Bunnies on fur farms? Not so much. Of … Read more »

Animal Companions
We’re Looking at You, Canada

Yesterday, PETA held a press conference in Vancouver to announce our ramped-up campaign against the Canadian seal slaughter. We’ll be running the campaign up to and through the 2010 Olympic Winter Games, which will be held in the city. Our goal is to switch some of the focus from Canada’s Games to Canada’s shame—the annual … Read more »

Animal Companions
It’s On, Canada

Another year has come and gone, and still our snow-covered neighbor to the north continues to back the annual massacre of baby seals—the largest and bloodiest marine-mammal hunt on Earth. With the start of Canada’s seal slaughter only weeks away, we held a press conference in front of Vancouver City Hall to kick off our … Read more »

Animal Companions
Announcing PETA’s 2008 Litterbox and Glitterbox Winners

As anyone who’s seen our Super Bowl commercial can attest, we know a good ad when we see one. We can also spot a bad advertisement, and when we do, we’re not shy about sharing our feelings. Every time we see that a company has incorporated a negative—or positive—message about animals into an ad, we … Read more »

Animal Companions
Armani Gets Stoned

At the risk of incensing the GEICO caveman, we rounded up some “Neanderthals” to protest outside bunny butcher Giorgio Armani’s Chicago boutique earlier this week. As you’ll note in the photos below, they carried signs reading “Only Cavepeople Wear Fur,” but I think even cavepeople would balk at supporting the disgusting rabbit fur industry, as … Read more »

Animal Companions
Sexy PETA Ladies Kiss and Tell

NBC may have stopped us from delivering an educational sex talk to Super Bowl viewers, but they can’t stop us from taking the veggie love on the road with a Katy Perry–inspired “bed-in.” Our lingerie-clad beauties hit the streets to show the public that vegetarians make better lovers, and these ladies do kiss and tell. … Read more »

Animal Companions
Quiznos Helps Animals!

claytonguiltner / CC I travel a lot for work, and between going to meetings, catching flights, and trying to get to hotels at a reasonable hour, I’m always on the lookout for a quick bite to eat. Quiznos has saved me many a time with its delicious toasted veggie sandwiches—but I’ve been troubled by its … Read more »

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